I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 35

Chapter 35




“My last summer break as a high school student… ugh! I don’t like the idea of being stuck in studying”

“That’s true, but it can’t be helped, can it? It’s important to study if you want to get a job or go to a good university.”

In a few days, the summer holidays will arrive.

We will have about a month of free time, but for those of us who are graduating from high school this year, it could be said that it is a difficult time in a sense.

“Well, it’s the last summer holiday for high school students, so it’s important to study, but also to have fun and make memories.”

I said this to Akira and Shogo who were talking in front of me.

It is true that it is important to study with an eye on the future, but I also want to have a good time because it is the last year of high school.

“…Well, that’s also true, isn’t it?”

“If you’re not aiming for a famous university in the city or something, there’s no need to study to death. Studying moderately and playing moderately seems like a good idea.”

Well, in the end, playing is more pleasing to us.

Although I still don’t have a clear vision for my future, everyone in my family is fine with whether I go to university or get a job.

Although I am naturally grateful to them for giving me the freedom of choice, my sister says that university life is fun in its own way, so even I am thinking about pursuing a higher education.

(…I don’t know. I’m really grateful to my dad and mom. Thanks for letting both of us kids think about university.)

I thank them every chance I get, but my dad and mom either understand or tell me not to worry about them because we’re kids, so I’m always a little moved when I see their smiles.

“What’s wrong? You look like you’re thankful for everything in the world.”

“Shut up. But yes, I’m thankful for parents.”

I don’t think anyone is as grateful as I am.

I’m thankful for my family. I’m thankful for hypnosis apps. I’m thankful for my girlfriends who don’t only accept my desires but also give me pleasure. I love everything in this world.

“…that was a bit creepy.”

“What’s wrong?”


I told them both that it was nothing and I got up from my seat.

The time now is lunchtime, which means that today, as usual, I head to an empty classroom.

“Oh, you’re here, Saika?”


Saika is my partner today.

It’s not in my imagination that I think that the more I see her like this, the bolder or sexier she becomes.

(…I really didn’t expect Saika to be like this in the beginning. Well, it’s not that I didn’t have a desire that a girl who looked so mature could possibly be sexually active.)

Saika came close to me, perhaps because she was curious about the fact that I was sitting still and not moving.

She took my hand and pulled me along, and made me sit on the chair she always uses.

“Then hurry up -”

“No, wait a minute, Saika.”


I wanted to build up some more of this excitement.

I had Saika sit on top of me in the chair, and from the front, I buried my face in the wonderful feeling of the best in the school year, which is no exaggeration.

I was grateful to Saika, who twitched ticklishly but never moved away from me, and I did whatever I wanted to vent my desires.

“Something like…”


“Isn’t Saika getting sexier and sexier? Am I imagining it?”

“If you think so, it must be Kai-kun’s fault. I don’t want to do this to anyone other than Kai-kun, and since it’s you, I want you to be happy.”

“…I’m embarrassed when you say it straight out.”

“I’ll tell you. I don’t have to hold back from expressing these feelings… more than anything else, I’m living my life for Kai-kun. Taking the initiative to do what makes you happy is the meaning of my life, and Kai-kun was the one who said it to me in the first place, right?”

“Oh, that’s right. Kuh! That’s a good spirit, Saikaaaa!”

After that, I just enjoyed Saika’s touch for a while.

Then, of course, I needed to release my pent-up desires, so I just told Saika that I was going to ask her and she moved like she knew what she had to do.


I was very satisfied with today as well.

There is still about ten minutes until the end of the lunch break, but Saika has been leaning in to embrace my arm the whole time.

It could be said that it’s like a lovey-dovey space between lovers, but it’s a bit hot because it’s summer.

“Hey Kai-kun.”


Damn it, I can’t separate myself from this pleasant feeling.

I was completely distracted, and in my ear, Saika asked me something like this.

“Why don’t you do the real thing?”

“Eh? … ah~”

Thinking about why I don’t do the real show, this might be the first time I’ve been asked this question in this way, to my surprise.

Do you want to do the real thing? I’ve been asked that before, but it’s like I let it slide that I wasn’t going to do it right then.

“I won’t. I don’t know why… well, there’s a lot of reasons.”


Saying that, Saika pulled her face closer.

I can’ t help but wonder why she’s so eager, but as for me, the smell of her being so close to me is so good that I couldn’t be bothered to pay any deeper attention.

“No, I’m interested too, you know? I still think it’s an act worth doing because I have these powers and I’m bold enough to do whatever I want… but, you know…”


“Because if anything should happen to you, I’m not capable of taking responsibility yet, and above all… because I feel bad for you guys.”

“…it’s not that bad.”

“I know you’ll say that. But it’s because of the current circumstances.”

If I’m honest, I know that there is no problem for the girls in their current state, no matter what I do.

But I still think there is a line that needs to be drawn.

“Well, I know it’s a bit late for me to be saying this, but… Still, I still think we need to draw a line there”

“…Even if I do this?”

“Oh, hey!”

Saika stood up from me.

Standing directly in front of me, she took off her skirt and even removed her underwear.

“Even though I’m like this? I’m the one you want right now, and you can’t?”


I gulped at the unexplored world spread out in front of me.

Even if she is in a hypnotic state, her body still feels sensations, and if anything, it is natural for her body to show a reaction through the act with me.

I’ve seen Emu use toys, but… mmmm, this is still too much stimulation for me.

“……..You’re a loser.”

“Shut up!”

“You’re a slob!”

“Shut up! I’ll seriously attack you!”

“Why don’t you?”


This girl is just too strong.

I managed to restrain myself and was able to get through the onslaught from Saika, although we continued a similar exchange after that.

However… not only Saika, but also Mari has been making more and more similar appeals like this.

“…I, can I really resist?”josei

Isn’t it okay if I do it? It’s not that there are times when the wicked me in my heart whispers, but I’m afraid that if there’s any trigger, I’m likely to jump over the rails I’ve laid out in my mind.

It’s also too bad that these girls are too attractive.

“See you later?”


It’s not good, if I start to be conscious of Saika’s every move, I’ll start to feel attracted to her.

With a slight fear of Saika, who canceled the buff of the activated wise man time with the debuff of further excitement, I immediately left the school as it became after school.


At that time, my phone suddenly trembled and I wondered who it was, but it was my sister.

[I’m going shopping for a bit, do you want to go out with me?]

To that message I immediately said okay.

The meeting place was in front of the station, and when I got there reasonably early, my sister was waiting for me, playing with her phone.


“There you’re, I’ve been waiting for you.”

If my sister called me, I said I would come over immediately.

Then it was time to go shopping, which was the original purpose of the trip, but as she is a woman, the shopping took a long time.

“Next is this… and that too. Hey Kai, aren’t you bored?”

“I’m bored, but I’ll stay with you until the end, don’t worry.”

“…Okay. Thanks.”

Sis laughed and resumed shopping.

I then watched her shopping and left because I had to go to the toilet for a while.

When I returned to my sister’s place a little while later, I tilted my head in bemusement.

“…who’s that?”

Sis was talking to a man I didn’t know.

But… the way Sis was looking at him, I could somehow tell that she was somewhat disgusted, or that she had negative feelings towards the other man.


“Kai? Welcome back.”

“Yeah? Who is he?”

“You don’t need to know who he is.”

Sis immediately rushed to my side.

I wondered who this man was, and she told me.

“He’s a classmate of mine from university. Lately he’s been talking to me a lot and it’s been troublesome… I don’t like it, I didn’t think I’d meet him in front of Kai.”


Apparently they were acquaintances.

Well, it seems that even though he is an acquaintance, there is no doubt that he is someone I don’t want to get to know, and Sis leaned closer to me so that she could shrink her already small body.

“Masaki-san, what kind of relationship do you have with him? Don’t tell me he’s your lover–” – The guy.

I immediately thought, “Ah, this guy is a troublesome type.”

I had a lot of thoughts about this guy, but when he makes that sister look so disgusted, he’s like an enemy to me.

And… I felt something somewhat nasty in the way he was looking at my sister.

By the time I came to that thought, I already had my phone in my hand.

It’s time to hunt, buddy.

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