I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

I wonder if I’m dreaming now, I feel like that.

“F**k you… what the f**k is wrong with you!”

“Didn’t I tell you? You don’t deserve to know my name.”

My mouth moves on its own in my hazy consciousness, and if I had spoken in real life, it would have been too embarrassing to say such lines… but more than that, I am inwardly stunned by the men lying around me.

With a vague recollection of what happened after I looked at my phone, I went into the basement house by myself and challenged all the guys in person.

[F**king kid. Kill him guys–]

[You’re slow. You think you can beat me with you sloppy moves like that?”]

[Tsk. Alright… all of you, take him!]

[I’ll give you that much of a handicap. Come on, then.]

…I don’t know what I’m looking at or what I’m doing anymore.

If you think my body, which you can feel is me, has made those acrobatic movements, sure enough, I’ll be able to take them down one by one.

I felt like I had become a hero in a manga.



I tilted my head at the thinly-laughing man, but I was not unaware of the presence approaching from behind.



A slight shift of my body to the side was enough for a bat that another man swung at me to pass.

Without giving him time to be surprised, I dealt a back-fist blow to that man.

“Ggh… ah…”

Looking at the man who fell down and stopped moving as it was, I was admiring myself for my action, as if I was someone else’s problem.

Well, now there was no one else in my way. I turned my attention to Matsufusa-san’s brother.

His eyes that looked at me, which had changed from the sneer earlier, were conspicuous, as if he was looking at a monster, but how rude he was – you’re the monster who sold your own sister for money.

“Ah… shit!”

He pointed his phone at me and did something with it.

I felt something clinging to my body, and again he smirked and smiled sickeningly, but it didn’t mean anything to me.


I shouted louder as I tried to put more strength under my stomach, and the sickening feeling that was trying to cling to my body was lost.

“…Why… why… why!”

That’s what I’d like to ask… well, for now, I guess I’ll have to deal with the stunned Matsufusa-san first.

Realizing that any tricks are futile, he stands up and rushes towards me, but my body takes a posture to intercept him as calmly as it can.

“Let’s end it all with this blow.”

“Don’t screw with me, Ahhhh!”

“Fire smash!”

What a lame naming sense!

While inwardly making such a tsk, my fist neatly landed on his cheek. His body trembled, and then stopped moving.

After confirming that he had stopped moving, I pointed my phone at the phone he was holding – and as if something resonated, the screen lit up and the hypnosis app was completely erased from his phone.

“Misson Complete! Oops… eh?”

There, at last, my consciousness finally became clear to me.

What had happened earlier was hazy but still in my memory, and after being in a daze for a while I quickly approached Matsufusa-san.

“Are you alright?”

“…You are.”

Matsufusa Mafuyu-san, she was still staring at me in a daze.

However, she immediately embraced herself and began to shed large tears.

“Oh, I… I… why why… is this real? No… this can’t be like this… ahhh!!!!”


It was the wailing of her, heart breaking.

A woman’s crying like I’ve never seen before. It was enough to sew my body’s movements to the spot.

(… This is… the real damage caused by hypnosis apps…)

Then I… No, first of all, it’s important to calm Matsufusa-san down.

Seeing her crying so much reminds me of my previous interactions with Aika and Fiana, and I’m not sure whether I should touch her or not.

“… yeah! Excuse me for now!”

I hug her trembling body.

Although her body trembled even more strongly, Matsufusa-san seems to have calmed down a little, as if she knows who I am.

While gently patting her back, I also slowly spoke to her.

“It’s all right now. Rest assured… it might be difficult to say, but…”

“…little brother?”

Ah, it’s the first time I’ve been called Little Brother, so it’s fresh.

Matsufusa-san wanted to cling to someone anyway, so she hugged me snugly with her arms around my back.

Even at a time like this, when I can think that it’s a pleasant feeling, it makes me think that I’m really generous in both good and bad ways.


I decided to take Matsufusa-san before these guys woke up anyway, but then I noticed that the screen of my phone was flickering.

Matsufusa-san kept her face buried in my chest, so I stared at the screen, trying not to pay attention to her for once.

(… Erase memories? Can you do that?”)

Such words were floating on the screen of the hypnosis app that had been launched before I knew it.

The only thing is that the notes are written on the side, and I was stunned that I could use it specially only now.

(I thought you couldn’t alter memories, buddy… well, if this really works, it might be the quickest way to do it.)

For Matsufusa-san, this memory will probably remain already.

That’s why if I erase that memory at this moment, she can forget about being toyed with by those bastards… it’s like she’ll forget about me meeting her like this now, but what’s the point.


It’s not my place to say, but it’s the unrealistic thing called a hypnosis app that got her into this mess.

Then, if you erase the memories related to that normally impossible thing, Matsufusa-san can return to the same normal reality as before.

(… Well, I’ll have to do something harsh to him…)

As for Matsufusa-san’s brother, he will be punished without mercy.

Even though the hypnosis app is already gone from his hands, there is no way I can leave him near Matsufusa-san who did this to her.

If this power to erase memories was also available to him, there would still be many ways to do it, but as far as his brother’s fate is concerned, Matsufusa-san would probably be puzzled about it.


“… Yes?”

Finally, her mood seems to have calmed down to some extent.

She’s older than me because she’s in the same class as my sister, but it feels strange that she only looks younger than me when she stares at me like this with her swollen, crying eyes.

I continued my words to Matsufusa-san, who raised her face.

“You’ve worked so hard until now… it might be strange to say, but you’ll be able to wake up from this dream soon. My sister was also very worried about you, and please show Matsufusa-san how healthy you are.”

“Um… little brother?”

I’m sure she won’t understand what I’m saying.

But that’s okay. I’m not even originally qualified to comfort her like this… because I’m the same being as that guy.

“…please, buddy.”

The screen lit up as if to respond that it understood.

Matsufusa stared at me as if she had sensed something, but her eyelids soon closed as if she were sleepy.

I held up Matsufusa-san, who had lost her strength, and leaned against me, and made her sit on a chair that had been placed nearby.josei

“Well… one more job then, buddy.”

For now, let’s just have all these guys, including that son of a b!t*h, run amok as long as they don’t cause trouble for other people.

They’re probably doing a lot of other crazy stuff, and the police people are going to start working on that and a lot of other things as well.

“There are usually some stuff that looks bad in situation like this.”

I found something like flour (Coke), and this is out of my jurisdiction after that.

I said everyone earlier, but it looked like it was going to be difficult, so I knocked a couple of them up and put them in a hypnotic state before throwing them outside.

After that, I picked up Matsufusa-san, walked out of the basement house, and sat down on a bench a little distance away.


“Ah, did you wake up?”

Matsufusa-san opened her eyes and was in a daze for a while, but when she saw me, she was startled and shouted loudly.

“Oh, little brother! Why am I here! What, I fell asleep beside you, little brother! Huh? Could it be that I was violated!?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

What is this woman saying the moment she opens her eyes!

I forgot what had just happened and ended up raising my voice, but Matsufusa-san laughed brightly and put her hands together to say sorry, sorry.

“Well, I was a bit surprised. I feel like something happened, but I can’t remember… hey, are you sure you didn’t do anything to me?”

“No, I didn’t!

“You don’t have to deny it so strongly, do you?”

“I’m sorry.”


Ah, I think I understand why I can easily tell when this person loses energy.

But… it seems that the memories from earlier are really gone, and I can’t see any feelings of fright at all, nor can I feel any sadness through those eyes.

(… even though I’ve done something as outrageous as altering her memory… looking at Matsufusa-san’s smile, I feel that I haven’t done anything wrong.)

But I think this will solve my sister’s concerns, won’t it?

It seems natural that she doesn’t even remember that I helped her, but there’s no better reward than this smile… after all, a smiling woman is indeed a wonderful token.

“Huh? What’s all that noise?”

“Eh… ah… yes…”

Apparently, there was a lot of movement on their side.

I led Matsufusa-san away from this place without further ado, and decided to leave her because I had something to do.

“Bye then, little brother ❤.”

“Ah, yes… see you.”

That smile she showed me again at the end made me confident that what I had done was not wrong.

But… needless to say, it was an incident that made me think a lot.

I’m a bit uncomfortable remembering that it happened, but it’s certainly a memory I’ll always have to carry as a person involved in some way.


“…So that’s your little brother, huh? He seems to be as kind as I thought he is.”

After parting with Kai, Mafuyu muttered this while walking alone.

And at the same time, she also muttered something like this.

“If that kind of boy is my little brother… that? Little brother?”

Mafuyu stopped, and hmm ~ed, tilting her head as she continued her words.

“Why did I think that he was my little brother? I don’t have a brother.”

Some mechanical intelligence somewhere spelt out the words ‘sorry I overdid it’… perhaps.

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