I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


A woman lets out a sigh in an office.

That woman was the woman Kai had seen in the coffee shop before, in other words, the woman who had attacked him on the night of the fireworks event.

The woman let out a sigh for one reason only – it was about Kai, of all people.

“… he definitely used that power… so why…”

After the situation up to this point, there is nothing to hide.

Yes, this woman had once been the victim of hypnosis by another man.

[Damn, she’s got a nice body. And she’s got a great face too.]

[… stop… stop…!]

[Don’t you dare resist.]

[… stop… stop…!]

It was a memory that makes me sick just thinking about it.

As for this woman, first of all, she had a strong heart, and because she was also strong-minded, she recovered reasonably quickly.

Because of these experiences, she has lived her life according to her own reactive aversion, as it has been confirmed that she has a mysterious power, although the full picture has not been revealed.

And it was Kai who was at the point to which her own antenna pointed. And the moment she saw him, she intuitively knew that he was the same kind of man as that man.


She wanted to protect the woman who had suffered through the same thing, and to defeat the rubbish that tramples on a woman’s heart, no matter how young the man may be… She decided that Kai was evil according to such feelings, but the result was that she ended up breathing out a sigh.

“Why… why really… why…”

She muttered as she held her head in her hands.

Being defiled by a mysterious power is a humiliation for a woman, and she herself should have known that… she should have known it better than anyone else.

And yet none of the girls by Kai’s side felt disgusted; on the contrary, they found themselves liking him.

“That power is not absolute. The more it is used, the less potent it becomes, and the more it is used, the more the body should gradually regain its freedom, like mine… Then why those girls!”

The women’s reactions were more than anything else above the women’s expectations, even though they were able to notice the traces of hypnosis and the fact that their bodies were gradually becoming more resistant to the hypnosis.

However, they pretended not to notice this, and that night, when she thought she had absolutely controlled the scene, she was repulsed by the girls.

“No doubt they were hypnotised… but when they grabbed me by the hand, it was broken…”

It seemed the more I thought about it, the less likely I was to get an answer.

And there was another emotion plaguing the woman… one that she could not and should not admit to.

“That boy… how could that boy be so…”

His heart didn’t seem dirty, or rather the opposite… The woman shook her head, strongly, thinking to that extent.

It’s not that I’m not attracted to him. I don’t like him. I still have negative feelings towards Kai, but… the more time passes, the more the hatred is lost, as if it is purified in the girls’ expressions.

“… maybe I should go outside for a bit.”josei

In order to calm down, and above all, to fulfill the noble purpose of rescuing the unfortunate women that they had… the women decided to calm down first in order to do so.

And then the woman found.

“…that one!!!!”

It was a girl of university student age.

Approaching the girl, who had the same air of unhappiness as herself, the woman approached her with enthusiasm.

“Hello, can I have a word with you?”

“Huh? Me?”

The girl with the red mesh stood out… but the moment she looked into the girl’s eyes, the woman felt as if her beliefs had been shattered again.

“Um… what is it?”

This university student’s child certainly had the air of having experienced the same nightmare as her previously, or so she felt even at this stage… yet her eyes were so clear that she did not feel any unhappiness.

(… Just like those girls!?!)

Although she was the one who called out to her, the woman did not know what to say and fled from the scene.

“Oh God… what is it really going on…”

The answer, unfortunately, will always be unknown to her.

That is, when you assume that the tragedy that happened to you is the same for others… you will never find the answer.



“A cold?”

“No, I wonder if someone is gossiping about me.”

Early in the new term, during lunchtime, I had called Mari to an empty classroom.

While I was making out with Mari in a hypnotic state, I suddenly felt my nose get all itchy and I sneezed, but I don’t think it was a symptom of a cold, so perhaps someone is gossiping about me… if so, who is it?


“Yes, yes, you’re so cute, Kai-kun.”

My mind is very clear because I’ve already been served by Mari.

I’ve met many girls, including Mari, but my feelings are still strong because she’s the first person I experienced ecchi with.

“…Can I have a word, Mari?”

“Yes? What’s wrong?”

I stared at Mari’s face… or more precisely, her eyes.

In particular, Mari’s appearance did not change as usual. It was so usual that I could tell that she was properly hypnotised.

(…I wonder why. Why does Mari look so natural?)

I began to think that it wasn’t just Mari, but the other girls as well.

And above all… when Mari serves me like this, I remember that dream, and my heart wants to make it a reality, and I want to go beyond it.


“¡h….mmm ❤”

I kissed Mari even though I had already done my thing and was in the middle of my wise man time.

It wasn’t a pecking kiss, but a thick kiss that firmly entwined our tongues… Mari responded immediately, despite the suddenness of it.

Then it was about five minutes, and all that time I was enjoying deep kisses with Mari.

“That kiss alone was so intense. What happened?”


I wondered what kind of face she would make if I told her that I wanted more of Mari…

Mari in a hypnotic state really likes me a lot, so she’ll probably laugh, but… even so, it’s a little embarrassing to tell her straight out.

(I’m also grateful for embarrassment at times like this. This embarrassment serves as a reminder not to do the real thing.)

Then what about Konoe-san? I mean, that’s a weak point, but Konoe-san is an adult… No, you can’t just reason it out like this.

At any rate, I don’t intend to have a clear relationship with Mari and the others… I want to think that I don’t, but it’s also true that there’s a part of me that wants them deep down in my heart.



I buried my face in Mari’s chest.

When I do this, I really feel calm and at peace… When I do this, Mari also never tries to leave me, but hugs me tightly.

I opened my mouth while feeling the reassuring warmth from the bottom of my heart all over my body.

“…Hey Mari, I… like everyone.”


“Mari, Emu, Saika, Aika and Fiana are also important to me… I mean, everyone was special in a particular way when I met them, but then we got to know each other and learned a lot of things. After that, I don’t want to let go of you girls… even if we’re all connected by hypnosis, I don’t want to be separated from you all anymore.”

That was the cry of my heart.

I wanted to tell Mari honestly how I felt, even though I thought so… even if it was Mari in hypnosis, I still couldn’t keep quiet for some reason.

“It’s the same for us. I don’t want to leave Kai-kun… I want to stay with Kai-kun for the rest of my life. No matter what path I take after graduating from high school, I want to stay with Kai-kun for the rest of my life.”


I’m happy… I was really happy.

I can’t let go of this feeling of being hugged even tighter… their presence is getting bigger and bigger inside me.

Let’s kiss again. I was asked that, and I immediately kissed Mari again.


During all this, I somehow turned my attention to the phone that was placed nearby.

The screen of the phone seemed to light up and the screen of the hypnosis app closed… and the normal home screen appeared.

(What? That’s not good!!!)

That means that the hypnosis application has stopped running.

It is very bad if Mari’s hypnosis is released in this situation, that message I have seen many times floated on the screen of my phone.

“Hypnosis has been released.”


“Kai-kun… Kai-kun❤”

The hypnosis was lifted, but Mari didn’t stop kissing me.

Although the movement of my tongue naturally stopped, Mari kept intertwining her tongue with mine as if we were exchanging saliva, as if nothing had …. Changed.

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