I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

“… I’m scared that I’m too content or too happy…”

I muttered to myself as I recalled the time with Matsufusa-san.

Although I thought that Matsubusa-san’s condition was very dangerous, I couldn’t keep her away from me at all after she expressed her feelings for me like that.

Rather, I felt a little remorseful for having been favoured by such a beautiful lady after all.

“…Ah, this is not good.”

I should have been doing the homework assigned by the school, but I had unknowingly written something like this in my notebook.



I never thought that I would unknowingly write a ranking of breast size… well, it seems that the power of the mystery of women is beyond my imagination after all.

However, I can’t submit this as a quirk, so I quickly erased it and once again I began to solve the problem.

“Kai, is it okay if I come in?”

“Sis? It’s fine.”

I replied, and Sis came into the room.

She walked over to where I was sitting on a chair as it was, and pulled out a spare chair and sat down next to me.

“Oh, my bad, I didn’t know you were studying..”

“That’s totally fine. I’m almost done.”

After finishing the last problem, I got up from the chair and stretched lightly, then sat back down on the bed and my sister sat next to me again.

“So, what’s the matter?”

“Yes. You met with Mafuyu this evening, didn’t you?”

“, ah…”

I was so surprised that my shoulders jumped.

I wondered how she knew about my meeting with Matsufusa-san, since I hadn’t told her about it, but perhaps Matsufusa-san had contacted her… well, from the way she looked at me, she didn’t seem to know the details of what happened.

“…we met. We ran into each other on the way home.”

“Yes, she says she loves you. In a romantic sense, right?”

“So you told her that much?


Matsufusa-san… she’s acting very aggressively.

“That’s impossible” she said, and Sis didn’t make fun of me, but continued her words while looking at me somewhat deeply moved.

“That girl seemed to like you from the moment she saw you at first sight… as for me, I think it’s possible, but it seems to be difficult, doesn’t it? Because you’re quite popular.”

“It’s not that I’m popular or anything…”

“I don’t know. Well… she finally started smiling again, and I was very happy to see her talking about you so happily. I heard that you helped her without my knowledge?”

“Oh, ah…”

I did indeed help Matsufusa-san, but it doesn’t seem like she told her about matter.

Even though she has already come to not care about that thing, what was done to her was so terrible that she probably told my sisters in a rather vague manner.

“How are you actually feeling now? Haha, You’re quite distressed, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not bothered, but… you know.”

I am not particularly troubled by my own feelings towards the girls.

Even though the answer I’ve come up with is certainly not acceptable to the world, I’ve decided that I’m still going to pursue this path.

I have even made a strong vow to improve myself and live without shame as someone who can have feelings for these girls.

“? What, haha, is it possible that you are–?”


Sis might have guessed a bit about us.

At first she widened her eyes in surprise, but soon her shoulders started shaking and she started laughing… and when she finished laughing, the expression on her sister’s face was serious.

She patted my head with a pompon and continued her words like this.

“I know you’re going through a lot of hardships, but you can still rely on me if you need anything. As your sister, I’ll watch over what you do until the end.”


I don’t think my sister understands everything, but even so, her words, conveyed with some degree of understanding, pierced my heart.

Recently I seem to tend to cry easily, and when I heard her words, my eyes got hot and I reflexively hugged her.

“Oh God, you’re such a crybaby. But good, go ahead and cry in my big bosom.”

“Are you waiting for a Tsukkomi?”

“I’m going to kill you.”

I’m sorry!

Then I cried for a while, resting my cheeks against my sister’s flat chest.

“Thank you, sis.”

“You’re welcome. Then, Kai, as I said before, if you need anything, you can rely on me right away, okay?”


Saying that, Sis left the room.

While thinking that she really is a dependable sis, I was reminded that those words of Matsufusa-san were not a lie after all.

I could tell that she was serious about it, but when she clearly tells you that she is, you realize that it’s true.

“…Hey buddy, what do you think?”

Naturally, there was no way there would be a reply.

But now I’m beginning to wonder if the essence of this hypnosis app is to make the other person do what you say.

It is true that there is an unreasonableness in forcing the other person to act. but the feeling of absolute security I also felt towards the other person… or perhaps not, that phenomenon of being able to see the other person’s inner thoughts clearly is the same as not being able to tell a lie, rather than making them listen to what you have to say.


Sometimes I made them unhappy like that f**king brother or someone else… but what I did to those girls was definitely disgusting, and I don’t have the slightest intention of saying I made them happy, but I get the feeling that it really depends on the person who uses it.

“…is that for real?”

When I casually peeked at the contents of the app, there was a change at that name.

I found Matsubusa-san’s name engraved on the end of a line I couldn’t see, and I nodded, surprised but thinking that this clarified everything.

I then stared at the screen for a while and sent a message to Aika and Fiana, asking if I could have some time with them tomorrow after school.

The reply was immediate and they both agreed, saying okay.

“Alright… then I guess I’ll go to bed today…”

I’m going to bed early these days, but that’s also a sign of my health.

As soon as I shut my eyes, I felt sleepy and my consciousness sank into darkness.


When we sleep, we dream, and that day I dreamt again… and it was a vivid dream that I will remember.

‘…damn it, you show me something like this even in my dreams…?’

It could be said to be a continuation of that scene.

As if to say it was a continuation of the images that frightened Mari, Emu and Saika, there were Aika and Fianna in front of me, hugging each other as if frightened.

‘Stop… stop…!’

‘Don’t… don’t come… don’t come!’

My heart ached as the screams almost tore my heart out… but it didn’t.

It’s true that there may have been a world line like this. But if there were a world like this, even if there was me there, with the same name and the same appearance, that person would not be me.

Because I… I would never let them look at me like this.

‘That’s a consequence. You originally wanted to cause them misery. The worst thing you can do is called rape, which is done unconsciously.’

I’m at a loss for words when you say that, but you also said it was consequentialist.

I’ve said many times that what I tried to do was an unforgivable act under normal circumstances, and even if the girls sued me, there would be no mercy for me.

But I am not, and I have exchanged feelings with them and vowed to be with them in the future.

‘I decided to be with them now, and they accepted me. That’s why I don’t want them to see that kind of what-if scene… I don’t know who you are, but f*ck off. I don’t need such a sight in my future.’

As I shouted this, the scene I was seeing shattered and a light shone into the world of darkness.

The light was very warm and seemed to tell me not to stay in that place forever.

‘I don’t need that sight. I believe in the future. I’m spinning.’

That’s the world I’ve got now, and I’m going to live my life with pride.

I will wake up when I am surrounded by this light, and with this certain feeling, I keep stretching out my arms… and then I touch something incredibly soft.

“Anh ❤”


I woke up with a start, but the tremendous feeling in the palm of my hand instantly awakened my brain.

“Good morning, Kai-kun❤”


When I woke up, there was a smiling Mari in front of me, in the same bed.

My hand is still holding Mari’s breast all the time, and even though I keep squeezing it gently, Mari accepts my hand without making a disgusted face.

“Erm… what is happening?”

“Haha, I’m sorry for being so sudden, okay? I just wanted to try waking up the person I love in the morning like this. Well, it just ended up like this in the flow.”


Hey, are you looking at me? you who showed me the unfortunate world of Ifs.

I’m… the happiest I’ve ever been right now, okay?

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