I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

(…Oh man, I’m so sleepy I could die.)

It’s the first class of the afternoon and I’m already on the verge of falling asleep.

I pinch my cheeks, forcing myself to suppress the drowsiness and concentrate on the class, as this has not happened recently.

“Then here, Masaki, try to solve it.”

“Ah… yes.”

I was surprised to be called by name suddenly, but as for now, I was grateful.

Being called by the teacher completely blew away my sleepiness, and I stood in front of the blackboard with a clear head and solved the problem.

“Correct answer. Go back.”

” Yes.”

Although the problem wasn’t that difficult, I might not have understood it if I hadn’t done proper pre-study.

In a sense, this might also be the result of studying hard for the future.

When I was about to return to my seat, my eyes met Mari’s and she smiled at me.

(…that’s healing)

The only people who would be happy if I solved a problem in class would be my teacher at best, but it’s nice to have an important girl reward me in this way, in the form of a smile.

After that, time passed without me suffering from drowsiness, and I was leaving school with Emu when it became after-school.

“I’m a bit nervous.”

“Yeah… I mean, I didn’t think I’d have this opportunity either.”

The place I’m going to, the toy shop that is Emu’s favorite… yes, that shop where I went with Emu in a hypnotic state before.

[Come to think of it, you remember what happened at that shop, don’t you?]

[I’m ashamed to say… but… yes, I remember it perfectly…]

[… would you go with me without hypnosis or something?]

Those were just words of curiosity.

Emu is certainly a masochist and has a lot of those kinds of toys in her possession, and I also use the toys she has on her, so I’m familiar with what they are like.

I’m not saying it’s because of that, but… well, I was thinking that she would probably be embarrassed when I made such a proposal, so I said something like that – and as a result, Emu told me to accompany her since it’s such a special occasion.

“Can I ask you again?”


“Well… when senpai hypnotised me for the first time, were you that surprised?”

“Of course it was surprising.”

If anything, I even got scared out of my wits and I left…

No one would think that Emu, who is called the most beautiful girl among the current second-year students and who gives a cool impression with her neat appearance, is unexpectedly a masochist, and the fact that she wore no panties at school either excites you or makes you pull back.

“I never thought such a girl would have such a hobby…” says everyone, “not just me. Even Mari and the others were surprised at first.”


Well, but from my point of view, it’s the best hobby because it’s the ultimate eroticism.

“I have to be very careful myself, you know?”


“When I’m watching Emu who enjoys teasing my body… like this, I’m also getting a bit in the mood and I’m trying to control myself from getting turned on by it. I want to tease you more, I want to mess you up more, but I’m holding back.”

“I want to tease you more… mess up more…!”

I didn’t have to ask her why her eyes were shaking and her body trembling…

We both chuckle to ourselves in the middle of the road, thinking what the hell we’re talking about, and we walk to the shop we’re looking for.

“Senpai, it’s fine, you know? That’s exactly what I’m asking you to do, even after I’ve passed out…♪”

“¡h… you pervert.”


I don’t intend to be that devilish… but there was one time.

Even after she fainted, her body still trembled, what can I say… it almost opened up a new world for me.

The story is a bit awkward, but still, as the two of us were walking around flirting, Emu spotted a familiar backside.

“Oh, isn’t that Aika-san?”

“Hm? Oh, that’s true.”

It was Aika walking in front of us.

Fiana is not by her side today, and she is walking straight towards the direction of home after school.

“Is she going home already?”

“I guess–”

The moment I exchanged words with Emu like that, Aika stopped and turned her head towards us as if she had noticed something.

Emu and I were surprised to see Aika turn around even though we didn’t call out to her, but Aika ran up to us with a smile on her face.

“Kai-kun! Emu-san too!”

“Yo, Aika.”

“Hello Aika-san.”

Well, this is how Aika joined us, but… we can’t let her go out with us, she’s so pure.

So, after a lot of trickery, we found ourselves in front of that shop.

“… so this is the shop you’re talking about.”


It was impossible to fool her who ran up to me like that, and above all, Aika seemed lonely to part with me just leaving after meeting me like this… so Emu honestly gave an explanation, but this young lady… said she wanted to follow me in a rather relaxed mood.

“Then let’s go~”

Emu led the way into the shop, followed by me and Aika.

As for me, I had been here before, and had peace of mind. But as for Aika, her face was still red because it was naturally her first time in a place like this.

“Kuu, there’s something like this…”

“That’s pretty awesome. But it’s hard to take care of, because it’s so rugged.”

“I see…”

I don’t know… it’s many times sexier to have a girl who is used to this kind of thing actually explaining things with her hands than to have a picture of a girl doing that kind of thing.

Moreover, they both have an image of neatness that precedes their appearance, so that combined with the fact that they look like young ladies who are trying to learn to do something they shouldn’t be doing.

(…I should offer this situation to Nayu-san).

I sent a message to Nayu-san saying that the two of them were doing this right now, right in front of me, and she immediately replied.

[What an inspirational act! Great… let’s use that for our next manga!!!]

Okay, then I’ll have to read that too!

While I was exchanging with Nayu like that, Aika approached me with one toy in her hand.

“Hey, hey, Kai-kun. There’s something like this…”

“…Wow, this is amazing.”

It was a toy that looked like corn.

It seems to have an excellent hooking feeling, and Emu doesn’t have one, but as a toy expert, she says she was told that this is also a very good item.

“Are you going to buy it?”

“I-I won’t buy it!”

“…I guess.”

“But… it’s surprisingly fun to see these things. It’s not like a social lesson, but it’s good to learn about things you don’t know.”

“…Well, that’s true.”

That’s the same impression I had before.

In the end, Aika didn’t buy anything, but Emu bought three toys, and was walking next to me, looking satisfied.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes! Please come!”

Afterwards, Aika also decided to drop by Emu’s house.

Thinking back, this is the first time Aika has come to Emu’s house like this, and if anything, the combination of the two of them is even more rare.

“This is the first time I’ve come to a younger girl’s house like this.”josei

“That’s right. I can’t do much to help you, but since you have seniors, let’s pamper ourselves plenty!”


So I was pampered by the two of them.

Even though I’m being pampered, in the end, it’s like a reward for me too, so I myself crawl my hands on their bodies, and enjoy the feeling of them.


Just… as I was doing so, I started to feel incredibly sleepy.

Apparently, the sleepiness from class came here, and since it was in front of the girls, I tried to do my best.

“Are you sleepy?”

“Maybe I’m trying too hard with my studies and stuff.”

When I muttered that I might be, Aika patted her lap.

It was a signal that she was going to give me a lap pillow, and Emu also suggested that I should sleep for a bit, so I put my head on Aika’s lap taking advantage of her words.

“Hmm, I’ll give Aika-san a special presentation until senpai wakes up…”

“That’s…Kai-kun, wake up as soon as you can, okay?”


That’s a sight I’d love to see… but I couldn’t resist and immediately fell asleep.

And I have a strange dream.

“…what is this?”

The view spread out before me, and there was a man there.

The man stares at a smartphone-like device on his desk and mutters.

“It depends on the mind of the person who uses it… but I hope it helps someone. Because if it does, surely it will be a meaningful testimony that this was born.”

I’m not quite sure what he’s talking about.

But I was more interested in the device than him.

“Hopefully… it will go to someone with a kind heart. And let’s hope it will be satisfied and cease to function.”

With those words, the terminal activated.

I’d seen that screen many times before.


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