I Have 108 Older Sisters

Chapter 1075 - Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075 - Chapter 1075: Chapter 10074, direct fire

Chapter 1075: Chapter 10074, direct fire josei

Translator: 549690339

The battle started very quickly.

This time, the first to open fire was the machine gun on the battlefield. The scattered sand legion didn ‘t need to worry about the consumption of bullets, as long as they hurt the enemy.

The Death God mercenary group was also scattered to various positions, including their number one sniper, the head sniper.

The head sniper’s target was no longer those people who looked like commanders, because Yu Tian found that killing some of the small leaders did not seem to have much effect on the enemy.

Therefore, the main target of the head sniper was those people who looked like artillery observers.

Once these people entered his line of sight, he could not let any of them go.

This was currently the most valuable target.

In fact, the physical characteristics of the artillery observers were not difficult to distinguish.

They were usually like high-ranking commanders, with binoculars on their bodies, which was their tool for eating.

In addition, the artillery observers would certainly not appear at the front of the crossfire. They would hide in the distance and secretly spy with binoculars.

Under normal circumstances, it was not easy to find these artillery observers.

After all, the battlefield was so big, and there were bullets everywhere. Finding a few people who were deliberately hiding was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

However, it was not impossible to find them. It was just that it would take more time.

This time, Yu Tian focused on the task of killing the artillery observers and gave this task to all the snipers in the army.

Yu Tian felt that this was the most important task at the moment. Only by killing the artillery observers and making the enemy lose the support of the long-range artillery would their positions be truly safe.

This kind of sniper task could only be handed over to the snipers, because the artillery observers would definitely hide outside the shooting range of other soldiers.

There were actually quite a number of snipers in the entire army, but their standards were a little uneven.

There were also quite a number of specialized sniper rifles, so those who were good at accuracy were also assigned tasks.

Other than the artillery observers who had to be sniped. the other valuable

targets on the battlefield, such as commanders, machine gunners, rocket launchers, and so on, were handed over to other accurate shooters.

These people would still appear within the range of ordinary rifles.

There was no need to worry about the intensity of the firepower. Yu Tian had machine guns and heavy machine guns in his hands. They were all scattered around the various positions.

The battle had just begun when the enemy’s cannons rang out.

Fortunately, the accuracy of the enemy’s cannons was not enough. There were not too many losses on the positions that had been bombarded. The soldiers were all running for their lives as they dodged. They rolled into some pits or the reverse slope behind the positions.

In the end, the number of more than a dozen cannons was a little too small, especially on such a battlefield where there were many positions and large areas. The actual damage that the cannons could cause was not high, but more of it was just a psychological deterrent.

Under Yu Tian’s strict orders not to retreat, the soldiers of the scattered sand corps could only make up their minds and immediately return to the position after dodging the first round of artillery fire.

The second round of artillery fire resulted in some actual losses. A machine gunner and his machine gun at one of the positions were hit in the head, turning into a pile of scrap metal and rotten meat.

Unfortunately, this was a heavy machine gun.

A heavy machine gun that could easily tear apart a vehicle. This was the most threatening firepower in the vicinity.

However, this matter did not affect the overall situation of the battle. There was not only one machine gun position in the surroundings. Even if all the machine guns were lost, Yu Tian still had quite a number of infantrymen.

These infantrymen did not just rely on Aya to make a living. Yu Tian was never stingy with his weapons. Their positions were filled with grenades and rpgs.

They had the terrain advantage and also had sufficient weapons and firepower. Under normal circumstances, it was not difficult to defend a position. It would not be a problem for them to hold on for a few days and nights.

The only thing that caused trouble for them were the cannons. Although the firing frequency of these things was not high, they stared at these positions and shot down one by one slowly, sooner or later, they would be able to clean up all of Yu Tian’s positions.

Right now, it was a matter of speed. Let’s see if the enemy would shoot down the positions first, or if they would kill off the enemy’s artillery observers first.

Under normal circumstances, snipers could not casually fire because once they fired, it would be equivalent to revealing their position. This would allow the enemy’s snipers to target them.

The greatest enemy of snipers was snipers, which was a very fatal thing.

The head sniper and the other snipers scattered around the various positions did not join in the attack. Their only target was the enemy’s artillery observers. Hard work paid off, and the head sniper finally found a suspected target.

He did not think much and immediately aimed and fired.

The enemy fell to the ground. In that instant, he was shot three times. This meant that besides the sniper, there were two other snipers who were targeting him at the same time.

This kind of thing was too coincidental.

After getting rid of the sniper, the sniper immediately changed his position.

After waiting for a minute or two, he found that the enemy’s artillery fire had indeed stopped.

This proved that their target was indeed the right one.

The soldiers on the battlefield also became active. Without the deafening explosion of the artillery shells, their mood was much better.

The firepower on the battlefield suddenly became fierce, causing the enemy to be stunned.

However, in a few minutes, the enemy’s artillery began to sound again.

The enemy also had more than one artillery observer. The task of snipe and the others was not over yet. This game of hide-and-seek still had to be continued.

This was only the situation of the front line.

In other positions that were farther away, the battle was even fiercer.

The position on the other side was not suppressed by the artillery. They could use their own firepower. machine guns, grenades, and rpgs could be created with great force.

Morse’s army was almost stunned. They could not organize their charge for a long time.

War was just money. With enough weapons and firepower, they could naturally control the battlefield.

The front line was a little more bitter, and the surrounding positions were much easier.

According to the plan that Yu Tian and the death god regiment commander had discussed before, they had to launch a counterattack against the enemy, as well as all kinds of roundabout attacks that could be done to completely mix with the enemy’s army.

This was a test of the soldiers’fighting will and combat skills, as well as their weapons and equipment.

In this aspect, the scattered sand regiment had the advantage because they carried enough grenades and rpgs.

However, the military qualities of both sides were about the same. After mixing them together, there would not be a situation where one side would immediately be defeated.

An hour after the battle started, the scattered sand regiment finally entered the rhythm of a counterattack.

The victory or defeat of the counterattack was not important. What was important was that Yu Tian could finally call the armored forces..

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