I Have 108 Older Sisters

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

?Chapter 443 – Chapter 443, I Want The Shipyard josei

Thank you readers!

At this moment, Ernst was on the verge of collapse. He was extremely weak and did not even have the strength to hold a weapon. He could only stare blankly at Yu Tian on the television, his eyes filled with hatred.

Yu Tian ordered Locke to open the door and drag Ernst to the front.

Looking at his half-dead appearance, Yu Tian did not even have the mood to torture him anymore. He said indifferently, a€?You just have to tell me who told you to do it, and I can let you Live!a€?

Ernst wanted to speak, but his throat was so dry that he could not say anything. Yu Tian motioned for Locke to pour some water on him before he could barely make a sound.

However, his first sentence was an angry curse at Yu Tian.

a€?Don't think about getting any information from me. If you have the guts, kill me!a€?

Yu Tian wiped his mouth and said disdainfully, a€?If I wanted to kill you, I could have killed you when I stripped your pants that day, but I plan to give you a chance!a€?

As he spoke, Yu Tian threw a document on the table and said coldly, a€?Your name is Ernst, a former agent of Sean's intelligence agency. Later, because of your failure in your mission, you were abandoned by the intelligence agency, then, you became the secret assassin of the internal affairs director, Hiram. I also know that your dream is to return to the intelligence agency, but I don't think Hiram can help you realize this dream,

but I can help you realize it. I know that Hiram ordered you to do this. As long as you say it yourself, I can buy the entire intelligence agency for you. At that time, you can do whatever you want!

As expected, Ernst was tempted. He looked at Yu Tian in disbelief and said in a trembling voice, a€?Is what you said true?a€?

Yu Tian said indifferently, a€?The scene is so big. Do you think I'm joking with you? I don't have the leisure to waste so much time fooling you here,

a€?And it's not worth it. You just need to tell me that Hiram asked you to do this, and you can get everything you want. I Won't say it again. You'd better think about it yourself!

Ernst was silent for a full five minutes before he slowly said, a€?Hiram asked me to do this. He asked me to get your export information and prepare to hand it over to the International Arms Management Association,

a€?He wanted to use them to suppress you. If I could get the information to him, he would make me a high-ranking officer in the intelligence agency. Moreover, the last order was that I could get the information by any means possible, including killing the high-ranking officers of Chu Yan industrial company,

a€?That's why I did this. Hiram asked me to do all of This!a€?

Locke recorded everything he said and handed it to Yu Tian.

After Yu Tian received the information he wanted, he smiled indifferently and stood up. a€?Get him some food and drinks, and let him stay here for now!a€?

He had always thought highly of Ernst. This person could be completely used by him, and he could still be of use in the future.

He should go and meet Hiram now. Of course, the top manager, Morris, also had to be present. Only then would it be convincing.

Very soon, Morris and Hiram sat opposite Yu Tian in the meeting room of the senior management department.

Hiram a€?s eyes were particularly gloomy. He could not wait to kill Yu Tian right now.

Morris had no idea what had happened. He looked at Yu Tian with puzzlement and asked, a€?Mr. Yu, why are you in such a hurry to meet us? What exactly happened?a€?

Yu Tian knocked on the table and smiled indifferently. a€?Such a big management office, and there isn a€?t even a cup of coffee. Ask your people to make me a cup of coffee first, and then we can talk about it slowly!

Morris himself did not ask for a cup of coffee. Sean a€?s budget was very tight right now, and he had to give up everything that he could, including the coffee.

But since Yu Tian had already brought it up, Morris still asked his secretary to make him a cup.

Yu Tian took a sip of coffee and let out a sound of enjoyment. Then, he showed the video footage to the two of them.

Hiram's face became more and more unsightly. At the end, his facial features were all twisted together.

He absolutely could not say that he did it in front of Morris because Morris was a weak person. He could not resist Yu Tian at all.

Thus, he sneered and said, a€?I don't know what this means. I don't even know this Ernst. What do you want to say to us with this?a€?

Yu Tian already knew that he would not admit this so readily. Thus, he took out a few more photos.

These were all bought by Chu Yan through a powerful financial system. In the photos, it was the content of the meeting between Hiram and Ernst.

This time, Hiram was really speechless.

Morris looked at Hiram helplessly and said with a troubled expression, a€?Why are you doing this?a€?

Before Hiram could say anything, yu tian interrupted, a€?Of course he's doing it for Sean. But in my opinion, this is just his excuse. He wants to replace you as the top manager here.

a€?And he also said this to Ernst and the others. He just wants to borrow my hand to achieve his dream faster!

Hiram's face was already dark, and he could not say a word.

Because what Yu Tian said was indeed what he thought.

Morris stood up angrily and asked in a trembling voice, a€?Is this really what you think? You really disappoint me!a€?

After saying that, Morris wanted to leave the meeting room, but Yu Tian stopped him, a€?Mr. Morris, you can't leave yet. More than a dozen senior executives in my industrial company were killed by him. Do you want to leave just like that?

a€?This is too unfair to me. At least you have to give me some compensation so that my people won't die in vain!a€?

The thing he was most afraid of was Yu Tian saying this. Morris sat down helplessly on the chair and asked in a very lonely manner, a€?Then what compensation do you want? I hope that this is what I can do, because you have already obtained too much from thisa€|a€?

a€?If you want Hiram to die, I Won't Stop You. What he has done is enough for him to die a hundred times!a€?

He chuckled every day, he said indifferently, a€?1 don't care about his life at all. I want your shipyard, including all the technology in the shipyard. As long as you hand him over to me, I can pretend that none of this happened, otherwise, this information will be immediately made public. At that time, Hiram will not be alive, and you, the top manager, will not be able to continue sitting in this position. You can weigh it yourself!

Morris frowned and shook his head helplessly.. Finally, he nodded and said in a low voice, a€?Then the shipyard is yours!a€?

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