I Have 108 Older Sisters

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

?Chapter 733 – : Chapter 732, Understanding

Caesar nodded. He was not in the mood to fight with these soldiers anymore. If he did, more of his comrades would die in this war.

Therefore, he quietly jumped onto the tree. Even if he could not sleep, he had to think about his comrades.

As for Yu Tian, he did not have any thoughts of sleeping. Now was not the time to rest.

Ever since he came to this era, he had no time to rest. Instead, he had to spend most of his time on how to return to his own era. josei

In the end, the soldiers outside had to be dealt with by himself.

Caesar was still a youth after all. In this Black Forest, he could freely enjoy the beauty of nature, but if he came into contact with a real war.

To Caesar, who was still a youth, it was still a bit cruel.

The opportunity was given to him, and it also allowed Caesar to experience the cruelty of war. That was enough.

As he spoke, Yu Tian had already arrived at the edge of the forest.

The animals that had been shot to death by bows and arrows were still lying on the battlefield. Even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

To the animals, they were also afraid of death. However, they would throw death to the back of their minds for the sake of a certain emotion.

Humans could never be like animals, only sacrificing their lives for a certain emotion.

If it was him, other than the 108 sisters, it would be his family and his children. All of these could make him sacrifice his life.

There were no conditions and no preconditions. As long as it was necessary, he would do it without hesitation.

Outside the forest, the soldiers had already set up a camp.

Although they were particularly afraid of the previous war, for the sake of Honor, glory, and wealth, they could not retreat now.

Even if they could not kill Yu Tian, they had to kill Caesar. This was the mission that Ladoni had given them.

As some of the soldiers said, Ladoni knew William Celtic very well. He knew what Celtic was thinking.

Celtic wanted his position as king to be stable forever.

If Caesar continued to live, his position as king would be overthrown by his people at any time.

After all, the people living in this country had always thought that Celtic was just a person who was managing them in the place of the king.

Deep in their bones, they still hoped that Caesar could return to their kingdom and lead them to true prosperity.

Radoni sat in front of the bonfire with a particularly gloomy expression.

Even though he knew that it was extremely difficult, even impossible, to kill Caesar, he still had to think of how to kill him.

This was also to increase his own life. Celtic would not give them opportunities again and again.

But now it was obvious that if they wanted to kill Caesar, they had to first kill Yu Tian.

This was even more difficult than killing Caesar.

Their archers might still be useful in large-scale battles.

If they really entered the Black Forest, they would be no different from the soldiers who had been killed. They might even be inferior to those soldiers.

One thing was certain, the archers could provide cover for the other soldiers.

When they entered the Black Forest, these archers could use their bows and arrows to kill the wild beasts.

Without the help of the wild beasts, Yu Tian would not be able to have such high combat strength. He could still win.

Therefore, the archers were his true trump card. He had to make good use of them this time.

At this moment, Yu Tian had already arrived at the valley behind them.

Standing on the peak of the mountain, he lowered his head and looked down. The little fires in the camp were like tired eyes in the dark night.

The entire valley was exceptionally quiet. Some of the soldiers were not worth saying these jokes that they could understand.

Laughter could occasionally Pierce through the silence of the night, but it seemed especially empty.

The soldiers stood by the bonfire and were discussing.

"We have made a contribution today. If it weren't for our attacks, Ladoni's side would not have won that battle so easily! "

"You're right. We're the most elite soldiers. The bows and arrows in our hands have provided them with a lot of cover!"

"Do you even need to say that? We're the strongest soldiers because we can use our distance advantage to attack the enemy. No one can dodge our attacks!" As they spoke, the soldiers laughed out loud.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed past behind a soldier.

This soldier hurriedly turned his head back, but he didn't find anything. He scratched his head in confusion and asked the people around him. "Did you guys see something behind me? I also heard footsteps! "

A few soldiers laughed out loud, mocking this suspicious fellow.

"There's a girl behind you, and she's about to marry you! "

"There are many treasures behind you, and they all belong to you. If you dream now, you can take all these things home and buy countless women!"

"I think you're like an idiot. We're all sitting across from you, and we didn't see anything behind you. Are you drunk? I told you not to drink those fake winesa€| "

"But you didn't listen. Now You're hallucinating! "

The soldier had nothing to say after being scolded. He felt like he was really hallucinating.

It seemed like it was better to drink less fake wine in the future. He didn't want to drink until he was delirious and hallucinate everything.

At that time, he wouldn't be able to fight on the battlefield anymore. He might be like those people, either farming or hunting. Anyway, he wouldn't be as pretentious as he was now.

However, at this moment, another figure appeared behind another soldier.

The difference was that this figure did not disappear quickly. Instead, under the flickering flames, he slowly appeared behind a few people.

This time, everyone heard the sound of footsteps and turned around in unison.

They saw Yu Tian smiling at them with killing intent.

Before the soldiers could take out their weapons, Yu Tian casually waved his hand, and the soldiers died under his power.

They could at least catch a glimpse of Yu Tian, but the soldiers who were sleeping soundly did not have the honor.

Yu Tian did not want to kill them one by one. That would be a waste of time.

Grenades were particularly useful at this time, especially incendiary bombs, which could be used now?

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