I Have 108 Older Sisters

Chapter 906

Chapter 906

Chapter 906 – Chapter 905, Pirate Sentry

Yu Tian led the way into the village. The killers behind him didn't need any instructions. They automatically spread out and surrounded the surrounding houses.

On Demon Island, these killers were probably just cannon fodder and supporting characters. After a match, they basically had no chance of survival. It was difficult for even a dozen people to survive.

Their strength could only be considered average among the many killers on Demon Island.

However, in this F * cking place, they were all killing gods.

Dealing with these pirates was simply a piece of cake for them.

Very soon, a killer sneaked into the first room at the village entrance.

The entire process was silent. From the moment the killer pushed the door open to the moment the killer pushed the door open to the moment he came out, there was not even the slightest bit of noise.

Of course, this was also the reason why the houses in the village were too simple and crude.

The houses here did not have any anti-theft function. The doors were not locked, and there was not even a bolt on the door. It was a completely Free State of entry and exit.

Forget about going through the door, even if he had to force his way into the house through the wall, it would not be a troublesome matter.

After the killer came out of the house, he tiptoed to Yu Tian's side.

"Boss, the people in this room are all taken care of. However, they don't seem to have cell phones or anything like that. I only saw a few rifles in the room. "

Yu Tian scratched his head. "What do you mean by that?"

"1 just broke their necks."

The killer made a gesture of slashing his neck, revealing a fierce expression. Killers were used to kill people. They didn't need any hypocritical masks, nor did they need to feel ashamed of their fierceness.

They felt that the more fierce they were, the more they would be appreciated.

Yu Tian originally wanted to criticize the killer, for example, that he was too murderous and shouldn't kill the innocent.

But after thinking about it, there were no kind people in this F * cking place.

The villagers living in this place were all part-time pirates or the

Pirates 'logistics team, even if they died, they were not worthy of sympathy and pity.

If a random missile exploded in the middle of the village, not a single person who died would be innocent.

If this killer wanted to kill them, it could not be considered as killing the innocent.

Yu Tian did not bother about the lives of these villagers anymore, he whispered to the big guy who had been following behind him, "Go in and bring out all the guns and ammunition. Whoever wants to use the guns, use them. If no one wants to use them, bring all of them. Later, send them to General Caro and the others. "

"Yes, Boss."

The Big Guy also started to address Yu Tian as boss. He felt that the way the killers addressed him was very appropriate, and Yu Tian himself did not object.

The Big Guy had just moved the guns and ammunition out of the house when a pile of guns and ammunition had already piled up on the open space outside.

The other killers were not willing to be outdone either. They all used their own methods to deal with the villagers who were still sleeping soundly in the house.

However, the results were somewhat regretful. These villagers 'homes were so poor that they didn't even have ordinary furniture and electrical appliances, let alone things like cell phones.

The only thing that could be called electrical appliances here was probably a


However, almost all of these villagers 'homes had guns and ammunition. This was their most precious property, their livelihood.

This kind of magical situation could be considered one of the characteristics of this place.

Very quickly, more than a dozen guns and ammunition were collected. It was enough to arm all the killers present.

However, these killers did not seem to have any intention of taking guns. It was unknown whether it was because they felt that using guns was not enough to demonstrate their skill level, or because they felt that guns were not suitable for secret infiltration and assassination.

In short, these guns and ammunition were all thrown on the empty space in the middle of the road. On the other hand, the daggers and other things were all divided up by the killers.

"This won't do. If we accidentally alarm the people in this village, they and their mother will rush out with guns. You Don 't have any guns in your hands, and there aren't many people in our entire team who have guns. Wouldn't that make us all living targets?" josei

Yu Tian helplessly picked up a gun and held it in his hand. "Those who are good at shooting, come over and take your guns. Everyone, split into two groups. One group will touch the house, and the other group will be on guard. Don't let everyone run around the village. "

Under Yu Tian's call, there were finally a few people who came over to pick up their guns.

The Killers 'marksmanship was actually not bad. At least, they were not inferior to the ordinary soldiers. In fact, many of the killers 'marksmanship could even be considered as sharpshooters.

There was nothing they could do. This was a skill that only a few people could master.

However, the guns that were collected from the villagers 'homes were all old-fashioned semi-automatic rifles. There was not even a pistol or a new-style rifle. It made the killers feel as if they were out of practice.

In fact, the quality of these old-fashioned rifles was not bad. They could even be called world-famous brands.

They had many advantages. For example, their performance was more stable and their quality was more reliable. Then, they were powerful and had a low failure rate. They could adapt to all kinds of messy combat environments.

However, the biggest advantage of these rifles was that they were cheap and cost-effective. Even a poor place like Happy Valley did not have the pressure to buy them. They had almost become an indispensable labor tool for every household.

Of course, they also had disadvantages. For example, the recoil force was greater, the firing speed could not keep up with the times, and the accuracy could not be compared to modern guns.

In addition, they did not have an empty cabin hanger, so the situation of the bullets running out could not be immediately reported back to the shooter. This made people feel even more uncomfortable.

But in any case, this was still a very reliable and powerful gun.

They divided the guns, and the rest were tied up by the big guy and carried on his back.

The bullets, including those, were packed into several bags in a broken backpack, and the rest were carried separately.

They had to have both guns and ammunition, because when the tiger team ran out of bullets, their original weapons could only be used as fire sticks, and they had to replace all of them with these old rifles.

The other killers who did not have guns continued to work, digging things out from the broken houses.

Before long, the entire village was almost half cleared out by them.

Yu Tian had already seen the two pirate sentry posts in the distance, lazily sitting on the chairs in the middle of the village to rest.

They were not standing guard for the village, but were staring at a house in front of them.

This was the best wooden house in the village. The material used for the house was thick and sturdy. The roof was also covered tightly. The door was bolted and locked.

This was a proper house, except that there were no windows.

The sound of a woman crying could be faintly heard from the house. Yu Tian could basically confirm that the person in the house was the hostage captured by the pirates..

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