I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

1010 Chapter 1051: The Terrifying Army -PartpTwo two)

That day, the orcs saw a power they had never seen before!

The light that could light up the world completely shocked the orcs’worldview. In that second, almost everyone was certain that the chief was not lying. This was definitely a power that only gods possessed! !

In that short instant, the shadow of Ghost Fox Swain in Savon’s heart completely disappeared. His heart was filled with surging excitement.

He finally understood why his chief was so confident. Indeed, such power, Ghost Fox or golden age, were all ants. They were not on the same level at all!

Such power standing on their side really made the beastmen feel incomparably at ease... ...

But unfortunately, this peace of mind only lasted for an instant...

After the light that lit up the world dissipated, Savon originally thought that he would never see that annoying face again. He thought that under such power, the other party’s ashes would not be left behind.

But the truth was not like this...

After the burning light dissipated, nothing changed. The grassland was still the same grassland. The marching army still did not waver in the slightest, as if the incomparably terrifying burning light just now was an illusion!

“How is this possible! !”

In the fortress, all the blue spirits driving their mechas were shocked when they saw this scene. They knew very well the power of the plastic energy cannon just now. The compressed heat energy was as high as 60 million degrees Celsius. No material on a grade-7 planet could withstand such a high temperature.., whether it was the soil or the air, including the elements themselves, they would be completely destroyed under this high temperature!

In theory, the 40 kilometers of grassland that was targeted would be pierced through by the high temperature, and the planet itself would suffer irreversible damage. They had even prepared measures to remedy the ecology.

But in reality, nothing happened. Even the grass within the attack range was not harmed. The image clearly showed the dew on the grass... ...

“What’s going on?”

In the command room, Bernie and the other two were frozen in the distance. They only felt cold all over... ...

Although they didn’t use their maximum firepower at the first moment to test the data, wasn’t it a little too exaggerated that their firepower didn’t have any effect at all?

“Ai... replay the process just now!”Bernie said with a gloomy face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the screen in the command room showed the scene of the plastic energy cannon firing just now. After blocking the flash, they could see it clearly. The moment the huge burning energy shone on it.., the armor on the soldiers suddenly moved like liquid. Then, it quickly flowed and gathered, forming a black liquid membrane that accurately protected the range of the targeted firepower.

When the burning energy touched the black liquid, it was like a clay ox entering the sea. Without even splashing, the energy had disappeared without a trace. Under the protection of the black liquid, not even a blade of grass was harmed, on the screen, one could clearly see grass!

“This living armor is actually connected...”Jessica swallowed her saliva.

They had heard of this technology before, but it was currently an extremely dangerous technology in the federation. It was still in the experimental stage, and they had basically never seen any lord use it in a large scale.

The reason was simple. The living armor was different from the other three types of armor. It was a real biological defensive tool, and it was alive. This type of armor itself had a certain level of danger, if one could not control it, it was very likely that it would devour the host.

Therefore, when choosing the living armor, one must choose to be able to control the living armor. This depended on the creature level, attributes, characteristics, and other parameters of the Type A creature.

What was a living armor technology? It was to make a large creature into a living armor and split it apart. In other words, the living armor that many soldiers were wearing was actually the same creature.

This was very dangerous. A living armor that could provide a large number of soldiers with defensive functions came from a single creature. This meant that the level of the armored creature itself was far higher than that of the soldiers. Under such circumstances, the probability of the soldiers being devoured was extremely high, this was because the biological weapons had always been instinctive in devouring living things.

In order to control such a large-scale conjoined body armor, a high-level spiritual link was needed. The spiritual power of each soldier would be highly overlapped and used to resist the devouring desire of the armor itself.

Even if one had a high-level spiritual link technology, it would not be able to completely solve this problem. This was because if a soldier used more energy than his own limit, it might cause the entire team to be devoured. Therefore, it required the soldier to use energy in a completely balanced manner.

Even a high-level soul warrior would find it difficult to achieve such high-precision linkage. Hence, this technology had always been considered as an impractical technology.

However, he did not expect to see a completely mature application on a distant Aboriginal Planet! !

“What should we do?”Jessica asked in a daze.

“Increase the firepower and fire again!”! !”Bernier said in a deep voice, “This kind of bio-armor linkage technology has a very low fault tolerance rate. Increase the firepower and use a decentralized attack. As long as there is a problem with one of their links, the entire team will be devoured by that living armor!”

“Okay!”Jessica and Alvin’s eyes lit up when they heard that. They recalled the flaws of the living armor!

Just as they were about to authorize the increase in firepower, suddenly, an intelligent warning sounded: warning, warning, there is a high-energy reaction, do you want to take defensive measures?

The three of them were stunned. They looked at the intelligent display and saw that the black soldier suddenly stopped in his tracks. The leading general slowly walked out and pulled out the treasured sword at his waist and raised it high up!

The moment they saw the sword clearly, the three of them sucked in a breath of cold air. “Heaven’s fate sword?”

Jessica: “What is he trying to do? is he going to attack us just like that?”

Ivan: “I have a bad feeling about this!”

Bernier: “Immediately activate the Energy Shield, the highest level! !”

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire steel fortress’mecha that were connected to each other began to upload their own kinetic energy. In an instant, the precise kinetic energy flow system allowed the kinetic energy to gather into a huge engine, a huge energy shield opened up in less than 0.1 second, completely enveloping the fortress in defense!

“The highest level?”Jessica frowned as she looked at the blue energy shield outside the screen. “Isn’t it a little too wasteful of energy?”

The energy of the mechs’interaction came from the core of every soldier’s mecha. It was not endless. Moreover, they had not brought any supplies with them this time. The opponent had only activated the highest level defense when there were signs of an attack, jessica felt that Bernie was a little too conservative!

Bernie did not speak. As a blue spirit, his lips were slightly red. Those who were familiar with the blue spirit constitution knew that it was a symbol of a bloodless body.

As a commander of the mechanical corps, Bernie’s major was naturally the specialized knowledge of the spirit department and the Mecha Department. However, he actually had an excellent sub-specialty, which was the prophecy department.

High-level commanders would more or less learn some prophecy knowledge, because that thing could reduce the possibility of making a mistake in the midst of the ever-changing battlefield. josei

Just now, the instant that Native raised the Heaven’s fate sword, the word ‘death’flashed past Bernie’s prophecy perception! !

And... ... This feeling did not dissipate even after he issued the order for the highest defense shield... ...

Chi! !

With an ear-piercing metal roar, not far away Swain cut off the sword in his hand!

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