I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

1064 Chapter 1105: Enter

“Flame of destruction... teacher is really a pleasant surprise...”in the direction of the main control station, Vogu’s eyes were burning.

The senior intelligence officers were all shocked.

Flame of destruction, the legendary flame, was not listed in the list of high-quality fire elements for alchemists because it was forbidden to study.

The reason was that the flame came from the dragon race, and it was a flame exclusive to the Black Dragon Race!

At this moment, the Damocles’sword was caught by the withered black hand and stopped in the distance. In the distance, the huge Angel Shadow waved the huge sword in its hand, countless fallen angels swarmed over with pale blue flames.

On the other side, a dense human-shaped army slowly appeared in the black water. Everyone was wearing black armor and holding the Sword of heaven. Unlike the army that seer and the others had seen before.., the armor on these soldiers was even more spectacular. They looked like a set of dragon scales draped over their bodies, and each of them was wearing a pair of huge fleshy wings! josei

In the face of the surging fallen angels, these soldiers were as motionless as statues. It was not until the sound of a heavy horn sounded that these soldiers unsheathed the treasured swords on their waists in a neither hurried nor slow manner, following that, streams of black flames of destruction soared into the sky and swiftly shattered the sea of gray flames that pounced towards them!

The two torrents collided against each other under the impact of the flames, and the battle unfolded. The high-level fallen angel army was actually annihilated like cutting melons and vegetables. With the number of people in the area being trillions of times greater, they were actually forcefully blocked outside!

“It’s about time!”Vogu saw this and tapped his finger. “Where’s Vaughn? Is she in position?”

Pippen: “I’ve received news. She’s already standing by at the teleportation formation. We can set off at any time!”

Vogu: “Set off immediately. Tell her to find the two groups of people that used our passageway as soon as possible. Especially Bolton’s group. We must control them immediately!”

Pippen: “The orders have been sent out. What should we do here?”

Vogu: “Activate the 4th and 7th Armies’battle fleets to provide long-range firepower support...”

Pippen nodded. Due to some special requests, their forces didn’t lack firepower resources and energy supplies. Only their population was scarce. This was partly due to the fact that the liege lord wasn’t recognized by the bluespirit imperial family, very few high-ranking disciples would join his side, and the number of disciples from the main division was relatively small.

Now, it seemed that this IMP’s participation wasn’t a bad thing. If used well, it might be able to reduce the population consumption during the confrontation with Sandro!


On the other side, the people from Bolton faction all sucked in a breath of cold air when they saw this scene. Some of the military officers who were originally full of confidence in the fallen angel star were also stunned.

“What the hell is that?”

On the side of the control console, a group of high-ranking devil military officers were looking at the battlefield. They, who had always been arrogant, could no longer hold themselves back.

Although these fallen angel gene bodies weren’t physical and belonged to an artificial army, they possessed the noble bloodline of fallen angels. Coupled with their unique hellfire-enhanced equipment, their individual combat strength was extremely strong. They belonged to one of the trump card armies of their faction!

However, when facing the scale of the enemy that looked like an interstellar company (100,000) , they seemed to be unable to withstand it!

On their side, they had a scale of several billion. The scale of their army was a million to one. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not break through their army formation. Usually, when they fought lord-tier battles with Bolton, it was their demon race that had the advantage in numbers, when had they ever been beaten up like this by others?

The intelligence officer who knew the inside story was even more shocked. Although he had predicted that the legendary Sandro would not be broken so easily, whether it was the sealing mark or the flame of destruction, they had not expected it at all!

On the control platform, Bolton’s eyes were burning!

The flame of Destruction, a flame unique to the black dragon race, the Garo sealing mark. He remembered that in that era, Evil Gods appeared many times, and there seemed to be a few who had a very mysterious relationship with the Dragon Group.

Now, it seemed that Sandro really seemed to have grasped the secret of the Dragon Race’s life!

If he could obtain the results of the other party’s experiment and combine it with what he already had, he would be able to advance to a great lord within the new age, and his family would become recognized as the royal demon race!

In history, the first great demon lord, the first royal demon force, would establish a demon dynasty that only belonged to the star-ranked federation, instead of constantly fighting against his own race in that vile abyss, this was Bolton’s greatest ambition!

“Where’s Sab? Are You Ready?”

“Lord Sab is already waiting at the teleportation point!”The intelligence officer hurriedly said.

“Alright!”Bolton nodded, “Immediately set off and tell Sab to find Rennes as soon as possible!”



New Territories...

“Boss, what’s Going On Up Here?”

Close to the south side of Kate City, Li Goudan shivered and looked up at the sky. There were no sight-catching devices like Grandpa Lu and soap. What they saw was a few magic shots.

The curtain of darkness breaks, the stars fall, and then the black water rushes up from the ground, and at last the blue flame of death shines all over the sky.

This scene, not to mention Li Goudan this kind of silly two girls, even rain woman no melon also see a blank.

What the hell was this?

“Boss, don’t be in a daze. I’m panicking because you’re in a Daze...”

Guo Xiaoyun rolled her eyes when she heard that. Who the hell wouldn’t be in a Daze? It would be a miracle if she could explain this scene clearly. A few years ago, she was just a student who was about to graduate as a water rafting teacher, okay?

Just as she was about to say when to fight, a sky-blue light pillar suddenly shone down from not far away, lighting up the pitch-black environment!

The fur on Li Goudan and Wu Guagua’s fur instantly stood on end, especially Li Goudan. He instantly looked like he was about to cry. Although the scene in the sky was spectacular, it still seemed like it was far away from them. Why did it suddenly appear in front of them? Could it be that I, Li Goudan, am going to die under this unknown AOE today?

Rainy Girl, Wu Guagua, was much calmer. Although she was shocked at first, her developer instinct still made her calm down instantly. She carefully looked at the speed of light, after observing it for a while, she calmly said, “Stop howling. That’s not some long-range attack.”

“What is that?”Goudan Li was immediately frightened and sniffed.

“Looking at the runic structure, it should be something like a teleportation array!”

She had seen the teleportation town in the base many times. Although the alchemy structure this time was not quite the same as her base, the general runic pattern was very similar. She judged that it should be another force that was using a teleportation array!

“Teleportation array?”

Eggface immediately widened his eyes and asked curiously, “What is it?”

“How would I know?”Rainy girl Wugua immediately rolled her eyes and lowered her voice randomly. “But no matter what it is, we can’t be met. In any case, it’s definitely not a good thing!”

Eggface nodded in agreement. Then, he looked at the position and his expression immediately became a bit ugly. From the position, he was less than three kilometers away from the two of them...



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