I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081

1081 Chapter 1122: Summon (1)

“Lieutenant Colonel Bonnier, please reply if you receive!”

“Lieutenant Colonel Bonnier, sir, please instruct!”Soap imitated Bonnier’s words and quickly replied.

“Lieutenant Colonel Bonnier, report your physical condition...”a voice came from the other side of the scroll.

“Yes, the injuries have been preliminarily treated to prevent the spread of the infection. However, the use of freezing treatment has resulted in the current body almost being unable to leave the mech, requiring the life supply system in the MECH!”

“What about major Jessica?”

SOAP: “Major Jessica’s condition is a little better than mine, but she also needs the life supply system in the mech. Fortunately, the current energy reserves are still sufficient.”

“We need you to open the channel!”

“Open the channel?”Soap’s expression turned cold, but his tone was only slightly surprised. “Didn’t you say that the reinforcements have already come from other channels?”

“There’s a situation. We need to send more reinforcements. We need to commandeer your channel!”

“But in my current situation, opening the channel might be a little difficult. Moreover, the team here is separated, and there aren’t enough tributes to provide summoning energy.”

“You don’t have to worry about summoning energy. It will be borne by the person being summoned. You just need to open the channel!”

“Yes, sir. Please give me some time to prepare!”

“Please hurry up, Lieutenant Colonel Bonier!”After saying that, the white light on the scroll slowly dimmed. Grandpa Lu, who had been holding it in for a long time, finally dared to say, “What’s the situation?”

“It’s unexpected, but it’s still okay. With the addition of a high-end person, it can also restrain the mysterious Tauren on the side of little cabbage...”

“No... I mean the guy inside the scroll, will he be listening to us?”Grandpa Lu asked worriedly.

“No...”. Soap shook his head and said, “I’ve absorbed most of the memory of this scroll, and I’ve figured out how it works. This scroll belongs to an alchemy array of the summoning element, which is a low-cost spatial channel. Remember those magic movies where Wizards set up an Alchemy Array to summon Hell Demons and evil gods from the outside world ? It was more or less the same thing. The so-called evil gods and demons were high-end lifeforms in the outside world. Through some infiltration methods, they contacted the local Aborigines so that they could hear their whispers and thus collect believers. These believers thought that they were being guided by God and were often tricked into doing extreme things. They even used live human sacrifices to summon the great god in their hearts, using this kind of thing. This kind of thing was similar to wechat and friends circle. It belonged to a contact that neither side knew whether the other was a human or a ghost. It was even worse than wechat, which could at least look at photos ... ..

Grandpa Lu: “That’s a metaphor...”

Soap: “When the summoning starts, hide in Jessica’s mecha and go outside. Stay with little cabbage. If something goes wrong and my side is seen through, I will control the mecha over there to directly fight with the Minotaur and create chaos. Then, I will take the opportunity to bring you and little cabbage away first!”

“Eh?”Grandpa Lu was stunned. “Are you really going to listen to her and summon her over?”

Soap: “The Character I’m playing is a subordinate. How can I not agree to the orders of a Superior?”

“Then...”grandpa lu said blankly, “Then... What do we do with the sacrifice you mentioned just now? Find... find two live chickens to try?”


Wasn’t this guy paying attention to something a little strange?

Grandpa Lu: “Don’t tell me we’re really going to use live people? They’ll get 404...”

Soap: “There’s no fixed standard for sacrifices. As a living thing, people will only be exchanged for energy in the alchemy array. If other things have the same value, the effect will be the same in the alchemy exchange. The reason why the evil God let those believers make such an extreme sacrifice is because they don’t know what’s valuable on that planet that can be used as an energy exchange. Without spending more time to explore it, living things are the universal currency in the universe’s alchemy energy. Just now, the other party said that we don’t need to prepare the sacrifice, he will use his own energy...”. “...”

“Eh? You can offer sacrifices that you don’t need?”Grandpa Lu asked curiously. “Then why don’t those demons and evil gods just send them over directly? Is it a bad taste to cause so much trouble?”

“Because of the cost!”Soap explained. “The cost of transporting high-level life forms is huge. Using this summoning method to teleport through the spatial passage is even more expensive. It requires a huge amount of energy. And because the summoning matrix is one-way, if the other side wants to forcefully come over through this method, the amount of energy they have to pay is several times more than normal summoning. Moreover, unlike the variety of tributes that are being summoned, the reverse summoning side can only sacrifice their own life energy as the price. Many high-level life forms are unwilling to pay this cost. So even if at times, those high-level life forms need the lives of a local city or even a country to be sacrificed, it doesn’t matter to them, because it’s still more cost-effective than paying for their own life energy.”

“F * ck...”Grandpa Lu felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart when he heard that. A high-level life form could exchange countless lives for it just because it could save on the cost of teleportation. It was really a saint who was heartless and treated all living things as dogs...

“Get Out...”at some point, Jessica’s mech flew into the cave and gently lifted Grandpa Lu Up. Her tone carried the unique gentleness of a woman.

Grandpa Lu’s body trembled slightly. His voice was very pleasant to hear, but when he remembered that the owner of this voice was also soap, Grandpa Lu’s emotions became very complicated. josei

“Be careful...”Jessica’s female voice said faintly to soap’s divination emperor personality, “If you die, you’ll be gone...”

“I know...”the divination emperor smiled slightly. There was still a hint of excitement in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to the things that he would face next.

Looking at the serious conversation between the two, Grandpa Lu’s expression became even more complicated. He really wanted to know what it felt like to have two personalities split into two. Especially when the two of them were talking, or even... ... If they were a little perverted, what would it feel like to have two bodies split into two and do something indescribable? What would it feel like?

Thinking about it... it was really exciting...


“Oh?”The Tauren who was sitting cross-legged outside suddenly turned his head and glanced at the cave, and a strange look flashed across his eyes.

“What’s Wrong?”Alice, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and asked when she heard the noise.

“The summoning channel is opening inside. There should be reinforcements coming!”

“Oh?”Alice narrowed her eyes. “Should we interrupt them?”

“No need... just wait and see...”the Minotaur said lazily. “We can see just how strong these guys are who want to get Andrew’s attention.”

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