I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1117

Chapter 1117

1117 Chapter 1158: “It’s really a place of protection!”!

“It actually... really exists...”

After 40 days of darkness, 20 days of leaving their homes, and until the last bit of food and water was eaten clean yesterday, they once again welcomed the light...

Was this... The place of protection?

Everyone greedily breathed in the clear and sweet air, looking at the wisps of peaceful green and vigorous vitality in front of them. Most importantly, it was the sunlight that was not available in the outside world. josei

That kind of long-lost warmth made many people unable to hold back their tears... ...

Luke and Bundy, who were at the front, stared blankly ahead, appearing to be in a daze. These days, they had seen a dark and lightless world, twisted and deformed tree trunks, and rotten and stinky soil, everywhere was emitting that disgusting smell of rotten meat.

After so many days of that scene, it always gave people the feeling that the world had turned into Hell. Now that they saw this scene again, they felt like they had entered heaven...

“This... is water drinkable?”

A man next to them licked his dry lips and asked carefully.

Everyone looked at the water. It was so clear that just looking at it made people feel cool all over. They couldn’t help but lick their lips.

Before they set off yesterday, everyone had already eaten all the food and water. Today, they had traveled for an entire day, and no one had eaten a drop of water...

Hearing this, Luke hesitated. In the past, when danger lurked everywhere, he had acted decisively. Now that they were in such a peaceful place, he was a little afraid... ...

Just as he was hesitating, a tremor suddenly came from the forest ahead, as if something was coming.

Luke subconsciously took a step back and placed his hand on the sword by his waist. His first reaction was to wonder if it was that terrifying giant snake... ...

A few seconds later, the thing that shook the forest appeared. It was a group of floating yellow fur balls. If the dogs were here, they would definitely recognize that these guys looked very similar to the elves that had yet to take form, just that their colors were different.

A group of elves came out of the forest with cheerful voices. Their cute shapes and their moaning voices made people feel that they were harmless.

“Be on guard!”Although Luke also felt that they were harmless, he still reminded the soldiers carefully.

The soldiers’expressions tensed when they heard this. They all placed their hands on the weapons on their waists.

“Moaning...”a group of elves slowly approached with kitten-like moans. Their faces were filled with smiles, making the soldiers unable to harden their hearts and pull out their swords.

Moreover, they saw that behind them, many elves were each carrying something similar to a fruit.

“Is This... For Me?”

Seeing the elves approach and hand over the fruit, a burly man swallowed his saliva and asked.

The sparkling and translucent fruit gave off an alluring fragrance, causing him, who had long been thirsty, to reveal a look of anticipation.

“Wu Wu Wu...”the elves slowly floated in front of him and handed the fruit a little higher... ...

“Thank you... Thank you! !”

Many soldiers and civilians took the fruit and took a bite. The sweet juice flowed out. It was obvious that the fruit was a high-grade crop. The delicious taste made everyone want to swallow their tongues.

When Luke saw that everyone swallowed the fruit unprepared, he wanted to stop them, but in the end, he didn’t do so... ...

If this was really a place of protection, then these things should be harmless. If they were too guarded, it might cause the owner of this land to be dissatisfied.

If this was not a place of protection, but a trap, they would not have much strength to resist now.

Thinking of this, Luke looked at the Elf who was smiling at him. Finally, he moved his hands away from the weapon and put his palms together to thank him.

After taking the fruit, Luke and Bundy looked at each other. Finally, they looked at each other and smiled. Then, they took a bite.

“Wow, this taste!”Bundy couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s so delicious. I’ve never eaten such a good fruit!”

Luke nodded in agreement. If this fruit was really poisonous, it could be considered a better way to die... ...

“You... What are you doing?”

Just as everyone was immersed in the fresh and sweet fruit, a woman’s scream suddenly came from behind. Luke frowned. That voice seemed to belong to that somewhat extreme countess.

What happened? Luke quickly walked over.

After walking over, Luke saw the situation clearly. It turned out that these yellow fur balls had suddenly surrounded the daughter of that noblewoman, the little girl who had been crippled by her father.

At this moment, a few of the Elves had suddenly turned into a golden liquid, enveloping the entire body of the girl, leaving only her head outside.

This sudden scene obviously caused this mother to panic.

“Madam, please don’t be agitated...”Luke saw the mother holding a dagger and questioning the terrifying appearance of the Elves, and hurriedly went forward to comfort her. “They shouldn’t have any ill intentions, this is a place of protection...”

“But... But...”hearing Luke’s comforting words, the lady’s eyes revealed a trace of confusion, but more than that, she was still uneasy.

“It’s Alright, my lady...”Luke came closer and gently held her hand that was holding the dagger. His tone was gentle as he said, “Take a closer look at your daughter. Her expression doesn’t look like she’s in pain. She shouldn’t have been hurt!”

The madam heard him and quickly looked over. Only then did she see clearly that her daughter’s face had a peaceful smile. That expression was as if she was enjoying something.

Ever since her daughter was crippled, she had been suffering from the pain of twisted joints and festering wounds every day. It had been a long time since she had seen her daughter show such an expression... ...

Thinking of this, she slowly put down the dagger in her hand. Her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Because she remembered that the orc had said that this place of protection could save her daughter.

Could it be that he was talking about these little guys?

Looking at the woman’s worried expression, Luke’s expression was complicated. He was slightly sympathetic towards the woman’s suffering. Towards the fat count who had beaten his own daughter to this state in order to shift the blame.., he also looked down on him!

Speaking of which, why didn’t he see that guy?

Just as he was thinking, the people around him suddenly exclaimed, “It’s moving, it’s moving!”

Luke came back to his senses and quickly looked over. He saw that the liquid on the little girl’s body began to slowly squirm, then slowly spread out and turned into a yellow ball of fur.

“Your child’s wound...”Luke immediately discovered the magical part.

The countess rushed forward and touched her daughter’s wound with trembling hands. The wound that had been festering earlier had completely disappeared, leaving only pink flesh marks, obviously, she was already recovering.


Seeing this scene, the Countess could not stop her tears from flowing. She asked her daughter carefully, “How do you feel, Jenny?”

“Me?”A tired smile appeared on Jenny’s face. “I feel very good, mother. It’s been a long time since I had such a good time...”

“Good, good...”the Countess said with tears in her eyes, “This is good, this is good...”

“But...”the countess touched the child’s deformed skeleton and said in confusion, “Why are these still like this? He clearly said that they could be cured.”

“Her joints and bones are seriously damaged. Even if she has completely transformed, the little elf alone can not recover. She needs to undergo bone-shaping surgery...”

Just as a shadow rose in the Countess’heart, a gentle female voice slowly sounded.

Everyone quickly looked over and saw an extremely beautiful woman in a white dress.

That kind of beauty was suffocating...

“You don’t have to worry...”the woman smiled gently at the Countess. “There will be the best doctors to help your daughter recover...”

The countess froze and tears welled up in her eyes again. She knelt down and bowed. “Thank you... Thank You!”

“May I ask this lady, who are you?”Luke quickly asked when he came back to his senses.


The woman smiled gently, and everyone’s heart wavered because of this smile... ...

“My name is Ysera, welcome to the land of Refuge!”

Looking at that country-toppling smile and the beautiful fairytale-like scenery around them, everyone finally could not help but cheer!

So, the land of refuge really existed...

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