I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121

1121 Chapter 1,162: see through Andrew’s true purpose!


This answer made Seer’s head explode as he stood rooted to the ground... ...

Seer instantly understood one thing when the words ‘Spirit System Channel’and ‘Magic Net Password’appeared. Everyone seemed to have misjudged Andrew!

The so-called Gene Dragon Experiment, life source detection, a series of things were simply a pretense!

Even when he was hunted down by Queen Sylvanas for his forbidden research, he had probably designed it himself. From the beginning to the end... ... His goal had never been some bullshit origin of life or some application of the genes of the dragon race.

In fact, it was the same. This kind of technology was obviously not accepted by the world. Even if he managed to research it, what use would it be? What’s the point of offending an entire dragon clan over a biological weapon?

From the very beginning, everyone had only been guessing at the motives of a mad scientist, but seer had sensed very early on that an undead lord who could set up such a deep and careful plan.., could it really be just a simple mad scientist?

Obviously, his idea is right, everything is a pretense, and the other party’s real purpose is hidden in this planet’s secret!


“Oh, my Lord, can you help me to decipher the meaning of this rune?”

In the Hall of the dead, Kersu was still earnestly asking the Mayans for their knowledge of runes. However, the Mayans, who were several dimensions higher than Kersu, showed great patience in the face of the other party’s extremely low-level inquiry, he went to a lot of trouble to explain the basic knowledge of runes to the little native undead.

His patience and detailed explanation was more professional than many high school instructors.

This made Kersu’s impression of this new mysterious woman increase greatly. A knowledgeable senior willing to teach so patiently was an extremely rare existence... ...

He was really lucky...

“How’s Your Learning? Kersu?”

Andrew appeared at the back of the hall, quietly looking at the two people who looked more like master and disciple, smiling like a kind old man.

“Master?”Kersu saw the other party and quickly bowed respectfully, “I am very grateful for this master’s teaching, I have learned a lot!”

“Really?”Andrew smiled and then looked at Maya, “I didn’t realize that you were such a patient guy.”

Maya smiled and looked at Andrew. “People change. What do you think, teacher?”

“That’s true...”. Andrew smiled. “I have indeed forgotten. It has been three eras since we last met. The little girl who used to be strange and mischievous is now an amazing master of illusion. I didn’t even notice when she left. You are right. People really can’t always stay in the memories of the past.” “... “...”

As soon as she said that, Maya, who was smiling, froze and her smile gradually disappeared.

Kersu, who was at the side, was stunned. He was quick-witted and immediately sensed that something was wrong. He silently retreated backward.

“Teacher is really amazing... he noticed it so quickly...”Maya narrowed her eyes and said.

“You’re the one who’s amazing, my dear Little Maya...”Andrew smiled and said, “When did you find out?”

“Probably on the second day I came here...”Maya said lightly.

Andrew nodded, found a place to sit down, and gestured, “Tell Me...”

Maya said, “On the first day I came here, I was indeed amazed by your complex and huge alchemy array. Such a perfect design, circular grafting, and interlocking, without a single flaw. As one of the former chief instructors of tirisfal, even the swindle-style alchemy array was so perfect.” josei

“You said it was perfect... But you saw the flaw in one day. Are you complimenting me or yourself?”Andrew laughed.

Maya said, “Of course I’m complimenting teacher. To be honest, even those old fogeys from the White Dragon Sacred Academy wouldn’t be able to see that teacher’s array was a scam in a short time, let alone me!”

“Oh? Then how did you see through it?”

Maya said, “As long as there are doubts, you can always find flaws. Teacher, don’t forget that illusionists are the strongest array breakers.”

“So I’m not asking again, why would you be suspicious?”

Upon hearing that, Maya smiled again. “Because I don’t believe that there is any technology in this world that can allow a level two or three life form to grow to that level simply by using the alchemy array! “With such subversive technology, Queen Sylvanas will only put you on the wanted list after eating too much!”

“Hahahaha! !”Andrew burst into laughter, he looked at her with great satisfaction, “As expected, among the students I teach, you are the smartest. If that Little Guy Vogu was half as smart as you, he wouldn’t have been so slow to react! !”

“So, what’s teacher trying to do?”Maya looked at him. “The basic principle of alchemy is equal exchange. This iron law will not change at any time. To be able to turn a group of level two or three aborigines into such a powerful existence, the energy used is already enough for you to create a stronger army. Yet, you created such a complicated matrix and transferred that energy to these aborigines. It’s difficult and unrewarding, and it might even lose a lot of energy. Moreover, just activating this matrix would probably consume a lot of energy. What is teacher trying to do?”

“Since you’ve already guessed this far, why don’t you continue guessing?”Andrew smiled as if he was testing his own student.

“Alright...”. “...”. “...”Maya narrowed her eyes and continued, “My guess is that teacher doesn’t have enough power to deal with a mature army like Vogu. It’s normal to think about it. Queen Sylvanas was so strict with you back then. You shouldn’t be able to leave enough power in the world to deal with a high-level lord’s force. Otherwise, you would have been found out long ago. The power storage is limited, but you’ve made such a complicated set of operations to waste energy. There’s only one reason that makes sense. You’re Bluffing!”! “!”

Clap Clap Clap! !

Andrew clapped without holding back, “Continue...”

Maya said, “Using the last remaining power in the world to create such a gimmick, it shouldn’t be without a purpose. The purpose of the bluff is to make the other party fear and delay time, and the purpose of delaying time should be to find something. I guess it should be the mysterious power on this planet that hasn’t been successfully infected by you, right?”

Maya paused for a moment before continuing, “If that’s the case, teacher, this trap of yours must have been set up before you were wanted, right? In other words, the so-called forbidden research and the so-called dragon race genes that were rumored by the outside world were all fake, right? It was just a method for you to break away from Sylvanas’influence... ... So I’m quite curious, what kind of thing could make you, who has such a status, give up everything and come up with a scheme?”

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