I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141

1141 Chapter 1181: Reversal!

“Everyone, hurry up and keep up!”The person in charge of commanding shouted towards the back, “Don’t fall behind, don’t look to the sides, just walk forward!”

At this moment, the huge logistics team was orderly retreating towards the port under the command of the commander. Doggie and little cabbage were swaying in the crowd, but they did not listen to the warning from the person in front and looked around like thieves.

However, they regretted it after they saw it. After the city was demechanized, there was no magnetic field. The mecha in front switched to close combat mode to block the local army, but it was clearly not enough to block all the monsters outside, from time to time, some very strange things would appear and enter the rear.

As far as the eye could see, the sky was filled with strange things. The Rangers in the surroundings were covering their retreat. However, the number of Rangers was limited, so it was obvious that they could not protect everyone at all times. From time to time, there would be fish that would slip through the net and rush into the defensive line to kill a bunch of people.

Under such circumstances, the Rangers outside would only take the time to use weapons from afar to kill the monsters before ordering them to continue moving forward. Meanwhile, the members of the logistics team did not even dare to look at the dead ones as they buried their heads and continued on their way.

Upon seeing this scene, little cabbage shivered and said with a sobbing tone, “What are Grandpa and the others doing? Why aren’t they coming to save us...”

Eggface rolled his eyes when he heard that. To be honest, with monsters flying everywhere, these powerful Rangers were obviously more reliable than Grandpa and the others, okay?

I really hope that those two guys can safely bring us away. What are you thinking about?

But aren’t they dying too randomly?

Eggface frowned as he rushed forward while looking at the situation around him. Every time a monster was missed, a group of people would be smacked to death. Whether they could survive depended entirely on their faces... ...

Eggface did not think that he could avoid the monster’s attack. Although the people around him were from the logistics department and did not have any combat ability, that was only relative. Compared to scum like her and little cabbage, they were still very strong, okay. If they could be killed by a single slap, he would definitely be the same...

He did not know if he could survive with this dog luck...

Just as she was thinking, she suddenly felt a sense of alarm in her heart. Dog Egg’s entire body instantly tensed up. In a split second, he reacted instinctively without any hesitation!

The meditation technique that Vaughn had taught her was instantly activated. Everything in front of her turned into elemental particles. Then, she flew towards the direction of the cyan elemental particles at a speed that she usually did not dare to use!

Meanwhile, at the periphery, the others saw eggface turn into a beam of green light and disappear into the distance. He had almost crossed a hundred meters in an instant!

At the same time, at the place where eggface originally was, a giant python suddenly emerged from the ground and swallowed the person in that position!

The Rangers at the periphery reacted quickly. They picked up their long-range weapons and were about to shoot. However, the snake drilled into the ground again with incomparable agility!

One of the Rangers turned into a swift shadow and grabbed the dog egg who had turned into a green light and was still desperately running away!

After the green light was caught, it quickly turned into the shape of dog egg. However, it was still desperately running like a dog while being held by the ranger... ...

“Stop!”The ranger shouted coldly.

Dog Egg instantly calmed down after being shouted at, but his hands and feet were still crawling like a dog... ...

Looking at this little guy who couldn’t even control her body completely, the high-level ranger who caught her had a complicated look in his eyes. This little guy could actually master master master Vivian’s secret skill so quickly?

No Wonder Master Vivian was like a treasure...

“It’s okay... calm down...”the ranger comforted her gently.

“Oh, oh...”Goudan nodded repeatedly with a frightened look on his face. That attack just now was too scary. Fortunately, this Goudan reacted quickly, or else he would have died, Haha. ... ... that little cabbage must have reacted. ... ? ... Eh?

Little Cabbage! !

Goudan suddenly looked in the direction where he was just now, but there was only a black hole-like deep pit in front of his eyes.

“Don’t look, your companion has been swallowed by the snake...”the Ranger said faintly!

“Swallowed... By the snake?”Eggface widened his eyes and repeated the ranger’s words with a dull expression.

The ranger frowned. He knew that the other party might have dealt a heavy blow, but he didn’t say anything. He directly tied Eggface with a rope on his back and rushed toward another monster-intensive area. He didn’t have the time to comfort this little guy now, he had wasted a few seconds, and a large number of people had already died!

Meanwhile, Dogball was completely in a daze, his head buzzing... ...

The cabbage was swallowed...

That guy... did he just take dogball like that?

It shouldn’t be...

That guy was a lucky star in the base. Every time he was kidnapped, he was the chosen one who reaped a lot of benefits!

That’s right... . The guy’s gonna be fine. wasn’t she abducted by a snake the first time? And? He’s out there being a tribal chief!

That guy’s a badass. He’s obviously God’s daughter. He’ll be fine.

I’m sure it’ll be fine...


“Damn it! !”

Alice saw the back of the cabbage was swallowed by the giant snake, green eyes suddenly turned red, suddenly accelerated to rush over, but was next to the bull head to catch.

“What are you doing?”The Minotaur asked coldly.

“Save her! !”Alice said anxiously.

“How?”The minotaur squinted his eyes and said, “Andrew modified the giant snake. Its creature level is at least level 15 and above. How are you going to save it?”

“Why didn’t you do anything?”Alice asked.

“If I do anything now, I will be exposed...”the Minotaur said straightforwardly.

“But...”Alice looked at the other party’s calm gaze and asked doubtfully, “Didn’t you value her very much before?”

The minotaur said, “She has very high aptitude, but I don’t have that much intention to train students. Of course it’s good, but if it conflicts with our goal, it’s not a big deal...”


“But you don’t have to worry...”. “...”. The minotaur laughed and said, “The surrounding biochemical beasts may look like irrational monsters, but they are all under Andrew’s control. Andrew isn’t crazy. That Elven girl has the Royal Green Elf bloodline, he wouldn’t be so crazy as to destroy her!”

“Is that so?”Alice looked deeply at the Minotaur and didn’t say anything in the end... ...

The minotaur smiled. No one knew what he was thinking, so the two of them continued to hide in the logistics team and rushed toward the port.



On the other side, cabbage, who had been swallowed by the giant snake in one gulp, shrank into a ball of meat and shivered. She didn’t even have the courage to look up... ...

Sob, sob, why does it always have to be like this? What sins have I committed... josei

Little cabbage wanted to cry in her heart, but the strange thing was that she didn’t feel like she was in the stomach of a snake... ...

“You are still so useless...”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, causing the trembling meatball to freeze. A few seconds later, little cabbage suddenly raised her head and looked at the person who had spoken!

“Why are you here? ?”

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