I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224

1224 Chapter 1264: employment relationship...

The Titan’s faith...

At the thought of this, the undead God’s heart sank into an extremely complicated emotion.

It had been watching Andrew for a long time. It knew that Andrew was definitely planning a great benefit, but it did not expect that there would be so many benefits.

The emerald dream, this legendary alchemy universe, coupled with the Moon Elf civilization’s massive spirit channel password, was completely comparable to Empress XI’s infinite death channel in terms of value.

Such a large cake was already beyond his imagination, but he discovered that the benefits were far more than that.

Demon Lord Bolton, the massive abyssal force behind him, the mysterious little lord behind him, those natives with terrifying natural endowments, all of them were things that even top-tier gods coveted, especially the latter.

Especially the example just now, it made him realize the astonishing value of those little fellows.

The Titan clan had always wanted to restore the ancient glory, and this matter was known to almost everyone!

After all, a race with extremely powerful talents, until now, had not been recognized by the royal family in the federation’s ten thousand clans. This was the obsession in the hearts of most Titan clans, especially those of the older generation who followed the third Lord.

What they yearned for was an imperial bloodline!

Back then, the third Lord had used the fact that he was a pure-blooded descendant as a selling point to win over more than 80% of the Titan families to serve him. His fame was so great that even the elven royal family did not dare to look down on him.

However, even during that golden period, the Titan family still did not become a royal family. The reason was that other than the third Lord becoming a deity, he also did not fulfill his promise to successfully condense a pure-blooded imperial bloodline and pass it down!

Therefore, after the third Lord was killed, the Titan clan collapsed very quickly because they no longer had a spiritual pillar... ...

However, from the situation that the female Titan did not hesitate to face Andrew Today, many Titan should still have faith in their hearts...

The successor of the Dawn Corps had found the imperial bloodline and carried the will of the Titan ancestors, creating glory again!

What a powerful banner?

Moreover, there were more than one indigenous people with good aptitude... ...

Other than the Titan Royal Family, there were many races in the universe with powerful talents that were not recognized because they did not have the imperial bloodline, there were the bronze race, the nine-tailed illusionary Fox race of vasteria, and even the other elven branches in the Elven system other than the royal family of the starry sky.

The windwalker bloodline, the Blue Spirit Bloodline, and the Shadowsong bloodline all had bloodlines that were not inferior to those of the starry sky elves. The Starry Sky Elves who were the main priests of the ancient elven era were not even ranked in the top five in the great elven system, but now, they were the representatives of the elven race. On what basis? Wasn’t it because the starry Sky Elves had the imperial bloodline?

Now that he thought about the allure of the imperial bloodline, it was probably more important than he had imagined to those big clans!

It seemed like...

The undead looked ahead. The item in the little lord’s hand was probably much more important than the emerald dream that Andrew was interested in... ...

At the thought of this, an eye of the blood demon quietly appeared in his palm in the Black Fog, and the eye of the Blood Demon was seer’s movement... ...


Such a big fight, naturally alerted the night, and at this time Lanaya Most Afraid of God Lord, has also been in the night side.

“Good basics...”

Vogo looked at the almost unscathed night and smiled.

As a deity, it is a basic skill to use the power of laws to avoid this kind of unconscious energy explosion. It has been taught many times in the deity academy. After all, the fate of most deity is to be a wandering deity, if one was unlucky enough to encounter an interstellar storm in the universe, one had to at least have a certain degree of self-protection.

“Senior, you flatter me...”seer replied respectfully.

Vogu nodded. Just like a senior, he had blocked the remaining shockwaves for seer. Moreover, it was because he had brought seer along that seer was able to barely keep up with SAB and the others.

Of course, the other party had relied on him to barely track down the Saab Gang. Brother Dog was his own citizen, so there was no special space isolation. He could rely on the contract to track down Brother Dog’s location.

Otherwise, such a cowardly guy who only dared to OB at the edge would have been left behind long ago! josei

“Senior, why are you so far away?”Seer could not help but ask in the end.

Vogu: “Afraid...”


Billy, who had been found by the side, immediately frowned. “Sir, do you want me to come out and talk to Lanaya?”

She was very clear about the Lord’s concerns. If a top-notch assassin was determined to break the contract, it would be a great threat to him.

Vogu shook his head. “You can’t convince her. Right now, the only way to trust each other is to sign the sky god contract, but to sign the contract, you have to personally seal it and lock the soul. I can do this process, and so can she!”


It was a dead end...

Now that their trust had collapsed, the moment they met, it would be a life-and-death situation... ...

It was really not good news. After all, Lanaya’s strength was too practical in the current situation.

“What about Vienne?”Billy quickly asked, “Can she fight for it?”

“Her?”Vogu’s mouth twitched. “I think she’s more dangerous than Lanaya...”

According to the information Goron sent before he died, the Vivian who entered the Emerald Dream was a fake. Where was the real Vivian?

Although he didn’t sign the god contract and couldn’t directly obtain Vivian’s position, he knew about her life and death. Moreover, he could sense that Vivian was in this fragment world!

What was a person who had hidden his face from the start, hiding in the dark, trying to do?

Moreover, although Vaughn was a ranger, her unique footwork ability was indeed more dangerous than an assassin!

Billy was silent when he heard this. Vogu also took a deep breath. This was also the reason why he wanted to come in alone. Most of the people in the faction were mercenaries like Vaughn. He did not nurture many star-ranked experts himself, not everyone has Bolton’s pedigree, and there’s a steady stream of star players.

If he only brought in a few of his own groomed people, I’m afraid that the quick-witted Pippen would notice something, and then it would be very troublesome, and the strength of those star-ranked experts that he groomed, to be honest, is still not presentable... ... Well, it’s not gonna do you much good at the level of Vaughn and... ...

Thinking of this, Vogu’s expression was complicated.

He had spent a large sum of money to hire Vaughn, Lanaya, and Pippen, these top star-ranked figures, precisely because he did not have enough time to groom his own forces. However, he had not expected that the things that his teacher had planned were even more terrifying than he had imagined.., under such benefits, those mercenaries had instead become a burden. had his teacher planned all of this?

Just as he was thinking, he saw Xi ye staring at him.


Vogu frowned and immediately said, “What do you want to say?”

Xi Ye buckled her helmet and said honestly, “Nothing, I just want to say that it’s not easy for senior. Spending so much money is already considered a hundred flowers...”

Vogu rolled his eyes, let out a long breath and said faintly, “You should be concerned about yourself. The one who kidnapped Little Titan is that spatial master under you, right? He hasn’t contacted you?”

Xi Ye:”...”

“Oh, I forgot...”Vogu looked at Xi ye sarcastically. “He and you are also in an employment relationship...”

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