I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

1268 Chapter 1308: the plight of the fairy tribe!

“You... you... you...”

Lulu pointed at the undead that was surrounded by the black fog and could not utter a single word.

As the fairy tribe, they were used to taking people’s lives. During the process, they learned a lot of secrets. Although she always acted cute and dumb, in fact, she was able to calm herself down in many situations, even in the Emerald Dream Realm and the appearance of the Moon Elf.

Although she was excited, she was able to calm herself down. However, when the guy in front of her said that she was a member of the fairy race... ... She couldn’t hold it in any longer... ...

The fairy race was an alien race. Once they died, they wouldn’t enter the death realm in the material world. The only exception was the person who became the material world, which was the so-called change of bloodline!

The Fairy Race had a noble bloodline. All the races in the universe had their own strengths, but no fairy race member would choose to change into the bloodline of the material universe, except for the sky gods!

And in the history of the fairy race, there was only one person who had become a sky god!

“You... are...”

Lulu stuttered a little. When she first came, the Palace Master of the Immortal Palace had said that there would be corresponding arrangements here. To be honest, at this point, she had no expectations for the so-called arrangements. After all, in other people’s Mystic Realms.., what arrangements could you have?

It was most likely that there was a deviation in the prophecy.

This was very normal. Even the fairies who had the highest accuracy in the prophecy could not be 100% accurate. Otherwise, anyone could go to the fairies and ask for a fortune. Anyone would be able to rise to great heights!

Under normal circumstances, when a prophet predicted something with a greater law of karma, the accuracy rate was less than 1% . and the fairies were usually 50% certain. But even so, there were still many small deviations in the process, a 50% chance of success in the general direction, and countless bugs in the small deviations.

This was the fairy tribe’s prophecy. Therefore, many times, even if you bought a prophecy, the thing you wanted might not be able to change your fate through the prophecy. This was both external and internal, because they themselves knew that just by the prophecy.., it might not be able to change your fate. Many times, the thing that the prophecy foretold was your fate, and you couldn’t escape it no matter how hard you tried.

According to her guess, it was very likely that the palace master’s so-called arrangement might have gone off somewhere because of a deviation. She would believe it even if the palace master said that it was several galaxies away.

After all, the so-called small deviation... ... If one were to look at the entire universe as a map, a small deviation would probably be an unattainable distance...

However, she did not expect that the so-called arrangement would actually be this...

She was not stupid. As a member of the fairy race, there were no fools. The moment she knew the answer, she instantly understood the cause and effect.

“So your death...”

“HMM...”a voice came from within the Black Fog. This time, the voice was no longer hoarse and unpleasant to the ear. Instead, it was as beautiful and beautiful as a clear spring. It was clearly the unique voice of the fairy race!

Lulu was stunned. She was still in disbelief as she muttered, “How is this possible?”

An Ya had died in the ardent martial era. It had already been a very long time since then. How could she describe how long it had been? At that time, there were only seven of the ten great lords. At that time, the natural disaster had yet to happen, and the undead had yet to invade the universe, empress Xi had yet to be born!

In other words, in that era where even the undead were unable to enter the material universe, her own race had set up this trap?

Wasn’t that a little too forward?

“There’s nothing impossible...”an ya said faintly, “After all, that prophecy almost took the lives of ten Hall Masters!”

Lulu was startled when she heard that. After hearing what the other party said, she somewhat believed that the other party was from the fairy race.

The Fairy Race had twelve immortal palaces, and each era only opened one immortal palace. However, only the inner members of the fairy race knew that there were actually only two hall masters in the twelve immortal palaces, and the other ten immortal palaces had long since lost their owners.., and they had never been connected!

No one knew how weak the fairy race had become. After countless eras, the fairy race could not and could not nurture another hall master, and they could not even afford to nurture one.

This was the secret of the fairy race, a secret that would never be spread out. A spirit should not know about this... ...

Thinking of this, Lulu finally took a breath and muttered, “An ya... senior...”

“Senior?”An Ya repeated meaningfully, looking at Lulu with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

“UH... is... is there a problem?”Lulu felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

“Nothing... tell me about the situation...”an YA skipped the topic and asked, “How is the situation in the Clan Now?”

“Uh... Senior, which aspect are you referring to?”Lulu asked carefully.

“Why didn’t I know that you were so careful in the past?”An Ya asked with interest. josei

The other party’s words were clearly testing her, but in her impression, this fellow was not a cautious person.

“Eh?”Lulu was stunned and subconsciously asked, “Senior, do you know me?”

“Of course I know you...”an YA said with a smile that was not a smile.

Lulu came to her senses. The fairy race had mostly been reincarnated for countless lifetimes. Regarding who she was in her previous life, she was actually a little curious and asked excitedly, “Then, senior, do you want to say it?”

“We’ll talk about this later...”an ya continued the topic, “How’s the situation in the race? How many Purple Moon Springs are left?”

Hearing this, Lulu narrowed her eyes. Obviously, the other party also knew what the current predicament of the fairies was... ...

Purple Moon spring water was a key alchemy item that the fairies could use to maintain their physical form in the material world. With this item, they could not only maintain their physical form in the material world, but they could also reincarnate. In theory, as long as the spring water was there.., the fairy race could reincarnate countless times, using a perfect cycle pattern to achieve immortality!

This... ! ... was the key reason why their race was willing to pledge their loyalty to the Moon Elves!

After all, even the moon elves themselves could not achieve immortality, but they could. It was no wonder that the extraterrestrial race with such talent would be so loyal to the Moon Elves back then!

But ever since the destruction of the elf civilization, their spring water supply had been cut off!

Over the countless years, the race had tried all sorts of methods and experimented countless times. They wanted to find an alchemy item that could replace the purple moon spring water, but they still couldn’t find it. However, the Purple Moon spring water could only be produced by the Moon Elves’Sacrifice!

For countless years, this point couldn’t be solved, causing them to watch the spring water dry up. This forced them to stop their population growth and even intentionally reduce their population.

But even so... The spring water supply was still insufficient. After all, if they were unable to open the source, no matter how much they cut back, they would eventually run out. ...

“There’s not much left...”Lulu hesitated for a moment before finally saying, “The hall master said that once this era is over, the interior of the immortal palace won’t even be able to supply the two Hall Masters!”

“Is that so...”an ya sighed. “Then it’s really urgent...”after thinking for a moment, she raised her head and said, “Let’s go and settle the matter in front of us first...”

As she said that, she looked at the handsome angel who was floating in the air and resting with his eyes closed a hundred kilometers away... ...

“Oh right, I also want to ask...”Lulu asked curiously, “How do you plan to settle him?”

“It’s not me... It’s you...”an ya said faintly, “I’m just an undead now, an undead without a body. It’s impossible for me to deal with a star-level fallen angel, and I even have the assistance of a domain...”

“Me?”Lulu was stunned. “You’re joking, right?”


“I’m not joking...”an YA looked at her. “You’ll definitely be fine...”

“Bullsh * T! !”

An Ya looked at Lulu, who was cursing, and immediately smiled. This fellow hadn’t changed at all...

“Didn’t you want to ask who you were in your previous life?”


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