I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

1276 Chapter 1316: he... He shouldn’t be too embarrassed, right?

When... was this?

Nevar looked into the distance in shock. It was a pitch-black space. After losing control, the shadow power began to wreak havoc. It was no longer as bright and beautiful as before. The reason was that the master of the domain had arrived outside the domain... ...

“It was only... a few minutes ago...”Maya said with a smile.

Nevar opened his mouth and looked at the domain behind Maya. He knew that the other party would not give him a chance to go over!

But how did she do it?

Was she purely relying on seduction?

How was that possible?

No matter how complacent he was, it was impossible for him to be lured out of the domain without knowing it, right? After all, when he attacked Maya just now, he did not see the large shadow space behind her.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the guy in front of him was a top-notch illusionist...

“An illusion?”

“You only reacted now?”Maya yawned...

“When?”Neyfal asked in a daze.

Maya: “In the beginning!”

“In the beginning?”Neyfal tried hard to recall all the details after the other party entered the domain, but he couldn’t figure out when the other party had cast an illusion on him.

And it shouldn’t be. From the moment the other party entered the domain, he had concentrated his shadow power. The difference in size between them had caused the difference in strength between the two parties to be one level lower, every movement of the other party was so slow in his eyes that it made people doze off. How could she possibly cast an illusion on him in that state?

It shouldn’t be...

“Looking at your silly appearance, it’s obvious that you haven’t reacted...”Maya sighed faintly. “I thought that you were smarter than the average demon, but in fact, it seems to be about the same...”

Nevar’s expression turned ugly.

“What I said, it’s the beginning, do you understand? It’s not the beginning here!”

Nevar:”! !”

Looking at Nevar’s surprised expression, Maya let out a sigh of relief. “Looks like you finally understand...”

“Then... at that time?”Nevar froze on the spot.

He understood what the other party meant. The other party did not mean the beginning of their meeting, but the beginning of their first meeting. In other words, the other party had already cast an illusion on him at that time. He had cast an illusion ahead of time. If he wanted to activate the illusion, he only needed to be able to see the hint of movement. No matter how slow the other party’s movement was, this was obviously something that could be done... ...

“Could it be that... you had already predicted this at that time?”Neyfal could not believe it. ...

“Not that godly...”Maya smiled. “At that time, I just thought that you would be able to live to the end. I might be able to use the next illusion at the critical moment, but I didn’t expect that you would have such a rich plot later on...”

Neyfal stared at her blankly. After a long while, he finally let out a long sigh. “So... you dared to come alone, so you chose me?”

“Of course...”Maya said matter-of-factly. “Why would I come if I’m not confident? To give my head away?”

“I see...”Nevar wanted to nod, however, he suddenly realized that he could not do it. He was stunned for a moment before he realized that his entire body had been frozen by a purple energy. As a shadow demon, he was actually completely confined. He could not even turn into a shadow!

“Falling light!”Maya did not wait for the other party to open his mouth to explain, “The last item in the Brightmoon weapon is a sealed artifact. It is specially used to deal with elemental bodies like you...”

“Is that so...”the corner of Nevar’s mouth curled up into a faint bitter smile. That was true. The other party was not him, so why would he start showing off proudly without any backup plan?

“Do you have anything else to say?”Maya slowly approached with the silver moon in her hand.

Nefal looked at her and asked the same question that he had asked before, “Are all the descendants of the big families in the federation as powerful as you?”

Maya smiled. “I told you, I’m the best!”

“Is that so?”Nefal smiled and finally closed his eyes. “Then that’s it, there’s nothing else to ask...”

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of moonlight flashed past, and NEYFAL’s entire body was split into two halves!

“I really can’t be careless...”Maya rubbed her neck. “I almost rolled over...”

Before this, she had naturally chosen a person to come to the shadow demon territory. The little shadow demon had been affected by her illusion spell, and as long as she performed it properly, she would definitely be able to lure him out of the territory. This method would not work on the other demons in the other territories. The only thing that would work on him was that he was a living person. Unlike the other undead, he would die after leaving the domain and would be on alert...

Even if she did not succeed, with the illusion as a cover, it would not be a big problem for her to escape unscathed. However, she did not expect the boost from the other party’s domain to be so exaggerated. She almost did not even use anything before she became a dog... ...

Therefore, this world was really dangerous...

Maya smiled and waved her hand casually. A rune lit up, and an elegant singing voice was immediately heard from within the rune.

If an older undead was here, they would definitely be able to hear that it was the chant of a banshee...

It was a spell created by Sylvanas. It was used to appease the vengeful spirits and send them back to the world of death. In the ancient Chinese way of speaking, it was called crossing over...

She did not want him to be used again by the mantis, who could not be fooled again...

The graceful and beautiful song slowly rose with Nevar’s soul, until the shadow demon territory disappeared from her eyes. Then she turned off the Banshee song and looked at the World Core at the center of the Territory!

—— —

Is This... dying?

Nevar felt that his consciousness was slowly being stripped away, in a very strange state, from the world he had once known.

I guess that’s what it’s like on the books to go to the dead? josei

In a flash, many images flashed through my mind. My life memories flashed through my mind like a passing lantern. I was isolated by my own kind when I was young, I worked hard in silence, and then I was valued by Burton. He walked towards a small climax in his life, and everything seemed to be happening all over again... ...

But in the end, the passing lantern stopped moving in an image.

In that image was a starry night, with only him and Saab.

In his memories, Saab looked at him with a funny expression. “You don’t seem to feel sad about your brother’s death at all? I heard that he treated you quite well...”

“This has nothing to do with whether he treated you well or not...”. “...”. In the image, Sab did not conceal his disdain towards his dead brother at all. “He was clearly much stronger than that federation assassin, yet he still died at the hands of the other party. He relied too much on his own talent and did not have the slightest bit of brain. He did not know how to think at all. For such a person, even if a hundred or a thousand of them died, it would still be a foolish death. What’s there to feel sad about?”


“It was stupid, but it wasn’t wrong... Saab laughed and said, “In order to make up for the gap in their talent, those fellows from the federation have spent a lot of time and effort on their research. This wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation. If you can’t beat them head-on, you should think of ways to solve the genes that are engraved in their bones. This kind of thing is not something that you can learn just by going out and taking a look . . “...”Sab sighed as he spoke, he patted Nevar’s shoulder and said, “You thought that you were different from your compatriots. One day, you will discover that you are actually the same. There is a reason why we demons have been unable to walk out of the abyss for such a long time...”

Up until now, he still did not agree with SAB’s words. After all, it was as if he was saying that the genes of demons did not include the word ‘smart’...

However, there was one point that he was right about. He was no different from those stupid compatriots who had died. In the end, he was played to death by a federation person who was far weaker than him but smarter than him...

However, she said that she was the cream of the crop. He should not be too embarrassed, right?

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