I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340

1340 Chapter 1,380: the choice of Lei Xue

“How much of the base have you taken over...”

This is a very sensitive topic, but Li Lao or before Lei Lao came directly asked, this is not that he was too hasty, but he wanted to see the first ray this granddaughter’s most sincere attitude...

“Many... . “lei xue said truthfully, “The authority is more important than I thought, but I’m not sure if they’ve given it all to me. After all, it’s a completely unimaginable field. Without intelligence, I actually don’t know how much they’ve kept from me... “...”

They... me?

Elder Li’s eyes lit up and he composed himself, “You’ve been in the main base for many days. Can you tell me what you’ve been busy with?”

Lei Xue nodded, “Firstly, it’s the daily record of the base, especially the normal operation of each city. The main base will constantly update the data around the clock to observe the specific changes of the city lord’s operation of the city, as well as the specific situation of each player and citizen, from which the points will be calculated. This is the first job every day. It’s to assess the details of each city Lord’s handling of problems and the effectiveness of the entire government’s operation after being communicated...”. “...”

Elder li widened his eyes, “So... all of us are still under surveillance?”

“Yes...”lei xue nodded, “If necessary, we can pull up the daily surveillance of anyone in the base...”

“Is this considered an invasion of privacy?”Elder li frowned...

“It should be...”Lei Xue agreed, but then she said, “But so what?”

Elder Li was stunned by the question, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face... ...

Yes, so what. When they first came in, everyone knew that they might be monitored, but they still chose to come in because compared to the benefits, it was simply not worth mentioning... ...

While they were talking, elder lei slowly walked into the living room. When he heard elder Li directly ask about the things in the main base, he was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. This old guy didn’t follow the rules. How could he start when he wasn’t around?

Just as he was about to stab elder Li in the back, he heard elder Li ask again, “So you’re saying that you can see all of our surveillance throughout the day?”

When he heard this, elder Lei instantly lost the intention to argue with elder Li. He quietly sat down on the sofa and waited for Lei Xue’s reply... ...

Lei Xue: “Yes...”

“All of them?”Elder Li said somewhat unwillingly.

“Yes...”Lei Xue nodded. “Including the fact that you guys have been using the intelligence agencies to deduce the operation mechanism of the extraterrestrial forces. In order to take the initiative, these main bases also have records...”

Elder Li:”...”

“Then... does the main base not have any explanation for this?”

“I’ve asked the AI...”. “...”. “...”Lei Xue said in a low voice, “According to the AI, the base managers only monitor, record, and evaluate. They don’t target personal feelings or politicians’moral judgment. They only look at efficiency and results. After they come to a conclusion, they will report the data.”

“That is to say, rain girl, Wu Gua, reports everything about us every day?”Elder li frowned.

“Yes...”lei xue nodded, “But if she doesn’t do that, your intelligence will not be missed. After all, this place is under full AI’s supervision...” josei

Elder li nodded, “What about the person who reports it?”

Lei Xue, “Seer Lord...”

“Is he the only one?”Elder Li asked directly.

When this question was asked, elder lei, who was beside him, jumped to his feet. He looked at the other party in surprise. He did not expect elder Li to ask so directly... ...

“Yes...”Lei Xue’s answer was even more direct. ...

“Then...”elder Li took a deep breath, “In the main base, have you ever come into contact with anyone other than Seer Lord?”

Lei Xue took a deep look at him and said, “Elder Lei wants to ask if there are other extraterrestrial managers in the base, right?”

These words caused the atmosphere in the room to become tense... ...

“This... this... this... I didn’t mean that...”elder Li said nervously... ...

“Elder Li, don’t worry...”lei xue said calmly, “The base manager can block the intelligent surveillance...”

Once these words were said, both elder Lei and elder Li were instantly stunned. The manager actually had this kind of authority?

“Are you sure?”Elder Li asked somewhat nervously.

“I’m sure...”Lei Xue said with a smile, “According to the intelligent system, this is the authority that senior rain woman Wugua applied for herself and obtained the approval of the higher-ups. I believe that with Senior’s brain, if the higher-ups lied to her, she would definitely be able to see through it...”

“Hiss...”elder Li and elder Wu Guagua immediately took a deep breath, and their hearts sank into ecstasy... ...

“Elder Li, I don’t know how to answer the question that you want to know...”. “...”. Lei Xue’s indifferent expression pulled the other party out of his joy. “I’ve docked some orders from the base and the outside world. Just from the information of those orders and items, I can tell that they’re docked with an incomparably large civilization force. Therefore, the person we’re dealing with is definitely an unimaginably large individual. However, currently, there’s only seer as a manager. As for why this is the case, I don’t know either...”. “...”. “...”

“Alright, Alright, Alright...”elder Li rubbed his hands together and smiled, “It’s alright, it’s alright. We don’t plan on figuring out these secrets in a day or two. This... There’s plenty of time in the future, plenty of time in the future...”

Hearing that, Lei Xue narrowed her eyes slightly. No one knew what she was thinking about... ...

“You just said that the manager is not under the AI’s surveillance. If you reveal some information here... will it not be affected?”Elder Li asked cautiously.

“What does elder Li Want to know?”Lei Xue looked at him seriously and said, “Is it more information about the structure of the extraterrestrial forces? There are a lot of them, I’m afraid I can’t sort them out in a short time...”

“Oh, no, no, no... . “elder Li shook his head. “That’s not important at the moment. We know that the alien forces that created this platform must be huge. It’s not realistic to explore them now, and they can’t possibly give you the real information, right?”

“Elder Li’s words are true...”Lei Xue laughed.

“You little girl...”elder Li shook his head with a smile, then, he said seriously, “You just said that you are responsible for recording the operation status of the six major cities every day. Does that mean that you should know all the policies of the six major cities, be it in the light or in the Dark?”

Lei Xue: “Yes...”

“Can you tell us?”Elder Li said nervously...


As soon as the word ‘yes’was said, elder Li immediately smiled with joy. This child and elder long didn’t see wrongly... ...

Elder Lei was also stunned. This damn girl, how could she agree to such a big thing so easily. She should at least tell him... ...

“But only before senior Rainie comes back...”Lei Xue said faintly.

“Eh?”Elder Li was stunned at first, but then he nodded and said, “Yes, yes, yes, you’re right. Guo Xiaoyun is a very smart person. Under the circumstances, she can’t take risks so easily. It’s easy for her to find out. Don’t worry, you’re willing to take such risks for the country. We naturally have to consider your situation and won’t make things difficult for you. After Guo Xiaoyun comes back, we definitely won’t take the initiative to contact you. Only when you think it’s absolutely safe will you decide the appropriate time to communicate with the organization... “...”. “...”

“Then there shouldn’t be a chance...”Lei Xue said with a bitter smile.


“Eh?”Elder Li was stunned.

“I don’t have the intention of hiding it from senior rain woman...”. “...”Lei Xue looked at the two old men and said faintly, “Before senior returns, I will try my best to reveal the information of the other cities to you. However, after senior returns, I will voluntarily surrender!”

“What? ?”Elder Lei and elder Li immediately jumped up from the sofa in shock!

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