I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

1345 Chapter 1,385: The Magical Fifth City... ...

Not many people knew that rainy girl had returned. However, even if someone knew, it wouldn’t cause too much of a stir for the ordinary players. In their minds.., they were just a group of Lucky people who had arrived in galaxy before them. Now, there were fewer and fewer interactions between them.

In the past, when new equipment or new training room functions appeared in the base, everyone could still join in the fun. Now, it was under the management of the City Lord. Even the most active master of strategy, Grandpa Lu, had disappeared for almost half a year, the group of old players who were talked about by people gradually faded out of sight.

However, the news that suddenly broke out in the base the next day ignited the enthusiasm of the entire Mars... ...

The New World, which had been closed for a few months, would be reopened within a few days. At the same time, a new space battlefield would be opened. There would be more land and more resources waiting for the new players to explore and conquer. Once the news was out... The entire galaxy, whether it was the old players or the new players, fell into ecstasy...

For the old players, these few months of lockdown were the most depressing months they had ever lived. Although the other new players could not go out to develop, they were still making money in the city. However, they were losing money... ...

A large number of people, accommodation, and food were all money. Apart from a few lords who had received large orders to build the city, most of the Lords were currently idle... ...

The key was that their subordinates needed to eat... ... Especially those farming players who raised high-level orcs and gryphons. After the land was gone, all food had to be bought from the city. This was not even taking into account the cost of some medicine for the soldiers who needed to level up... ...

Every day, they spent money like water. Many lord-tier players felt their hearts ache. They finally understood how the boss felt when he gave his employees paid leave... ...

If they did not go out and let his subordinates do their work, many lord-tier players would go bankrupt... ...

There was no need to mention the new players. They had long yearned for the life of being able to conquer their own territory and become a lord-tier player. They were all rubbing their fists and rubbing their palms. Many players who had reached the standard had long been impatient, but the passage had just closed. They can only continue to mine like other novice players... . .

A lot of times I wonder if this new world tricked them into playing hooky...

At this time to re-open a moment like the new year, the streets of the six major cities are immersed in carnival... . .

Including one of the most divisive parts of the city today... ... Fifth City... . .


Fifth City:

Today, if you want to say which city has the most repulsive attitude towards players in central China, it is the fifth city. The players who were attracted by the free villas and high-paid jobs in beimi can now be said to be miserable.

Unlike the first city, the fifth city does not have an obvious racial protection mechanism, which makes it easy for the players in central China to dominate the market, the players from central China in the open workshop were more efficient, the elven players from central China in the farm were also better in natural talent, the products they grew were better, and the elven players from Central China had a better affinity with the pasture industry, the elements and pastures they cultivated were also better.

Not to mention the handicraft industry, many restaurants, blacksmiths, and industrial land owners were obviously more inclined to recruit more efficient players from central China. This made many foreign players, who were already feeling unbalanced, even more dissatisfied, the racists took the opportunity to stir up trouble, and the shareholders were isolated. This fifth city, which had the largest foreign population, slowly began to completely isolate the central China players.

The mining efficiency was just taking turns to occupy the mines. They agreed on a number of people to continuously occupy the mines, not allowing Central China players the opportunity to work. It was the same for pastures and farms, every time the players in central China got angry and started a fight with some other players, the city’s law enforcement officers would also favor the white players.

This caused most of the white players to be more unscrupulous. Nowadays, almost all the mines and pastures were occupied by the white players, and it was becoming more and more exaggerated.

The city’s officials favored the white players, and the other races also favored the white players. The situation was that the players of the three races and some other races were now working in the absenteeism occupied by the white players. They had to hand in a certain amount of tribute every day to gain support and completely exclude the players from central China...

Now in the fifth city, if the players from central China wanted to earn points, they could only go to the city’s service industry or handicraft industry...

At this time, on the night when the news of the opening of the New Territories broke out, a group of Tall Green Titans gathered in a remote gathering place. They surrounded a bonfire as if they were discussing something.

If one listened closely, they would realize that these Green Titans were speaking Huazhong language...

“Another pay cut. F * cking Tabasco blacksmith shop. If this goes on, when will we be able to gather enough money to go to the New World?”? “Now that the New World is about to open, my cousin who lives in Huaxia City said that he is ready to set off at any time. F * ck, I came here three months earlier than him, and now I can’t even gather half of the money!”! “!”

Among the group of players, one of the Titan players cursed. Veins bulged all over his body, and it seemed that he was so angry that he wanted to find someone to fight with...

“Calm down, Ming...”in the bonfire, a slim elf rolled his eyes at the other party. If Wang Goudan’s father was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him from his profile. This was the police officer Yang Rui who had been following him. ...

“How can we calm down?”The Titan named Ah Ming said in a muffled voice, “They are already unbridled!”

“They have already been unbridled for a long time, and you only know about it today?”Yang Rui rolled his eyes and said, “Back then, you guys didn’t unite to cause a ruckus about the city loan financing business, and you already lost your last chance!”

Everyone immediately fell silent upon hearing that...

Yang Rui’s prediction from two months ago had come true, but it was too late now... ...

The city lord of the fifth city had initially promoted the creation of a free economic city, but the result was that the loan would first nurture a portion of the capitalists... ...

Originally, in the early stages of the city, other than the high-level players of Huaxia City, the individual players did not have the capital to open a shop or anything like that. However, in the early stages of the city, the fifth city had already issued loans to support the business, the target of the loans was naturally bei MI’s former high-level capital family!

The city Lord’s reason was very reasonable. He said that the city’s resources were limited, and that the few resources should be given to those who had experience and were more likely to succeed to drive the economy. Lending money to the corporate elite was definitely better in terms of efficiency than lending money to a loser, right? You wouldn’t believe that giving money to a loser could drive the economy, right?

If the elites got a loan, they would first build up a portion of advanced industrial products to build up their competitiveness to the outside world, and provide more jobs that earned points internally. wasn’t it killing many birds with one stone?

It sounded like there was nothing wrong with it, right? josei

But thinking about it carefully, if the elites of the old world were able to get a loan out of thin air and build an advantage over the other players, then what would be the difference between everything and the past?

It was such an obvious argument that was riddled with loopholes. Back then, it was supported by a group of players, including quite a number of elite American players from Huazhong... ...

But now...

After some of the capital families obtained the loan, they relied on the design drawings in the research and Development Center to produce quite a number of newly built industrial products. They were exported to the other four major cities, and they were even auctioned off on the D ball black market at sky-high prices.

However, what did these profits have to do with ordinary players?

According to the data from the headquarters, out of the 156,445 players that entered the fifth city, 70% of the wealth of the entire city was actually concentrated in the hands of less than 200 players... ... A newly established emerging city and a brand new platform that everyone yearned for. In less than half a year, the gap between the rich and the poor had been widened to such a large extent. One had to say that the fifth city lord was an old capitalist...

However, it was still alright. If most of the ordinary players had been squeezed like this, they could still enjoy their suffering. However, even among the people who had been squeezed, there was a serious internal strife. The Big Fish ate the small fish, and the small fish ate the shrimps. And now, the status of the players from central China in the fifth city was about the same as the shrimps... ...

Under the favoritism of the city’s law enforcement officers, the white players had openly occupied the mines and pastures where they could earn points. The three-americans and the other ethnic minorities had turned into lap dogs and handed over their shares to earn a certain chance of survival. Of course, ... There were also some shameless Huazhong players who had turned into dog-lickers to go to the mines to hand over their gifts to others. The key was that even if they had been wronged to such an extent, they would still be bullied by some of the three-ethnic group players...

Of course, it was not to the extent that they did not have a place to live. At the very least, those big capitalists who ran handicraft industries needed more talented Huazhong players. After all, the labor efficiency was higher... ...

However, this didn’t make the players from central China feel any better. Because of the discrimination and isolation of the market, factory owners could also unscrupulously squeeze them, constantly deducting their wages. You’re efficient and skilled.., but I’m just going to squeeze your wages. Are you going to do it or not. If you don’t do it, there will be people doing it...

This was the current situation of the fifth city... It was incredibly magical ... The fifth city, which claimed that every breath it took was free air... ...

And now, Yang Rui and the other central China players had gathered to discuss what would happen after the opening of the New World, because the opening of the new world might be their last chance...

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