I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1358

Chapter 1358

1358 Chapter 1,398: Mister’s sophistry!

The scene instantly turned cold. The players looked at Mister Unkindly. The reporters from all over the world, especially those from the western camp, were holding the live broadcast camera with an awkward look on their faces. Let’s not shoot it. It had always been in the live broadcast state, suddenly turning off the live broadcast when Mister was mentioned seemed to be too biased and too fake.

Over the years, the credibility of the Western media had been getting worse and worse. If they were to openly protect Mister Now, perhaps no one would believe them anymore.

Most importantly, this was not their live broadcast. Other than the media from the western camp, the East Asian camp, and the four major news agencies from central China were all here. If you did not broadcast live, there would be people broadcasting live. Sooner or later, these videos would be spread out, by then, they would be even more passive.

However, if they asked questions like normal reporters and Mistral fell, wouldn’t all their flattery be slapped in the face?

Out of the six major cities, there were three eastern faces. Angor and the other three were not on good terms with ordinary capitalists. Elizabeth, the fourth castellan, might be a traditional white person, but she was a noble herself, the capitalists outside could not understand the benefits of the nobles. The fifth city where Mistral was located was the one with the biggest interest.

All the major media outlets had a secret agreement with Mistral. Once he fell, their hopes of getting special treatment in the fifth city would be ruined!

The western reporters were generally silent. The East Asian reporters, especially those from Huazhong, all watched on coldly. The castellans beside Mistral, especially elder dragon, could barely hide his cold smile after so many years.

Meister slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, all the evidence was before his eyes. Even if he was a master of sophistry, it was impossible for him to argue forcefully. Finally, after hesitating for a few seconds, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He looked at Lei Xue...

“This... um, little lord...”Meister said with a provocative smile, “I remember that in the STARSEA treaty at the beginning, it was clearly stated that our city lord has the right to manage things independently, right?”

The address of young master clearly had a provocative meaning, which made the Huazhong players look at Mister Even colder.

Lei Xue, on the other hand, nodded indifferently and said, “Yes...”

“The right to manage things independently means absolute, right? At least before the next castellan?”Mister continued to ask, “Can the main base interfere?”

Lei Xue shook her head. “No...”

When she said this, the expressions of all the players became a little ugly, including Yang Rui. This was a little different from what he had previously thought. The authority of the city lord was much greater than he had imagined...

Hearing this, mister laughed, “Every city lord’s political philosophy is different. Our country has always followed the elite politics. I believe that the vast majority of the world thinks this way. I will focus my limited resources on the more reliable elites, so that they will be more competitive in the later era. Only by competing for more benefits for the fifth city will we be able to squeeze out space to complement the fifth city. This philosophy is reasonable, right? “He didn’t violate the city Lord’s rights and interests, right?”

Lei Xue looked at the other party indifferently, “Indeed, he didn’t...”

As soon as these words were said, many players immediately burst into an uproar!

Yang Rui hurriedly said, “He was simply using the excuse of fighting for the interests of his own clan and the other alliance clans. Using the city lord to create a class, it was clearly...”

“Do you have evidence?”

A cold voice interrupted Yang Rui.

Yang Rui was slightly stunned. The rest of his words were stuck in his throat for a long time. Because the person who interrupted him was not mister, but Lei Xue...

The other party was expressionless, and her expression was so cold that it was emotionless. This made Yang Rui’s heart turn cold. In this minute, he immediately understood that this young girl who had the blood of central China and occupied a high position in front of him... ... ...

Once he understood this meaning, Yang Rui instantly felt a chill run down his spine... ...

He had brought everyone here to cause a ruckus. Most of the time, he had bet that elder long and this base manager in front of him would stand up for them, but it seemed like... ... It didn’t seem like that... ...

“He’s obviously targeting US intentionally!”One of the players quickly retorted, “Otherwise, why would he issue a race-balanced quota system to restrict us?”

The policy that the players were referring to was the new territories policy that the fifth city had just issued. All races would be assigned a fixed quota, and each nation’s race would only have a fixed quota to go to the new territories.

This greatly limited the advantage of the players from central China.

Faced with responsibility, Mister appeared even more fearless, he smiled and said, “It’s just a difference in concept. We in America have always pursued racial equality, and the rights and interests of each race should be equal. Just like our college entrance examination system, which is also for the sake of understanding the weak, such a system to support the weak should logically be a reflection of humanity, but in your words, it has become unfair. Yes, it has indeed violated your rights, but if you see yourself as a member of the fifth city, you shouldn’t have such narrow-minded thoughts. Isn’t this the same reason as collecting taxes?”

“Why should the taxes of the rich continue to increase? A salary tax of one million must be paid in half? And because the income of the poor is low, not only do they not collect taxes, they even receive various subsidies sometimes? Is this fair to the rich? Of course it is unfair, but it is because of the unfair trade-offs of the elites that the future of the entire society has been achieved. You who once enjoyed the subsistence allowance did not lament about the unfairness, but now when you are asked to contribute to the society, do you know how unfair it is?”

Mister’s words instantly made the Titan player who spoke turn red. He could not come up with a single word after holding it in for a long time. He was so angry that he pounded his chest!

The few city lords behind him rolled their eyes at the same time. They were all politicians, so they naturally knew that Mister’s words were just sophistry. However, this was indeed something that could not be refuted openly. All of a sudden, the entire scene fell into a strange silence.

The group of northern rice reporters immediately nodded their heads with a look of admiration. They had even thought of how to defame this group of selfish and selfish players from Huazhong to defame the fifth city.

They were even trying to defame the overall quality of the Huazhong players. Ah... It was too perfect... ...

“As expected of the sophistry master, the world knows the king...”yang rui sneered, “But if this is the case, what about your own family’s involvement? As far as I know, most of the loans in the city went into the pockets of your family’s children. What about this?”

“Of course, it’s because my family is outstanding!”Mister didn’t care and continued, “Elite politics is about strength. My family is blessed with talent in business and has played a huge role on the stage of the New World. It can better create benefits for the city. It’s impossible for my family’s potential to be limited just because I’m the City Lord, right? “Moreover, you also know that it’s a loan. The loan has to be repaid, and the interest has to be repaid. Won’t this kind of income eventually go to the fifth city’s finance? “Wouldn’t the profits from the loan go back to you as Citizens?”

Yang Rui:”...” josei

In the past, it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen how shameless this fellow was in the media, but when he really faced him, he knew what kind of uncomfortable feeling it was!

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