I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369

1369 Chapter 1,408: New Territories Missions and policies for the six major cities (Part II) !

“The third city is still the city with the highest threshold in the New Territories...”

Cindy continued to report the policies of the five major cities, “Players are required to have level 2 HP, two weapons specialties, one arcane mastery and two basic subjects a level. This is not the key. Every player must master at least one production skill or one gathering skill before they can continue to travel to the New Territories!”

“Gathering skills give priority to seabed resources gathering, ore gathering, herb gathering, and so on. Production skills give priority to precision parts manufacturing, weapon forging, armor forging, leather making, tailoring, jewelry and luxury goods design, and so on... “...”

“I believe that many players in the third city have some understanding of this city’s style, and they are still as dumb as ever. This leads to the players entering the third city having very heavy learning tasks in the early stages. As far as I know, the players in the third city spend 18 hours a day to earn points and study, and they have very little time to rest...”. “...”

“But there are also advantages...”. Cindy smiled and said, “Although it’s a little harsh, the players of the third city will have a considerable advantage after entering the new territories. Especially if they take the route of the eastern seaport, they can directly go to the seaport territory to earn money without having to learn and collect quickly. The pace will be much smoother. Moreover, most of the players in the third city are of the Naga race, so they will have an advantage in sea exploration in the future.”

“Moreover, the civilization model of the third city doesn’t have too many restrictions. The Naga civilization has four major models. They are the biological civilization with the Naga warriors as the main force, the sea priestess God civilization with the Naga priestess as the leader, the elemental civilization with the sea spirit as the main force, and the ocean mechanical civilization with the spirit-type players as the main force combined with the Naga elements. (this is the path that the ice fruit lord has taken...). ) , whether it’s spirit-type players, agility-type players, special-type players, or strength-type players, they all have a lot of room for development in the third city system. In any case, I’m more optimistic about the future development of the third city. I’ve already confirmed that I’ve signed up for the third city... “...”

[ wow, Cindy’s wife chose the third city? ]

[ AH, aren’t you going to come to the second city to farm together, wife... ]

[ that’s right, come to the first city to mine together... ]

Cindy was amused. “Forget about mining... ... As for the second city, it looks pretty good, but I feel weird. I feel that City Lord Qingming’s policy is very obscure. Relatively speaking, I think song Yi’s style of doing things is better ... ..

“Ah, I also think the third city is pretty good after hearing my wife’s words. Unfortunately, I can’t change this volunteer...”

“That’s right... sigh, I should have thought about it before...”

“All of you are fine. Our fifth city is only injured now...”

Cindy: “Let’s talk about the fourth city’s policy. The fourth city’s threshold policy has the highest requirements. Players must reach level 3 life form and possess an innate skill before they are allowed to go to the new world. The Civilization model is a pure biological civilization, which is relatively simple and crude. However, it seems that the overall level of the players in the city is almost the highest in the six major cities...”. “...”

“The new policy has new restrictions on players. From now on, only developers will be accepted by players from central China!”

“Holy shit!”

“This is even worse...”

“This is too much! You All learned from Angor, right?”

“This is worse than Angor. Angor only limited his race to spirit class. Although it’s too much, only a few people are willing to choose spirit class genes. The fourth city forcefully limited the number of players from central China to spirit class, which directly limited our quota...”. “...”

“That’s right... the demand for developers isn’t high to begin with...”

Cindy smiled wryly. It had to be said that the policies issued by several cities were more or less aimed at the players from central China. However, there was nothing they could do about it. The players from central China were too talented. If they were allowed to do as they pleased, they would... In the future, the players from other races would be reduced to the lower-middle class. Most of the Western governments probably wouldn’t want to see this scene... ...

Cindy: “Although the occupation of Huazhong players in the fourth city is limited, there is a lot of compensation. First, the rules only allow Huazhong players to choose developers or other spiritual talent races, which strengthens the position of Huazhong players in a certain field. Second, there is a material subsidy. Every Huazhong player who is accepted will receive a city allowance. They do not need to work too much to enjoy education, and they can focus on their studies and receive guidance from their teachers...”. “...”

[ tsk, small favors... ]

[ exactly, aren’t they fighting against the pyramid structure? It’s probably another civilization template with them as the main force, right? ]

Cindy immediately smiled. The netizens were all very smart now. After saying the first few examples, they instantly understood...

Indeed, the pure biological route that the fourth city took was a special predatory race that could absorb genes. After that, in the factions, whether it was strength or agility, they were determined by strength and weakness, it was originally very suitable for the players in central China.

Unfortunately, the players in central China were now excluded.

In the biological system, excellent researchers were needed to produce medicine, biological experiments, and biological weapons. Some biological alchemists were also needed.

However, the biological warriors were the main ones. Of course, the status of the researchers was not low in any civilization, so it was acceptable.

It turns out that both Angor and Elizabeth have done a good job of using central China’s players.

It not only avoids the central China players from becoming the dominant society, but also makes full use of their value, and then gives preferential treatment in terms of treatment, positioning the central China players as the middle and high class, reducing the central China Players’resistance psychology...

After all... ... There were also the third-ranked players and the African-americans at the bottom... ...

Cindy could not help but sigh. What a cunning and shrewd politician... ...

In comparison, the fifth city’s actions were a little counter-intelligent... ...

After Mister returned, he seemed to be planning to go down a dark path. He immediately issued a policy, directly prioritizing the white players and having the lightest requirements in terms of export restrictions.

The main HP level was Level 2, and one could go to the New World to develop!

The third-tier players, who were most supportive of the white players, slightly increased the restrictions. They required one weapon specialization, one physical specialization, and the spirit-type players required one arcane specialization!

The Huazhong players, on the other hand, had the most stringent requirements. Strength-type or agility-type players required their HP to be level 3, and they had to master three weapon specialization, while the Berserker System required their berserker proficiency to be level a!

Spirit-type players were required to have level 2 hp, and they had to be proficient in both arcane specialties and two technological specialties. They also had to promise to join a white player’s faction before they could travel!

As soon as this news was released, the entire fifth city was once again in an uproar. The players in Huazhong protested, and Huaxia City once again warned Meister not to act blindly.

Meanwhile, the white players were in a frenzy...

After Cindy revealed the policies of the fifth city, the screen immediately went into an uproar. The netizens from Huazhong who had chosen the fifth city all shut themselves off!

This was simply killing the players from Huazhong...

It had just been revealed that the fifth city was crazily targeting the players from Huazhong. It was extremely difficult for the players from Huazhong to earn points internally. If it was difficult to earn points, it would be very difficult for them to have the money to make appointments with instructors for system training, the leveling efficiency would be greatly reduced.

The leveling difficulty would also raise the threshold for Huazhong’s players to enter the New World. It was obvious that it was to delay Huazhong’s players from entering the New World, so that white players could enter the New World First and gain an advantage... ... josei

This policy was very comical in Cindy’s eyes. If there was only one fifth city in galaxy, then this policy might be able to suppress Huazhong’s players.

But that was not the case now...

The six major cities could now compete with each other. If you suppressed the most outstanding group of people in the city and lowered the threshold for white players to travel, would the players in the fifth city be able to compete in the outside world?

In Cindy’s eyes, this guy, mister, had not changed at all. He had always been scheming for himself. It seemed like he favored white players, but in fact, he was using a superficial policy to get the support of white players, however, the truth was that he had not put the interests of the white people first at all.

It was impossible for Yi not to know that doing so would cause problems for the white players in the fifth city in terms of their competitiveness outside. The only ones who could be competitive were the capital families that had obtained a large amount of city resources. After they entered the new territories first, they could quickly accumulate enough advantages!

It had always been... white people first was just a pretense...

This made Cindy very confused. Why would the higher-ups of galaxy allow such a person to be the city lord?


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