I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1427

Chapter 1427

1427 Chapter 1,496: Grandpa Lu’s diary (3)

-LCosmicsCitizeniGuideuChapterpterHeheheHelloello, everyoIf. if this guide can be successfully sent to Galaxylaxy network throGrandpandpa’s private channIl, i believe it will be of great help to everyone in the futuIf. if the channel worGrandpandpa will update what he saw and heard in the academy from time to time, and try his best to simplify the things that are useful to everyone and make up a federation general guiHahahaha! ]

[ OK, back to the previous topic. If you reach the appropriate level at the right age through hard work and successfully enter the exam sequence, how do you plan and choose? ]

[ after all, you’ve just entered the federation. Facing all kinds of colleges and majors, you must have a headache. Once you make the wrong choice, even your life will follow in the wrong direction. I thought I was going to take the national examination, but I spent a lot of time catching up on the basic knowledge of the national examination as well as many of the articles on the college guide of the media in the Federation’s network. After many days of sorting out, I’ve managed to come up with a basic guide that suits US galaxy players. Everyone can take a look first. When the time comes, you’ll at least have a basic concept when you go to understand it yourself. ]

[ first of all, let’s talk about the level of the national examination. Previously, I said that level three is the most basic requirement of the national examination. Our faction is level five. So, if you have just reached this level, which ranking system would you be suitable for? ]? [ this grandpa here has made a rough list of criteria. ]

[ the average life expectancy of the people in Planet D is 80 years old. Although the life expectancy has increased greatly after the gene is injected, due to the influence of the previous physical age on the growth rings after the gene, the younger you are, the more advantage you have. Those friends after the age of 30, I’m sorry, your chances are relatively less. My compatriots who only entered galaxy after the age of 50, I don’t recommend that you take the college route and take the city civil service exam honestly. It’s better to accumulate better conditions for the next generation. ]

[ of course... ]. [ it doesn’t mean that you won’t have a chance when you’re old. Age in the Sea of Stars is a foundation, and talent in the Sea of stars is another standard. Grandpa, I have a detailed formula here. Players before the age of 30 can be counted as 10 points, and those who show talent after the Sea of stars can be counted as 90 points. Therefore, the older players don’t have to be too discouraged. There’s still a chance. ]

[ in that case, let’s talk about the criteria first. The federal examination is held once every ten years. Therefore, if players wish to participate in the next national examination, the earliest they can do so would be ten years from now. In that case, let’s set a standard based on these ten years. If you can reach level 5 within ten years, then you can at least fill in the names of the top 500 academies. If you’re before the age of 30, you can choose from the 400 to 300 ranked academies. If you’re after the age of 30, you can choose from the 500 to 400 ranked academies. ]

[ if you reach level 6 within 10 years, you can choose from the top 300 academies. If you can reach level 7, you can consider the top 100 academies. With this talent, you can enter any academy outside of the top 100 without having to take the exam. You Don’t have to take the general exam, you can directly get a scholarship. If you want to enter the top 100, you have to take the exam. If you want to fight, you can consider taking the exam. You can choose based on your confidence and your actual situation! ]

[ for those who reach level 8 within 10 years, as long as they are not in the top 10, they will be able to enter the top 100 without having to take the test. As for the top 10 candidates, the only ones who have managed to enter the top 100 are boss Rainie and Wang Goudan. Both of them are level 10! ] josei

[ of course, level is only the basic requirement. Other than level, there are a lot of things that need to be tested in the system exam. When players upgrade their levels, they must pay attention to their professional training. The higher the evaluation, the better. ]

[ here are the recommendations of the colleges that many people care about. After all, many people will definitely want to know which colleges are more suitable for them. ]

[ if Grandpa can send the guide back, he will definitely give everyone a detailed introduction of the top 500 campuses. It will include the various advantages of each university, including which major these colleges are strong, which famous professors they have, how their geographical advantages are, how the resources allocated by the students are divided, and so on... ]. [ ... ]

[ then, everyone will choose their own target according to their own circumstances. My grandfather has a formula here. It’s the same as how we choose schools for the Dahua High School Entrance Examination. Priority will be given to the ranking. First, you have to decide which level of school you are suitable for. Don’t be blindly optimistic and confident. You have to know that the federal examination is held once every ten years. If you miss it once, you will have to wait for ten years. It’s even harder to wait than the imperial examinations in ancient times! ]

[ then there is the major. You must try your best to choose the campus advantage major that suits your school, because the federal campus cultivation resources are given priority to the ace Major. Different majors in the same college have completely different treatment of resources! [ take Spark College, where Grandpa is from, as an example. Our College is a strong school in the Arcana Department. The location of the Arcana College is the highest quality planet in the first-class planet. There is also a huge alchemy matrix that provides the college with a continuous supply of high-quality energy. The other departments, such as the Warrior Department and the Priest Department, are all on another second-class planet, and they do not have the special alchemy matrix of the Arcana College. Just based on this advantage, the quality of each other’s training in the future is not on the same level, not to mention other food, teachers, and other resources. It is completely different from heaven and earth! ]

[ therefore, it is better to choose the ace major of a lower ranked academy than to choose the weaker major of their academy just for the sake of ranking. If you are a ranger, then choose a strong Ranger School. If you are a priest, then choose a strong priest school. Do not get mixed up! ]

[ then there is the geographical location. This is also very important. Choosing a school must depend on which galaxy the school is in. Then, it must depend on which level of planet the school is on. In the universe, planets and galaxies are divided into levels. The higher the level of the galaxy, the higher the energy density and quality. The more resources there are, the greater the help of the level increase. ]

[ for example, our Milky Way galaxy is considered a level 9 galaxy in the Federation, while Planet D is considered a level 7 planet. This is considered a lower level in the federation. Most of the top 100 academies are in a level 3 galaxy or above, and the main campus has at least one level 1 Planet! ]

[ usually, most academies will set up branches on multiple planets in one galaxy. The reason is that the school has to concentrate the energy of the entire planet within the campus for the students to cultivate on a daily basis. Therefore, the higher the level of the school, the more importance it places on the ace Major. That major will occupy more resources on the planet, and most of the school’s ace major will occupy a single level 1 star. ]

[ therefore, when choosing a school, you first have to look at the grade of the school within the star system, and then look at the grade of the planet that the school belongs to. This has to be seen clearly, the higher the better. When my grandfather was in the Emerald Star Field, he had already experienced the benefits of a high-grade planet. Believe me, the cultivation speed of a high-grade planet and a low-grade planet are on completely different levels. Once the school is completed, they will move to the emerald star field. If everyone wishes to complete the mission as soon as possible, then they should head towards the Emerald Star Field. The speed of improvement there is not something that the new territories can compare to. ]

[ then there’s the faculty. Well-known tutors can have a large share of private resources, and they can also recommend jobs. This is also very important. Since the rankings are similar and the quality of the geographical location is similar, if you’re still making the decision, you can look at the faculty. ]

[ finally, let’s talk about the specializations. The Federation specializations are first divided into two major categories according to the type of life, the traditional life and the spirit. Grandpa is a spirit player, so he didn’t pay attention to the traditional life specializations during the national examination. He will have the opportunity to make up for it in the future, but he probably won’t be able to make up for it in the short term. After all, Grandpa will enter a busy learning cycle from tomorrow onwards. I wonder when he will be able to take a break to write a guide. ]

[ spirit system players can choose a lot of majors. Grandpa, tell me about the major categories. The first is the arcane system. Most of the spirit system players probably want to become a mage. Unfortunately, if you are an arcane system player, then according to our agreement, it seems that you can only go to the lower academy, which is the academy in Huaxia City... ]. “...”

[ after that, the academy will move to the high-quality Jade Star Field, which is also a high-quality place. Don’t feel wronged. When you officially enter the Lower Academy, you will have the status of a federal citizen. Although the ranking is a little low, grandpa checked and found that the faculty of our Lower Academy is still very good, hahaha... ]. . . ]

[ as for the question, Ah, isn’t Grandpa also an Arcanist? How did he get out? ]

[ Hehe, I am a special case. Phoenix is a XENOGENEIC and needs a professional elven trainer. There is no such thing in the academy, so I can jump out of the academy. Moreover, I decided to choose the Arcana department when I came outside. I was going to go to the Phantom Beast Department... ]. [ ... ]

[ then, if you want to see your brothers and sisters outside, you have to choose your major carefully. You have to skip the Arcana Department, or at least the plastic energy department, in order to have a chance to enroll in an outside school... ]

[ the major recommended are the Master of Mind Department, the Priest Department, The Prophecy Department, the Alchemy Department... ]. [ the elf-shaped elements make the players not have to worry. You have other choices. As long as you do not choose the direction of full elemental evolution, you can choose an outside school. For example, the wind demon can choose the ranger route, the siren can choose the priest route and the Master of Hunter route, the Earth Elemental Elf can choose the elemental warrior route, and so on. You can go to other schools to participate in the exam. ]

[ however, there are benefits to choosing a school. Firstly, you don’t have to pay half of the scholarship, it can be directly transferred into your account, you can use this money to purchase resources from the federation’s large business platform. ]

[ secondly, the requirements for a school are relatively low, a level 3 student can apply to enter the school for further education, they don’t have to wait until Level 5, and after graduation, they can still go to the universe federation to explore. ]

[ thirdly, because the full-time teacher is in Hua Xia city, many of the teachers’personalities and teaching quality can be experienced in advance. You can be more familiar with them and feel more at ease. Most importantly, studying in the full-time teacher is safer. Because you are within the domain of a Lord, even if you accidentally die, you can still be revived. Studying outside is different, if you accidentally get killed, you will really die... ]. “...”. “...”

“Therefore, those who pursue stability are actually highly recommended to choose the academy under their feet. As for those like Gou Dan who yearn for the outside world, they can accumulate their experience and choose other professional paths. After level 5, they can participate in the general exam...”

“That’s the general situation. I hope that in the next ten years, Grandpa will be able to see the familiar figures of his fellow countrymen in the vast universe. I look forward to meeting you!”

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