I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1429

Chapter 1429

1429 Chapter 1498: The Little Flower Spirit who came to strike up a conversation

His decision was indeed a little irrational. Perhaps this was the most irrational decision he had made since he was ten years old?

Morning and night silently thought... josei

He had known from a very early age what restraint was, and what going with the flow was. If he could not follow the warrior’s path, he would follow his mother’s spirit path. He ate the resources of the Night Demon’s family. He clearly liked the content of the Arcana transformation, especially the space element, but because his bloodline was better than that of the companion master, he did not hesitate to give up his preferences... ...

Years of being sensible had caused him to have a very mature temperament at such a young age.

But this time, he was really impulsive...

His father had originally suggested him to enter Xandar Academy. Xandar Academy had his father’s old friend, and he would be taken care of if he applied for it. Although Xandar Academy was a martial arts school, this year, it was working hard to improve its overall quality. Other subjects were being actively developed, and the quality of the teachers they hired was also very high. It was a school that was most suitable for his situation...

But in the end, he was still unwilling...

His basic score was 706 points, out of a total of 750 points. His score was the top scorer in his own galaxy. With this score, he could obviously choose a more ideal school...

His father was a person who respected his child’s choice, just like his elder sister. Even if she chose to stand on Rennes’side, his father did not stop her, not to mention his choice of the road to life.

After failing to persuade him, he did not insist. Instead, he supported his decision, and under his extreme inflation, he filled in for Starry Sky Academy... ...

Now that he thought about it, it was a little irrational. Especially when he saw the examinees around him who had to take the exam like him, Chen Ye felt even more guilty... ...

He could have filled in some of the more confident academies, such as the magical pet major, the Eternal Forest Academy. Although the ranking was far inferior to the Starry Sky Academy, its professional ranking was not much worse than the starry sky academy.., but the requirements for each other’s scores were vastly different!

Actually, thinking about it carefully, the starry sky academy, which was more elfin-friendly, was not suitable for him. The reason why he impulsively filled in was probably due to his vanity, right?

As the top scorer in his hometown, if he could enter the top ten academies, he would definitely be able to give those fellows a resounding slap in the face, right. Those fellows who had constantly mocked him since he was young...

But now, if he were to fail the examination, he would definitely be ridiculed crazily when he returned, right?

The star system examination’s top scorer had overestimated himself and failed the examination. This would definitely be the second negative example after his big brother, right?

I Can’t let this happen!

Thinking of this, Chen Ye perked up and tried hard to calm himself down. He had already made his choice. According to the rules of the federal examination, once he chose the academy after the first round of examinations, he could not go back on his words... ...

No matter how impulsive he was back then, things had already come to this point and he could only walk down one path until the end!

Chen Ye took a deep breath and raised his head. Just as he was about to adjust his mental state, he saw a round and chubby steamed bun face approaching him.

Chen Ye, who had never thought that someone would be so close to him, was so scared that he almost cried out!

After all, the people around him looked at him in a strange way, as if they were deliberately keeping a distance from him. For example, he had never thought that the person in front of him who had almost touched his face would be so cute and beautiful. He might have subconsciously punched him... ...

“You... you... Hello...”after thinking for a long time, Chen Ye stammered to greet this little steamed bun who was staring straight at him.

The little steamed Bun’s face immediately broke into a grin. “Hello!”

The smile was very warm, with a hint of laziness and flattery. It instantly made Chen Ye’s heart beat like an electric shock.

Since he was young, other than his mother and Nicole, very few people had ever smiled at him like this. The people in his family hated him, and most of the people in the school also hated him. After all, he was a member of the Thunder clan, and his good grades in the academic class made many people lose face. Most of them would vent their anger on him after being scolded by their elders, and he had been isolated ever since he entered the school...

And this little guy who smiled was so good-looking...

It was common knowledge in the universe that Elves were beautiful, but this little guy in front of him was especially good-looking. Not only did he look good, but he also had a temperament. It was as if he had gathered thousands of spiritual energy into his body, giving people an incomparable sense of closeness...

The flower spirit’s sense of closeness had always been very strong, but this was the first time Chen Ye had seen someone who could make his emotions fluctuate so much with just a smile like this... ...

And his pupils were very special...

The common emerald-colored pupils of the elves had wooden patterns at the bottom of their eyes that he had never seen before. They carried a sense of beauty that made people sink into them. If one looked carefully into those eyes, they would feel as if they were looking at the entire nature... ...

“May I ask... What’s the matter?”Chen Ye asked carefully.

Although he did not recognize the breed, it was obvious that this guy’s bloodline was extraordinary. It was not necessarily a good thing for him to take the initiative to approach him.

Chen Ye could not be blamed for thinking that way. It was just that there had been too much malice in the surroundings over the years, which made him subconsciously vigilant.

“Um... did you bring food?”The Little Flower Spirit asked with a puppy-like smile.

“Food?”Chen ye immediately covered his compressed bag... ...

The exam room could not bring a space bag, so every student could only put the necessary items into the mechanical compressed bag. He did bring food. The compressed bag he bought was very airtight. Could it be that the taste was overflowing?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to...”Chen Ye quickly apologized.

He was a hybrid of the Thunder clan and the Night Demon clan, and was considered a standard carnivore. Even though he didn’t walk the path of a warrior, his appetite was still much larger than that of an ordinary elf. That was why he had brought his own meatloaf with him!

Most of the people around him were flower spirits. Morning night knew that flower spirits were basically vegetarians, and their diet was light. They were definitely not used to the strong smell of meatloaf. In addition, the space of the train was limited, and the distance between people was low, the overflow of the taste of this kind of heavy food did affect others.

“Ah?”Bun-face was stunned. “What do you mean by not doing it on Purpose?”

“I thought I sealed it...”Chen Ye said carefully.

“Little brother, you’re not being honest. You still need to seal it well...”little flower spirit looked at his compressed bag eagerly.

Chen Ye was stunned for a moment. He felt that the look of the other party was very similar to the expression of his companion who wanted to beg for food... ...

“I... This is a meat patty...”Chen Ye emphasized.

“AH, a meat patty!”The little flower spirit smiled even more fawningly. “What meat?”

“The meat of the Gu Bu Bird...”Chen Ye said honestly.

“Oh...”the little flower spirit replied with an ‘oh’before continuing to stare at the compressed bun without moving.

Chen Ye was silent for a moment before asking softly, “Are You Hungry?”

“En!”The little flower spirit nodded repeatedly as if it was waiting for him to say this.

“Then... do you want some?”

“How can I be embarrassed...”the little flower spirit rubbed his hands together, but his face was full of mischievous laughter. There was no embarrassed expression on his face at all... ...

Chen Ye’s face twitched slightly. Now it was confirmed that the other party wanted to eat...


“The train will arrive at the station in twenty minutes. Why don’t we wait until we get there and eat outside? Eating in the train will easily affect others...”

“Little brother is really nice!”The Little Flower Spirit raised his head and smiled.

Chen Ye was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer. Just giving him something to eat would make him a person, okay? Isn’t it too easy to be a good person?

However, it seemed like this was the first time he was praised by someone...

“What’s Your Name?”For the first time in his life, Chen Ye couldn’t help but ask for the other party’s name... ...

“Me...”little flower spirit said with a bright smile, “My name is little cabbage! !”

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