I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584

1584 Chapter 1653: Xandar’s confidence (part two) !

Ah Li remembered that when he first heard that the academy had accepted a group of developers and Green Titan, he was dumbfounded and almost burst out in anger.

Since when was Xandar Academy bad enough to accept such a student with mixed bloodlines? Moreover, he had been inserted during the non-official examination. With one look, it was obvious that he had connections. He was already at the bottom of the top 100. Now, he still dared to act so recklessly. Did he think that the elimination was not fast enough?

As a veteran teaching tutor, Ah Li had served in quite a number of academies. Her best resume was when she had been the head of the Department of Illusion at the White Dragon Sacred Academy, which was ranked 35th.

She had come to Xandar Academy, which was ranked far lower than the White Dragon Sacred Academy. Moreover, it was a martial school that paid attention to warriors. Originally, it was not in line with her own interests. However, because she had once received the favor of the old principal of Xandar Academy.., in the end, she was still willing to come over and help.

In the end, the more she looked at the newly appointed principal, the more she disliked him. This time, he actually did not even have the basic principles. At the critical moment, he still dared to waste the student quota and the backdoor connections of the clan. She was so angry that she directly rushed into the principal’s office in a threatening manner, she pointed at the other party’s nose and cursed. She was just short of quitting on the spot and leaving!

However, after seeing that group of students, she immediately tore up the resignation letter that she had prepared secretly...

Having been in the advanced teaching field for many years, she had seen many good seedlings. However, it was the first time that she had seen the quality of those dolls’Bloodlines!

Especially that group of developers. The purity of their spiritual power and the exaggeration of their computational ability were simply no different from the legendary ancient developers!

The group of Green Titans was the same. They had extremely high quality bone statues and muscle quality. Their qi and blood were so perfect that they were even more exaggerated than the direct descendants of large families. If not for the fact that their bloodlines were indeed ancient bloodlines... She almost thought that this unreliable principal had gone to some royal family to abduct them... ...

After the establishment of the special class, she and a few of Xandar’s ace teachers personally taught them. They did their best to give them as much credit as possible so that they could enjoy the most advanced equipment and resources in the academy. And those seedlings did not disappoint them at all!

In just a short two years, the group of level three Green Titans had almost all risen to level six and above. The highest among them was even a level seven existence. Their growth was extremely astonishing, but the speed of the explosion had not affected the quality of their bodies at all, their foundations were so solid that there was almost no flaw to be found. Their qi and blood were so stable that it was as if they had been compressed by a compressor. It was unbelievably vigorous!

In the demonstration of the battle results, almost everyone of these Little Titans who were level six could beat their level eight seniors who were two levels above them. The ACE students of the previous batch, after being beaten up for half a year, finally could not hold it in any longer and all of them automatically withdrew from the new heaven and Earth class. Even Evans, who had lasted the longest, could not hold on for the past few days. After suffering a great blow, he still chose to voluntarily give up... ...

Ah Li did not have the slightest intention of despising this group of people for giving up. On the contrary, she could understand it very well. Having personally witnessed the growth speed of those guys, she was very clear that if she were young, she might not be able to withstand the blow!

In just two short years, she had leveled up four times in a row!

This speed was something that even people could not accept. The key was that this speed did not stop. The suffocating pressure of her talent was something that a person would doubt their life if they were to stay in such a monster environment for too long!

The developer class that she was mainly responsible for, the Earth word class, had also made astonishing progress. The learning speed of a group of children was just like copying and pasting. There was never a need for a demonstration or a second lecture! The undergraduate courses were already unlearnable before the year. According to Xandar’s standards, it was a 70-year course!

Although the level growth was not as fast as that group of Titans, it was still a monster level. The highest developer now was already level 5. With this speed, it was not uncommon for a few level 10 developers to appear after joining the fellowship party ten years later!

With these two classes, ah Li felt that if it was not for the year of the crown prince, Xandar might have been able to compete for the top 10 spots! josei

However, she did not expect that under this pleasant surprise, there would be a continuous stream of pleasant surprises. The mysterious Lord that the principal mentioned had sent another batch of students two years later. It was a ready candidate for the championship!

Each of them had 100-year-old growth rings, level 8 or 9 life levels, perfect bone structure and blood density. It made her suspect that these people had custom-made them...

Because things like ancient bloodlines could not be mass-produced. That mysterious little deity Overlord had a shocking secret.

But no matter what, the seedlings that were sent were real!

Not to mention other things, just the ones in front of her, the highest level cold star: Level Nine Titan, amazing ability to learn battle tactics. It had only been more than ten days since the instructor instructed him, and he was already able to fully display his attribute advantage. In terms of direct combat strength, Ah Li felt that.., an Ordinary Level 12 warrior might not even be able to defeat him!

Under the same level, even if it was a high and mighty royal disciple, to be honest, Ah Li felt that he might not necessarily be a match for cold star. Even if he were to encounter the crown prince, Cold Star, he would probably be able to put up a fight.

If it was not for the royal disciple having the special augmentation ability of the ancient lands, Ah Li even felt that Xandar Academy could face him head-on!

This was also the reason why the principal dared to directly turn hostile and join the northern star field just because he was being made difficult!

Otherwise, when would xandar not be made difficult?

With the current batch of seedlings, ah Li could almost guarantee that as long as he planned it well and wasn’t targeted, it wouldn’t be a problem for him to get into the top 20. If the Night Shade Academy was the main force and resisted that group of royal family’s disciples... It’s not impossible to teach starling a little lesson...

It depends on how Night Shade Academy chooses this time...

Ali took a breath, looked at the night not far ahead of the lotus flower land, eyes flashed a trace of complexity.

Although she is very opposed to the principal this impulse, but deep down, there are some small expectations, after all... ? Who Wants to be on their knees when they can stand up for once?

———- —

At this time, a always standing in the ink crystal celestial body on the magic land, is the former night tour of the main land of civilization: Night Lotus Land!

At this time, as a subsidiary of the Royal Night Demon clan, the high school stood at the center of this ancient land, occupying all the energy of this legendary land. At this time, at the center of the college, a huge teleportation array appeared in the sky, as the first priestess of the Royal Family, Logan led a group of high priestesses and stood patiently under the teleportation array, quietly waiting for the guests who were about to arrive.

“Lord Logan...”a black-robed priestess looked at the teleportation array in the sky and frowned slightly. “Even if Lord Sylvanas has greeted Xandar Academy, you don’t have to personally welcome them, right?”

Hearing that, a smile appeared on Logan’s handsome face. “Since we have to give face... then we’ll give it to the end. What’s the point of being neither good nor bad?”

The other young priestess curled her lips slightly. “I heard that Xandar Academy was looked down upon by the starry sky academy, so they came to our alliance. Is it really alright for us to treat them with such hospitality when they don’t want them, master?”

“You...”Logan looked at her dotingly and sighed helplessly.

The person who spoke was one of the royal members of the Night Demon clan. He was also the successor of the next Royal Priestess appointed by Logan. Although he was not the crown prince, he was still one of the most talented disciples of the Night Demon Royal clan!

“Later, Xandar Academy will definitely bring their outstanding disciples over. After you take a look, go to the academy and pick some students of similar quality to them to come over and have a talk. Don’t be rude...”

“Oh...”the priestess pouted and buried her head. How did this kind of thing that was obviously going to accommodate the weak fall on her head?

How troublesome...

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