I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1655

Chapter 1655

1655 Chapter 1724: Has Anyone Told You?


The shadow tilted its head slightly and looked at the other party. For a moment, it actually fell into a state of paralysis.

From the day it was created, it had never dealt with this kind of question and answer. When a person said hello to it, how should it answer?

Master... ... There were only orders for it. It only needed to learn to listen and carry out orders.

As for outsiders, it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen them before, but their attributes were special. The low-level children couldn’t see them, and the high-level nobles wouldn’t pay attention to them.

It had always been like this, always like this...

But today, it seemed to be different...

“Eh?”Feng Doudou looked at the silent figure and smiled somewhat embarrassedly. “Um... am I disturbing you?”

The Shadow was still silent...

It said something that it didn’t know how to respond to. Its master had always ordered it, the noblemen had always ignored it, the newbies had never seen it, and the people who disturbed it had never felt like they were disturbing it, the people who didn’t disturb it had never interacted with it.

“Ahem...”seeing that the shadow didn’t reply for a long time, Feng Doudou felt a little awkward, but he mustered his courage and said, “I... I didn’t mean to disturb you. The main thing is... I’ve never seen an existence like you, so I’m a little curious...”

The shadow looked at her silently. Just as Feng Doudou was about to apologize and leave, it finally spoke...

“What... kind of existence am I?”

“Eh?”Seeing that the other party finally replied and still said such strange words, Feng Doudou was momentarily stunned. However, his stunned expression was quickly replaced by joy. This expression made the shadow a little curious.

It’s the first time it’s ever seen someone so happy to be taken care of... . .

“How do I put this... . . “Fabian said excitedly, “It’s very cool. You seem to be made of some kind of metal element? It’s completely bionic, but unlike elemental life, it’s more like... . Man-made... . .”

“Robot, nature is man-made...”the shadow tilted his head, staring at each other.

“Is it really a robot?”Feng Doudou became even more excited. He rubbed his hands non-stop, as if he wasn’t afraid of being rude to the other party or that the robot had some kind of restriction.

“It’s too cool, but... how did it do it?”

“How did it do it?”The Shadow looked at the other party. For some reason, it was wasting its time here. At this time, it should hurry back and report the latest findings to its master...

But for some reason.., it still chose to stay where it was and answer the question. “Are you referring to the materials on your body? “This is the shadow crystal, a material from the outer realms. When you are studying materials science, there will be an explanation. If I remember correctly, it should be the 23rd chapter of the second year’s materials class. If the textbook hasn’t changed...”. “...”

“Oh, there’s such a material?”Feng Doudou’s eyes widened, revealing a feeling of wanting to touch it. However, he resisted his dirty hands, he laughed and said, “That’s not what I’m talking about, it’s your consciousness. Why... It’s obviously artificial, but it can think like normal creatures?”

“We are using NISI’s intelligent system version 4.0. It has the most advanced intelligent computing, and it can basically simulate the thinking of normal creatures. This lesson will be in your third year’s intelligent system class, chapter 14, Section 9... ... ..

“That’s not right...”

Feng Doudou shook his head and interrupted him...

The shadow paused for a moment and looked at the other party. He started to calculate the logic of his question and answer. There seemed to be no problem, so why did the other party say that it wasn’t right?

“What I said about thinking isn’t calculation. When you saw me just now, you were thinking, not calculating...”

SHADOW: “Intelligence doesn’t know how to think. Calculating is a process that allows one to react...”

“That’s not true...”Feng Doudou moved closer and stared into the other party’s eyes. “When you looked at me just now, there was hesitation in your eyes. It was obvious that you were thinking...”


“Right, it’s like this!”Feng Doudou suddenly became excited and moved closer, almost sticking close to the other party. “Did anyone tell you that your eyes are like ordinary creatures, they have intelligence?”

The Shadow:”...”

This time, the shadow didn’t reply and instantly disappeared in front of Feng Doudou, leaving Feng Doudou empty-handed.

Feng Doudou quickly looked around, but he couldn’t find the shadow anymore. Immediately, a regretful expression appeared on his face. He had almost touched it...

Just now, she was actually thinking about how it felt to touch this shadow-like shape...

“It really is a big place...”Feng Doudou put his hands on the pillow and said slowly, “There are all kinds of magical things. It was right to choose to come here...”

“Oops... How am I going to explain this to Alice? Will she scold me if she finds out that I had such a crappy exam today? I should have discussed this with her. I was so confused by that information...”



The shadow ran very far, almost at full speed, instantly pulling away four or five thousand feet. It was obviously a little flustered, and did not activate the advanced footwork at the first time, causing its body to be rubbed red...

Finally, running down, it quickly found a place where no one stopped...

Bang Bang...

The shadow clutched its chest, and its breathing became a little hurried. The Black Shadow on its body also began to slowly shrink. All of these reactions made it even more confused...

It was a fully bionic structure, and it had a normal biological heart. It was normal for the heart to increase its speed because of the exhaustion of physical energy, but...

It shouldn’t be like this...

It only used 0.72 seconds to speed up, and it was completely under the load. It shouldn’t have caused such a big physiological reaction, but why hadn’t it stopped beating until now?

Obviously... ... From the calculation of the energy consumption and the strength of its body, it shouldn’t have such an intense reaction... At least... ... ! ... It should not have stopped for so long and still failed to get its heartbeat back to normal!

Has anyone ever told you that your eyes, like ordinary creatures, are spiritual? josei

The female Elf’s words appeared in his mind again. The Shadow’s breathing suddenly stopped, and his heartbeat once again started beating uncontrollably... ...

Buried in the chip, some ancient memories were activated again... ...

“Little Five, did anyone tell you that your eyes are very similar to ours?”

“I’m a professional bionic structure. The structure of my eyeballs uses the latest bionic technology. It’s a complete imitation of ordinary creatures...”

“That’s not what I’m talking about...”


“Then what does master mean?”

“What I’m talking about is that there’s something in your eyes that other robots don’t have. It’s like... It has feelings...”

The shadow slowly sat on the ground and stared blankly at the sky. At this moment, if anyone saw its eyes, they would definitely be very surprised. The expression in those eyes was completely the most normal expression of a living creature... ! ... Confusion!

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