I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659

1659 Chapter 1728: you actually have a friend?

Did you really... Win?

Feng Doudou looked at the list in a daze.

“See, I told you she has a backdoor, right? You guys were worried that she wouldn’t win...”dwarf Reg said with a pout.

“Stop talking...”his friends came back to their senses and rolled their eyes at him. One after another, they stepped forward and said, “Congratulations, Congratulations...”

“UH... Thank you...”Feng Doudou also smiled. “Same to you, same to you...”

The group of people on the other side also laughed. In the crowd, it seemed that only the Black Elf had a forced smile on his face... ...

In fact, they had unknowingly realized that out of the six people, the Elf who was the leader of the team had unknowingly walked to a corner, and everyone didn’t seem to care.

However, whether they didn’t care or just pretended to be stupid, they didn’t know... josei

Feng Doudou saw it and felt a sense of boredom. He suddenly felt that in the outside world, although everyone had different races and bodies, some things were still the same...

Just like that, Feng Doudou’s eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at a place and said to the people around him embarrassedly, “Um... I have to go back first, we’ll talk later...”

Several people are stunned, but also nodded to show understanding, after all, this kind of good news, must go back to the first time to share with the family.

Thinking of this, a lot of people also a little want to go back, want to tell their good news at the first time family members, and the crowd of the two partners who failed to make the list, but it seems particularly decadent...

—- —

Feng Doudou arrived at an intersection with ease, and then carefully poked his head over. “Are You There?”

“How did you see me?”

Very suddenly, a shadow stood up in a corner and tilted its head to look at this guy.

“Haha... I’m probably too sensitive...”Feng Doudou laughed. “When something is paying attention to me, I can see it most of the time...”

The Shadow silently recorded that he had an incredible ability to sense the mind. It was suspected that he had inherited an extremely high sensing system from the ancient bloodline...

“Are you... Here to look for me?”Feng Doudou laughed.

“No...”the shadow immediately denied the other party’s explanation. He quickly added another reason, “I’m here to complete master’s mission...”

“Eh, you have a Master?”Feng Doudou was stunned, but he quickly reacted and nodded. “Right, you’re a robot... you’re too normal, I forgot...”


Do I... Look like a normal person?

“Hey, right, what mission are you here to complete?”Feng Doudou immediately changed the topic out of curiosity.

SHADOW: “Secret...”

Master’s mission was to find the dark horse in the Baird student group, but all the information indicated that the person master was looking for was right in front of him...

“Not interesting...”Feng Doudou curled his lips, but after two seconds of silence, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation. “Um... Do you have a name?”

Shadow fell silent again. It was another question that was difficult for him to answer.

Name... Ah...

A long, long time ago, there was a female master who called it little five because it was the fifth one. However, after the master was gone, no one had ever called it that again...

“Number, Azjg4527...”the shadow thought for a long time before coming up with this answer... ...

“This is the number, right?”Feng Doudou said unhappily. “It can’t be considered a name...”

The robot was silent for a moment, and in the end, it unconsciously opened its mouth and said, “Little Five...”

However, after opening its mouth, it was stunned. Why did it say this thing. It had never said it to anyone, and of course, no one was willing to listen to it...

“Little Five?”Feng Doudou tilted his head. “It’s more like a milk name that hasn’t been properly written yet. Haha, Alright then, I’ll Call You Little Five from now on?”

The Shadow was silent. It was unknown whether it was objecting or silently agreeing...

“Um, what’s going on with this material of yours?”

Facing this bionic robot, Feng Doudou seemed to have endless topics to talk about. His attitude was completely different from when he faced the group of people from Black Iron Planet. The Shadow had never met someone who was so talkative.., for a time, he could only answer every question that others asked.

After an unknown amount of time, normorrigan began to prompt that night had arrived.

This was a man-made mechanical planet. The Sun and stars surrounding it did not provide heat and light. Instead, it relied on the internal energy supply, so the night usually came very suddenly.

Looking at the sky that had fallen into darkness in an instant, the shadow finally realized that so much time had passed?

For the first time, he felt that the flow of time was different from normal times...

This seemed to involve his own blind spot. He had to go back and check it out...

“AH... it’s already dark...”Feng Doudou looked at the sky and seemed to have lost track of time. He couldn’t help but stick out his tongue. “When I go back, I’ll be scolded by Alice Again...”


“Well, a very fierce housekeeper...”

“Fierce. Do you hit people?”

“Why, it’s not so cruel. You Don’t get abused often, do you?”

In this way, there is a casual chat, and soon, a few weeks passed... . .


When Feng Doudou returned to the dormitory, it was already late at night. As soon as Feng Doudou entered the room, he saw Alice, who was sitting at her desk looking for information. ...

“Ah... You haven’t rested yet?”

It wasn’t that undead didn’t rest. On the contrary, undead rested longer than ordinary people because they couldn’t fully integrate into their genetic bodies. When their body’s functions were depleted, their mental bodies would have to take the initiative to deal with it, resulting in even greater exhaustion... In fact, they needed to rest even more. Otherwise, whether it was their mental bodies or their possessed genetic bodies, they wouldn’t be able to withstand it...


“I’m waiting for you to come back...”Alice said as she looked through the information.

“Wow...”Feng Doudou immediately felt that something was wrong. He quickly hugged the other party and said, “I know I’m wrong...”


The level of a dead-faced, white-faced man was really comparable to a cabbage... ...

“I’m waiting for you to come back so that I can discuss the next mission with you...”

“Mission?”Feng Doudou was startled. He raised his head and said, “That... What Mission? Don’t you have to start school for a while before you can have a mission?”

“The preparation period for the start of school is also part of the mission process...”Alice looked at her helplessly. “Don’t you know that the previous missions assigned by the instructors are based on your learning process?”

“Ugh...”Feng Doudou scratched his head in embarrassment.

Alice directly opened the information and said, “I studied the people on Bode’s admission list and made a detailed strategy for you...”

“Ah?”Feng Doudou was stunned. “That... you knew that I was accepted?”

Alice: “The information on the bulletin board is at the same time as the official website...”


“Oh, hahaha...”Feng Doudou once again scratched his head in embarrassment. “I forgot about this...”

Hearing this, Alice narrowed her eyes. “You mean to say that you came back so late even if I didn’t receive the News?”

“No... No... No!”Feng Doudou immediately shook his head in fear. “I... I... I met a friend and chatted for a while before I lost track of Time...”

This time, it was Alice’s turn to be stunned. A hint of surprise flashed through her dark green eyes. “You actually have a friend?”

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