I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 331

Chapter 331


Chapter 331: Chapter 330: the situation of the Empire (Part Two)

Translator: 549690339

“What? Has It been pacified?”In the palace, Emperor Jiawen was listening to the news from the Meghan family’s heir, Dieter. When Meghan reported the news, a hint of shock appeared on her face, which had been frowning all this time.

“Yes, your Majesty!”Dieter bowed slightly as a noble, he replied respectfully, “It was Enzo who came to ask Lord Rox to come out and pacify it. Now that the mutated soldiers have basically stabilized, a few generals are also willing to accept our isolation under his pacification...”

“He can be persuaded with such a matter. He is indeed worthy of being our marshal...”the emperor revealed a smile as if he had been relieved of a heavy burden, but there was a cold glint in the depths of his eyes.

“That’s right...”Dieter seemed to have not noticed the coldness in the emperor’s eyes at all, there was a hint of respect on his face. “When father was still alive, he said that that Lord is the true cornerstone of the empire. Even if the Sky Falls, as long as that Lord is still alive, he will give people a sense of peace. At first, I did not think much of it. I felt that Father’s evaluation of a martial artist was too high, but after coming into contact with him, I realized that that Lord is worthy of Father’s evaluation...”. “...”

The middle-aged mage looked very similar to his father, the first guardian mage of the empire, Huo. Lin Meigan looked very similar, but at this age, he had the inherent arrogance of a mage. Among the new generation of mages, the arrogance of the current heir of the Meigan family was well-known, he especially disliked those warriors of the empire.

But even so, he still had such a high evaluation of ROX, which made the coldness in Gavin’s eyes grow stronger.

He faintly replied, “Yes... as long as that person is alive... it seems that many things can’t be changed...”

After Dieter Left, a mysterious man in a scarlet cloak walked out from a vague dark corner in the middle of the hall. This man was the one who had watched Pu Yunchuan with Alice.

At this time, he whispered in his usual hoarse snake-like voice, “Your Majesty, do you still have any doubts now?”

Gavin lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

He had grown up under the shadow of his father and Rox, the two heroes. When he was young, he had always tried his best to move forward with the two of them as role models.

However, sometimes the gap between people could not be solved by hard work. As he grew older, he understood how difficult it was to climb the height of his father and Rox.

At that time, shadow stream began to come into contact with him. It was also the man in the scarlet cloak who had told him that the ruler of the world did not rely on personal valor. Who said that the position was for the best fighters?

The second generation of the Emperor had average talent. He had commanded more than a dozen heroes to serve him, and he had conquered the current great empire?

This statement made him regain his goal, but he found that his father was like a mountain blocking in front of him... ...

His father was a legendary hero who had lived for 400 years. It was said that his previous brothers had waited until they died of old age before his father passed the throne to them... ...

He did not want to end up like his brothers and become a prince who died of old age, so he plotted with shadow stream and did a bold move that no one had expected...

But after his father died, there was still rox in front...

He sat on the throne, and a bunch of old fogies still believed in that old Fogey. All these years, he had tried his best to weaken that old Fogey’s military power, and this time, he even took away the commander’s seal, but it still couldn’t erase his influence.

Those fellows who were about to rebel yesterday had been appeased by Rox Today?

This ability made the successor of the Megan family feel at ease, but it made him, the emperor, feel a chill down his spine... ... josei

“Don’t hesitate anymore...”. The mysterious man said in a hoarse voice, “Only when those old fellows are all dead will you have a chance to become a real emperor ... “You used to worry that these old fellows wouldn’t have enough strength to resist the beastmen after they died, but now you’ve seen it. After killing these old fellows, you’ll have a batch of even more perfect warriors. With them, you’ll be able to unify the continent and complete the unfinished feat of the second generation Emperor!”

“Phew...”Garvin was breathing heavily, his eyes bloodshot: “But... now there is no excuse...”

“We will find excuses for you, even if only by your Majesty’s Determination!”

“Determination...”Gavin looked at the other party. He knew that the person in front of him was a complete demon. He knew that it was likely to be a big pit, but in the end, he could not resist the temptation.


“Is general delos willing to be quarantined, too?”Rox asked from the Imperial Barracks.

“Yes...”replied Enzo, after Rox had steadied the situation, he could not help but sigh at the gap between them.

After Rox, he is the next marshal’s favorite, but regardless of strength or prestige, it seems that the gap with the others or the sky.

“There are a total of nine generals who have been infected, a total of more than 173,000 soldiers, and more than 200 high-ranking officers of silver-rank Knights. Except for a few who are still hesitating and watching, most of them have chosen to believe in you, Marshal...”. “...”

“Believe in me...”Rox smiled bitterly when he heard that. He did not know whether these people were right or wrong to believe in him.

Thus, he looked at rainy without melon, who had come with them.

“Now that the situation has stabilized, what should we do next?”Rox turned around and asked.

“It won’t be stable for long...”rainy without melon shook her head.

According to the information the Lord had sent about the map of the Black Goat, she knew that this thing wanted everyone in the map to kill each other and raise a batch of high-level creatures as quickly as raising a Gu.

This was only the first stage. After that, they would use these high-level creatures to guide the mutation step by step into the biological weapon they wanted.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for them to stop the killing, especially these empire generals who represented the peak strength of this plane. They were the best materials... ...

Just as she was thinking, Rox suddenly frowned and looked at the general standing at the back. “Hey, Big Bear? What’s Wrong?”

Rainy girl looked over when she heard that. That Big Bear was the tall general who had tried to take her down and was countered by the players. She heard that the barbarians in the Beilun Mountains were so tall, he was almost similar to the orcs.

His real name was Motson. Lagris, which translated in the Alliance language, meant the northern giant.

At this moment, he seemed to be in an abnormal state. His skin was so pale that it was as if his blood had been sucked dry, and his entire body was emitting an inexplicable stench.

“I. . .”Motson opened his mouth with some difficulty, but he could not utter a second word for a long time.

“Are you not feeling well?”Rox heard him and walked over, asking with concern.

But before he got close, he saw Motson vomit, and a large pile of ink-like things instantly spurted out of his mouth. The surrounding generals hurriedly dodged when they saw this.

“Damn Big Bear, did you drink too much yesterday?”One of the gray-haired generals frowned and asked.

“I’m afraid it’s not because you drank too much...”Enzo said in a daze.

Everyone looked over and saw that Motson kept vomiting out that pure black unknown thing. Those ink-like things were sticky like glue and emitted an incomparable stench.

Moreover, the amount was so big that it was frightening. Soon, the entire floor of the room was submerged. Clearly, it was not the amount that a person’s stomach should have.

“What’s wrong with this guy?”The surrounding people felt a chill in their hearts.

“He’s here already?”raingirl, WUGUA’s expression darkened.

“What do you know?”Rox grabbed raingirl, WUGUA, and said anxiously.

“Please let go!”The elf beside him pressed on Rox’s shoulder and said coldly.

The surrounding generals immediately surrounded Raingirl, WUGUA. The atmosphere was on the verge of exploding. Raingirl, WUGUA frowned. Before she could say anything, a shrill goat’s cry was suddenly emitted from Motson’s mouth.

Then, everyone was shocked to see a black hoof sticking out from Motson’s mouth!

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