I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 350

Chapter 350


Chapter 350: Chapter 349: Conversation (I)

Translator: 549690339

Under the lead of rainy, Rox quickly arrived at the Lord’s room in the main base. This high-end, all-metal base, coupled with the sophisticated equipment running in the base, made him feel particularly curious, what made him even more curious was the number of players here.

Before, he did not feel much, but after entering the base and seeing the players coming in and out, Rox finally felt the terror of this force.

The Green Giants and beautiful elves all had a frightening pressure. Even if they weren’t as strong as the few he had encountered before, they wouldn’t be much weaker...

Looking at the base’s appearance, there were actually more than a thousand of these people. Just how terrifying was this power?

He suddenly believed Rainy’s words. This was probably a world outside of the continent. If such a power had existed on the continent long ago, it wouldn’t be unknown...

Under the guidance of Rox, he came to the outside of the Lord’s room. Just as he was about to enter, he saw a person he had never thought of.

It was the old chief of the Southern Land Tribe, Marn...

Although Rox’s main battlefield after he became famous was in the north, he still knew an old shaman chief like Marn who had lived for hundreds of years. After all, he was a famous figure.

He did not expect that not only the soldiers of the orcs were captured in that battle, even a leader like Old Marn was also captured?

Old Marn was also stunned when he saw Rox, but he immediately revealed a friendly smile.

This smile made Rox’s body freeze, and he did not know how to respond for a moment.

“You were also captured? Respected Marshal?”Old Marn asked with a smile.


The way the orcs greeted him was really straightforward. Couldn’t they be more subtle about such things?

While he was complaining, Rox suddenly thought of a problem. Since Old Marn was here, then were the soldiers and generals who participated in the Southern battle still alive?

Old Joseph and the people with the skull crusher?

When he thought of this, Rox’s heart suddenly warmed up. The Empire had basically fallen, and his old comrades had suffered a massacre. Knowing that his former subordinates might still be alive was a good shot in the arm... ...

With a rather excited mood and many questions, Rox said a few words to old Marn before stepping into the so-called Lord’s room.

After entering, Rox was slightly stunned. To be honest, this so-called Lord’s room was more stingy than he had imagined. Although the setup was very exquisite, the space was really not flattering, not to mention the Empire’s ministers.., it felt like some of the clerks’office locations were much more grand than this one.

And the most important thing was that he saw a bed in the corner...

Seer noticed the other party’s gaze on the bed and did not feel awkward. She said in a calm voice, “The base doesn’t have enough space at the moment, I’m sorry to have made a fool of myself...”

Rox paused for a moment. He had heard that some of the captured farmers now had their own rooms. How could the leader of a force live such a frugal life?

This scene made him feel a sense of respect. No matter what the purpose was, a king who could restrain himself from being extravagant was an extremely valuable quality in his eyes...

“Please sit...”seer made a gesture of invitation. Rox looked at the strange chair without much hesitation. However, after he sat on it, a strange feeling welled up in his heart. This chair... ... ... was really more comfortable than he had imagined... ...

He felt that every muscle in his back was supported, especially his waist. He felt unusually comfortable the moment he sat down.

He could not help but think to himself, ‘If the empire had such a chair, those civil officials who did not train often would not have problems with their backs...’.

“Marshal, how do you feel after staying here for a day?”Seer gently opened the topic.

“It’s a wonderful place!”Rox narrowed his eyes and said, “Although it’s still very desolate, it’s full of vitality. It’s hard for me to imagine that the orcs and humans can coexist so harmoniously. It’s also hard for me to imagine that the enslaved orcs would reveal that kind of smile... “...”. “Can you tell me what you’ve done?”

Actually, he had always wanted to ask this question. Forget about the farmers and engineers, but the former warriors and the orcs seemed to be the same. This made him very puzzled, especially the orcs.., how did the other party make an orc who regarded glory as his life willing to be a slave?

This was something that no one in the empire had done in the past thousand years!

“Nothing special...”seer crossed his fingers and replied in a low voice, “I just gave them hope when I enslaved them...”


“Yes, hope...”. “...”. Seer smiled and said, “Apart from the heavy work and rest, the only thing that your enslavement brought to each other was despair. No matter how hard they worked, they were still a slave, a slave who could be whipped to death at any time, right?”

Rox said, “Isn’t that what defeat is like?”

Seer said, “But you have lost their value. Among the orcs that you enslaved, there are powerful warriors, witch doctors who are proficient in herbal medicine, and gnolls who are good at tracking, but you have collectively turned them into brick-moving coolies. They will either die or carry bricks for the rest of their lives. In such a day with no hope, the orcs who have some thoughts are naturally unwilling to submit, right?”

“Laughable...”rox sneered, “They are a foreign race, using their abilities? If you give them your sword, won’t they kill you in return?”

“That depends on whether you are strong enough...”. Seer smiled, “The people of your world have confronted the orcs for so many years, but you still haven’t discovered the nature of the orcs. Let me ask you, don’t the Orc tribes often fight against each other “Those weak tribes have always been controlled by the powerful tribes. No matter how many years they have served the large tribes, as long as a stronger tribe leads them, they will not hesitate to point their spears at their former masters. Why is that?”

“Because they are despicable, because they have no loyalty in their hearts. This is the nature of the beasts!”Rox said coldly.

“Really?”Seer smiled slowly. “But according to my investigation, these low-level orcs often don’t care about their own lives when they are the vanguard, and they fight bravely. Most of the ORC Army’s death squads are formed by the beasts that you say have no loyalty at all. What do you mean?”

“This...”Rox was speechless for a moment, he had fought with Orcs for many years, so he naturally knew the valor of those death squads. It was the most appropriate term to describe them. He had once seen a Gnoll’s intestines scattered all over the ground, and half of its face had been shaved off, however, it still charged forward valiantly and bit a soldier to death. Such a fierce and reckless battle style made it hard to say that they had no loyalty.

“Actually, your empire had a chance to unify this continent a long time ago. You’ve had this chance since your first emperor was able to stand firm, but it seems that you’ve been turning a blind eye to this opportunity...”

ROX’s expression changed. He looked at Rox solemnly and said humbly, “Please enlighten me...”josei

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