I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 581

Chapter 581


581 Chapter 610: Market Shock on campus (Part One)

Recently, the lord-tier players had been having a hard time. To outsiders, they had already obtained the tickets to begin their grand plans. Many new players envied them, especially those who could only move bricks and graze in the base.

However, only those who were part of it knew how difficult it was to start a business. Although it looked impressive to start a business, it was actually very difficult to move forward in the dark.

Firstly, there was the issue of the shops. Although the market had just opened, the competition was already very intense. If one wanted to occupy the market, they would have to rely on their research level and market positioning. For example, the first one that researched military grain pills.., they were currently taking advantage of the situation.

Meanwhile, even if the other players reacted, if they wanted to reorganize their research, they would not only be one step slower than the others, but they would not have enough manpower!

The lack of research manpower was a common problem for all the lords. Even the two leading forces like little cabbage and Pu Yunchuan did not have enough research personnel. The culture level of the natives was low, and it was rare for them to be literate, not to mention finding research assistants. This also led to the popularity of human mages, orc shamans, and witch doctors, after all, these people’s ability to accept and learn was much better than ordinary people.

However, these types of jobs were already considered scarce in the new territories, especially the mages. They were all born nobles, and there might not even be a few in a large city in a human city. Every player had very few of them, this led to the fact that some people in the market could not buy them even if they offered 5,000 points.

Then, there were the top research talents. To put it bluntly, they were developers. Not everyone reacted as quickly as cabbages and others, running abroad to recruit top research personnel.

Most of the gazes were still focused on the high-level developers in the base. However, a big shot like this could take away at least one-third of a player’s shares. They simply could not afford to hire a second one, this also led to the fact that many player lords only had one developer in their hands.

The recruitment of developers was also imminent...

As for the problems encountered when exploring the map, there were countless of them. This also caused the forums of Xing hai technologies to be extremely noisy. Grandpa Lu was gathering all kinds of information in front of the computer. Finally, he decided to write something useful before he ran out of money, write something useful first, so that your credibility is not affected by too much advertising.

With this in mind, he first wrote a piece of advice on the resource constraints of scientific research.

The title is very modest, but now his first-hand information and prediction in the base staged many myths, resulting in the post once issued, click rate broke 100,000!

———- —

“Because the forum has been too popular recently, Grandpa saw that all the Lords were greatly troubled, so I worked overtime and summarized some problems and suggestions. If you can help the Lords, please give me a good review!”

Now that the new dungeon had opened, any force that did not want to fall behind must have already started their own exploration journey. As the pioneer of the first exploration, it was definitely going to be a lot of trouble, today, let’s first discuss the common problems encountered by the Lord players who could afford to rent shops. After that, Grandpa Lu would release a common article about exploration players as soon as possible.

Getting back to the main topic, let’s get to the main topic.

First, the opening of the market. For the big bosses who could afford to rent shops, they would definitely want to occupy a market share. According to Grandpa Lu’s statistics, there were not many players who were qualified to explore the market, as a result, the amount of business in the market was not enough for everyone to have soup to drink. A large portion of the big shots were probably losing money. Yesterday, Grandpa Lu saw many people discussing the issue of whether to give up.

However, Grandpa Lu’s advice was to advise that it was best not to give up. Although the market in Gondolin was still small, as the first station in the game, if one could open up the market here, not to mention making money.., this was extremely important for your brand promotion and product development in the future!

Although it was a tough nut to crack, Grandpa Lu still suggested that you try your best to bite down on it.

Okay, now to sum up the problem, the first problem was the product opportunity. Grandpa Lu suggested that everyone should not blindly follow the trend of the market, they had to see if the civilization system they chose was suitable for that. For example, the current military grain pill market would definitely be very popular in the future. However, if they chose to focus on the origin plan civilization that focused on the mechanical civilization.., wouldn’t it be nonsense for them to compete with other biological forces?

The grain market was indeed very big. However, there were hundreds of flowers blooming in the current civilization. As long as it was useful, there would be a market for any product. Magic scrolls, antibiotic potions, and magical beast mounts were all indispensable, including mechanical products. High-destructive firearms and convenient means of transportation for exploration in the wild were all very good directions...

Then, I would like to talk about the biggest problem of the current shortage of manpower. Almost all the major forces had this problem. Grandpa Lu would like to share my views.

In the long run, popularizing education and nurturing more educated people were the priorities of the long-term construction. Just by relying on the existing mages and shamans, the supply and demand would only become tighter and tighter. Of course, that was a matter for the future.., after all, establishing an education system and nurturing their own talents required a certain amount of time. It would not be able to solve the current urgent matter, but the long-term plan had to start making plans as soon as possible.

Next was the urgent need for population. Most of the developer players were currently in dire need of assistants that could help alleviate the pressure, but with the current quality of the Aboriginal culture.., only shamans, witch doctors, and human mages were able to become assistants in a short period of time.

However, the number of assistants was indeed very limited. Grandpa didn’t need to explain how shamans and witch doctors could be obtained. The many raids on the grasslands were probably the work of the big shots, grandpa, today, I will talk about another possible channel to obtain talents in this field: the Western Islands!

That’s right, compared to the shamans of the orcs, the human mages were more adept at research and acceptance than the stubborn shamans of the orcs. This also caused the population of the mages in the base to be very tight, the chief mage of the Steel Martial Empire under the player [ the little fairy with athlete’s foot ] was not even willing to make a move even if someone offered 10,000 points.

And according to the information that Grandpa had obtained from the history of the Steel Martial Empire, the number of mages in the Western Islands was far higher than the Steel Martial Empire. This was because the first emperor of the empire had only managed to pull in a group of Mage clans from the Western Islands to form an alliance, from that, the Empire was established. In other words, the birthplace of the mages was on the island! josei

Of course, this was only Grandpa’s guess. Although it was a reasonable guess, if the situation was different from what Grandpa had said, Grandpa would not be responsible. This was just a deduction, whether everyone believed it or not...

However, Grandpa still suggested that everyone should organize a wave. Because the problem of insufficient manpower would probably continue for a long time, whether it was for himself or to speculate in a wave of human trafficking... * Cough Cough * * Cough Cough * . Grandpa advised you to hurry up. If you don’t make it in time, don’t regret it at that time...

Alright, after saying this grandpa, let’s talk about the issue of the number of developers. Right now, the price of developers in the base was very high. I’m afraid that ordinary forces wouldn’t be able to hire a second one, and I also want Grandpa.., right now, most of the Lord tier players would definitely have empty spots for their companions.

There are only 10 spots, and to quickly unlock the technology tree, developers must join the players, on how to get new developers to join the players, Grandpa I see the forum discussion is very intense. Here, Grandpa, I have a suggestion...


Lu’s suggestion was trending among the players almost the next day, and because of his suggestion, the C city school enrollment market suffered an unprecedented shock this year...

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