I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 604

Chapter 604


604 Chapter 633: If I were to choose...

“Wu... Don’t hide my nectar...”little cabbage muttered to himself as he turned his body. Suddenly, his body quivered and his eyes suddenly opened.

The Fox Orc who was responsible for taking care of little cabbage quickly said, “Lady Alice, the chief is awake...”

Alice, who was recording data on the virtual screen, nodded. “Mm, go and rest...”

“Woo... I want to eat nectar!”The cabbages quickly said.

Alice frowned. “You’ve eaten four bowls today. If you eat too much, you’ll have diarrhea...”

“It’s fine if you don’t eat it. You have to bring the brewed nectar to me for safekeeping. You’re not allowed to dig a hole to hide it...”

“Since when did I dig a pit to hide nectar?”Alice was speechless.

“I clearly saw you digging a pit to hide nectar with a hoe just now... Oh, that’s right, I was dreaming...”

Alice’s expression turned even darker when she heard that...

The Fox Girl could not help but cover her mouth and Snicker. She did not know what kind of scene the chief had in his dream when Lady Alice dug a pit with a hoe...

“Heat up a cup of warm milk for her stomach... add some nectar into it...”Alice waved her hand and said.

“Yes, Sir...”the fox girl bowed and retreated out of the tent.

“Hehe...”little cabbage smiled in satisfaction. She climbed out of the blanket and sneakily came over. “Little Alice, what are you doing?”

“Recording the product data...”Alice looked at the screen and said, “We sold quite a lot today. We need to relist some good materials to attract the next batch of buyers.”

“Why do we need to use such a troublesome method? Can’t we just sell the raw materials in the market?”Little Cabbage’s chubby face came over and asked.

Alice turned around and glanced at her. She saw the drool at the corner of her mouth and frowned slightly, she took out a silk scarf and gently wiped the corner of her mouth before continuing, “The quality of the raw materials in our base is too high. If we directly sell them in the market, the impact on the market will be too great. It will completely squeeze the living space of the other forces selling the materials. This will not only make most of the players wary and hostile toward us, but it may also cause them to be pressured by the policies!”

“Policy pressure? Where did the policy come from?”Little cabbage asked curiously.

“Of course, it’s the policy of the main base...”. Alice said patiently, “The Lord opened up the system of private lords to increase the motivation for scientific research. He would never let a certain force monopolize an industry. If we go too far, we will definitely be restricted by the authorities. It’s better to take the initiative in our own hands and choose the players with potential to take the exclusive supply route. We can make the most profit and increase the market share.” “...”

“Oh...”little cabbage nodded as if he understood something. Then, he asked, “How many items have we sold today?”

Alice said, “A total of 374 materials have been bought out today. Among them, there are 194 types of metal products, 62 types of wood products, 58 types of high-end grain raw materials, 31 types of magic plants, composite fiber materials...”. “...”

Upon hearing that, little cabbage looked at the screen and was stunned for a moment before saying, “Wow, our materials are priced so expensive?”

Alice said, “We naturally don’t need to take the high-end route with low profits and high sales. We raise the prices of materials first to ensure profits, and secondly, it’s also for the market. When the prices of raw materials are high, the finished products produced by the cooperating players will naturally have to be sold at a high price, leaving room for the low-end market.”

“Then how much will we sell them for today?”Little cabbage asked excitedly.

“Today?”Alice shook her head and smiled. “Today, we’re only buying the varieties. The amount of goods exported isn’t high. After all, the few forces are still in the midst of experimenting, so we won’t need many goods. The sale of raw materials is the main profitable item in the post-production plan, but we won’t be able to make much money for the time being...”. “...”

“Oh... I see that the transaction records show that you ordered so many production machine tools from the main base, all of which cost hundreds of thousands of points per machine. In addition to the cultivation of high-grade soil, will our money be enough?”

“Ha... Now you know the problem of whether we have enough money or not?”Alice sneered. “One day, you went to Papa Dog-egg’s place for a barbecue and spent 500 points to teleport here just for a meal...”

Little cabbage: “Eh? The milk hasn’t been warmed up yet?”


After rolling her eyes helplessly at him, Alice knew that she couldn’t persuade him to be so thick-skinned, so she didn’t waste any time and continued to record her information.

The current consumption of the tribe was indeed very high. The cultivation of the high-grade soil and the research of magic plants were producing a huge amount of points every day, but Alice dared to set up such a big project because she had enough money!

Although the materials market had not yet started to make a huge profit, the main project in the current faction’s ability to attract money was already able to handle such a huge amount of expenses.

Firstly, there was the traditional cold weapons market in Gondolin. Due to the high quality of the materials and the powerful forging techniques, the market was selling very well. Although the price was very expensive, giving up a portion of the low-priced market.., it was still in line with the advanced positioning of their forces.

Next, there was the project of helping to train soldiers, which was also a large part of the current income of the Horde. As the development of the map became more and more difficult, many players had already noticed the importance of increasing the strength of individual soldiers, they were also beginning to be willing to spend money to train soldiers with potential.

The cabbages had the patent fee for the elemental breathing technique, they had the high-level elemental elves to quickly improve the repair breathing technique, and they also had the best quality crops to replenish the nutrition of the soldiers, after giving cabbage a 30% discount on the combined set meal, it immediately attracted many players to send their soldiers over for training.

The daily training fee was a shocking figure.

Of course, Alice would definitely not tell cabbage about this, in case this guy was so proud that he spent money without scruples!

“Hey, Little Alice, didn’t you say that the buyers are all in the experimental phase? Why did this guy order so many?”Cabbage looked at the side for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up as he pointed at one of the transactions.

It said that someone had bought a million tons of materials in one go.

Alice looked at the screen and said faintly, “That buyer is different. The thing she is experimenting on is a big one, so naturally, she needs more materials.”

“What is she experimenting on?”

“A ship!”

“A ship?”

“Well...”Alice looked at the materials bought by the other party and continued, “It looks like it might be a battleship. This guy is betting big...”

Little Cabbage’s eyes immediately lit up. “Wow, someone is already so advanced? They are even starting to build battleships. Little Alice, you are slacking off. We have been ahead for so long. Let alone a ship, we don’t even have a tank!”

The corners of Alice’s eyes twitched. “Who told you that our civilization has tanks?”

“Eh?”Little cabbage was stunned and said in a daze, “Our civilization doesn’t have tanks?”

“No!”Alice said with a cold face.

Little cabbage: “Then what do the soldiers behind us rely on to fight?”

Alice: “Use a knife to cut them!”

“So Low?”Little cabbage was immediately anxious!

Alice rolled her eyes. “You just found out?”

The wood elf civilization was a pure arcane civilization, and they leaned towards the balance of nature. The early stage was relatively primitive, only after [ living wood technology utilization ] was unlocked could they slowly start to use arcane crystals to create large-scale weapons, and living wood technology was a high-level project that could only be carried out by unlocking the civilization tree of the sixth stage. It was far away now...

“AH... how could this be?”Little cabbage said with a dazed look.

Alice looked at him with a funny look. “You chose the civilization route yourself, didn’t you think about it at first? Could it be that you chose it randomly when you threw the dice?” josei

“I. . .”Little cabbage choked and then said stubbornly, “Of course I thought about it carefully...”


Looking at this stubborn guy, Alice didn’t know what to say. To be honest, if she had participated in the civilization route choice back then.., she would never let this silly guy choose the slow-developing civilization route of the wood elves!

If she were to choose...

Alice looked at the screen and narrowed her eyes. She must have chosen the same Naga civilization as this fellow!

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