I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 647

Chapter 647


647 Chapter 676: Academician Fang’s speculation (I)

In the conference room, the conference that decided the national policy was still going on, and Academician Fang, as the chief analyst, was speaking with confidence!

“Based on the information we have now, our analysis group has temporarily come to the conclusion that the reason why Luo Fu chose to cooperate with us is because Luo Fu’s higher-ups are fighting among themselves! !”

“Oh?”This statement made everyone, especially those high-level political figures, look surprised. The leader was also stunned. “Why did you come to such a conclusion?”

“This has to start from the moment sect leader Qin Xuanji revealed the cooperation this time!”Academician Fang enlarged the virtual screen, he said seriously, “First of all, according to sect leader Qin Xuanji, Luo Fu is not highly unified internally. There are quite a number of factions. As far as we know, there are those who do not support Luo Fu’s appearance, the Xuanji sect that supports Luo Fu’s appearance, and the Xing Hai sect that has an unknown attitude... “...”

“From the game’s information, there are only three races that players can choose to be part of. Moreover, the abilities of each race are very different. For example, the ELF class in the game is very similar to the Xuanji sect’s disciples that have appeared today. The wings that lieutenant general Li revealed that day are exactly the same as the wind demon in the game’s information. The surgery that Colonel Lei Xue and the other technical soldiers perform is called the developer’s surgery. It also corresponds to a race in the game. The main ability to improve is the utilization of the brain. From all of this, we infer that these three races in the game should correspond to the three main factions in the sect!”

When the leader heard this, he nodded. This deduction was a little logical... ! He had also seen the game’s information. The one in it was called the Green Titan as a race. He was tall and strong, like a hulk. It was very suitable for the name of the mountain moving sect!

When Academician Fang saw that his statement was accepted.., he smiled and continued, “And according to the information from sect leader Qin, the mountain moving sect is against Luo Fu entering the world. The STARSEA gate is in a wait-and-see state, and the Xuanji Gate absolutely supports him. However, when we later investigated the game’s data, we discovered that the Green Titan that represented the mountain moving sect was the one with the most numbers. This is somewhat contradictory to the information provided by sect leader Qin Xuanji.”

“Are you saying that this information is fake?”The Secretary of State asked with a frown.

“It might not be completely fake...”academician fang shook his head. “Based on our analysis, we have found a reasonable explanation.”

“What explanation?”

“Then the mountain-moving genetic surgery shouldn’t be so popular. From the looks of it, many people wouldn’t be willing to accept it in the modern world. I think this is also the reason why the mountain-moving sect isn’t willing to enter the real world. Once they enter the real world, there will be a large increase in the number of people. If the number of people from the other two sects increases, no one will be interested in their mountain-moving sect. In the future, their status and the balance of power in all aspects will be broken!”

When everyone heard that, they all had a look of realization. Indeed, with the appearance of these Green Giants at the Mountain Gate, would you choose the beautiful elves or the Hulk in real life?

“But it’s different in the game!”Academician Fang said with a smile, “If it’s not in the modern world, this kind of powerful appearance will instead become a choice for many male players to pursue novelty. We studied the two games that rainstorm group has been popular all over the world as examples. One of them is the current Titan, and the other is the former World of Warcraft. In these two games, the Alliance or the Titan’s order side, whose appearance is in line with normal aesthetic standards, are not very popular. On the contrary, the tribes with powerful appearances or the chaos faction in the Titan games are very marketable!”

“Therefore, we have reason to believe that all of this was designed by the sect leader. He used the game as a way to trick the players, one to make the process of absorbing the population gentler, and the other to make the players willing to view the moving mountain gate as a game. In this way, more and more people will choose to move the mountain gate, and the resistance to the birth of the moving mountain gate should also become smaller and smaller...”. “...”

“I see!”Everyone nodded. However, the leader looked at him curiously and said, “But if that’s the case, what about the high-level faction competition that Academician Fang mentioned just now?”

“It’s like this, leader...”academician Fang smiled smugly and said, “After analyzing the situation of the mountain moving gate, we made a deduction based on this train of thought and have a conjecture about Luo Fu’s unreasonable actions now...”

“Don’t keep us in suspense. Hurry up and say it!”The leader Glared at the other party.

“Cough...”elder Fang didn’t dare to be long-winded when he heard this, he hurriedly said, “If Luo Fu really is a hermit sect, he only feels that he is about to appear in the world now. The purpose of recruiting people on such a large scale is definitely to cultivate the core strength. This can be deduced from the various small force groups led by players that Colonel Lei Xue and the others went to. Luo Fu wants to use the additional manpower to bring out the technological advantages that they have accumulated for many years as soon as possible. However, there is a hidden danger...”. “Yes. “With a large number of newcomers joining the faction and the rapid expansion of their influence, the original framework of their influence will definitely undergo a huge change!”

Hearing this, the leader nodded and immediately understood what the other party meant. This was just like a company going public. A large amount of foreign capital would flood in, diluting the stock rights of the original shareholders, and the structure of their influence would be reshuffled!

Academician Fang: “Therefore, Luo Fu chose to cooperate with our government. What he wants is an absolutely centralized power that will fully support his stable position! !”

As soon as these words were said, all the important officials looked at each other in shock and took a deep breath. Although this deduction was more speculative, it was very logical and very likely!

“Then, according to your speculation, since sect leader Luo Fu wants to rope in the foreign forces and tie them to his boat, he must have a competitor?”The leader narrowed his eyes and said.

“That’s right!”Academician Fang hurriedly nodded and said, “Just like what sect leader Qin said, in order to break through space technology, Luo Fu secretly invited many western scientists. These foreigners are very likely to have gathered some ambitious local powerful elders to form a new force. Or perhaps those western scientists themselves are independent forces, which is what sect leader Qin said about the Starry Sea Gate Force...”. “...”

“Hiss! !”The leader took a deep breath and rubbed his head. He felt that the amount of information was a little too much. Then, he asked in puzzlement, “If that’s the case, then why didn’t the other forces of Luofu try to rope us in?”

“Our analysis department has two speculations regarding this!”Academician Fang replied.

“What speculations?”

Academician Fang: “The first one is that the forces other than the sect leader have yet to react to the sect leader’s arrangements...”

“Are they that slow to react?”The surrounding people frowned.

They had already analyzed the situation when they lacked so much information, but the other party had yet to react?

Academician Fang: “According to the information, Luofu is a reclusive sect. The political environment in the past might not have been complicated. Under such circumstances, it’s not impossible for other forces to react slower...”

The leader rolled his eyes. “What about the second guess?”

“The second guess. Our analysis team guessed that it might be because of nationality!”

“Nationality? ?”josei

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