I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 650

Chapter 650


650 Chapter 679: side effects

What should I do?

That night, the leader sat in his office and looked at a pile of documents. He had no intention of resting at all. It was said that old people did not rely on their muscles and bones for power. However, given the current situation, he probably would not be able to sleep even if he was given a big bed...

Less than half an hour after the meeting ended, the analysis department presented him with a benefit analysis and a risk assessment. In terms of benefits, increasing the level of cooperation would allow him to quickly integrate into Luofu and gain the upper hand!

If academician Fang’s analysis was correct, if he increased the output of his researchers, he would be able to grasp Luo Fu’s technology to the greatest extent possible. Thus, he would be able to take advantage of this period of time to quickly lead other countries, if he did a good job, he could even completely cut off the possibility of other countries entering Luo Fu!

Similarly, the risk assessment was also very high, and they were all unknown predictions. For example, what were the side effects of a large number of soldiers using genetic surgery? Would their loyalty continue to be maintained after the modification? Would there even be the possibility of the parasitic brain of the Zerg race in the star power struggle?

Moreover, he had a faint feeling that once he agreed to Luo Fu’s expansion, the risk would definitely not be limited to the immediate concern. As for what it was, he could not figure it out for a moment. He had decided that even if old Fang’s conjecture was correct.., agreeing to Luo Fu’s full expansion also had a huge hidden danger!

While he was hesitating, there was a knock on the door of the office.

The leader frowned slightly. At this time, what else could disturb him?

“Come in!”

The door opened, and the person who came in was naturally the guard he had been with day and night.

“Boss!”The guard still used the previous address, but at this moment, he looked a little anxious.

“I told you not to call me boss. It’s been so many years, why can’t you change it...”the leader’s tone paused when he said this, because when he saw the other party’s pale face, he immediately lost the mood to pay attention to the address of that society. Instead, his heart skipped a beat, and then he asked solemnly, “What happened?”

“Academician Fang had a heart attack and is in the midst of emergency treatment at the hospital. His condition is very critical!”

“What? ?”

The leader suddenly stood up and his expression instantly darkened.

He had long been prepared for old Fang’s poor health, but it had to be at this moment...

“Prepare the car and go to the hospital! !”

——————– — josei

When the leader arrived at the hospital, the leader, who was far away, saw a group of health care specialists discussing something with a solemn expression.

Following them were a group of other important figures.

“How’s the situation?”The leader walked up to the experts and asked directly.

The experts looked at each other, and in the end, one of them was the shortest, the oldest old man stood up and replied, “Leader, elder Fang’s situation is not optimistic. He is already on the verge of heart failure. He has been working all night for the past few days and has already caused irreversible damage. Now, he can only try to change his electronic heart, but for this operation at his age...”. “...”

“Continuously staying up all night?”The leader was stunned. He glared at the staff member wearing the analysis team’s clothes and asked, “Didn’t you say that elder Fang was resting on time?”

When the staff member heard this, he quickly lowered his head. In just a moment, the leader reacted. At elder Fang’s level, no one could pressure him to work so hard that he would suddenly die, then, elder Fang could only arrange for his subordinates to report this.

“How High is the success rate of the heart transplant surgery?”asked the leader.

The short expert hesitated for a moment before he finally said honestly, “If it was a middle-aged man who performed this surgery, there is a 40% chance... As for elder Fang... I reckon that even 10% is not possible!”

The leader’s heart instantly thumped. These words were basically no different from a death sentence... ...

In the midst of his anxiety, a nurse suddenly walked out from the ICU and whispered something to the doctor who was guarding the door. The doctor’s expression changed and he quickly walked over.

“What’s the situation?”The leader asked first.

“Elder Fang is awake. After hearing our surgical plan, he refused the surgery and requested for a heart-strengthening shot. He said that he wanted to report his work!”

When he said this, everyone fell silent. They looked at the leader, who was also stunned. Then, his expression became complicated!

To be honest, it was a bit pretentious for him to say that reporting was not important at this time. If he wanted to save people with all his strength, it would be a first-class discovery for old Fang to desperately report... ...

The leader was silent for a second or two before he asked, “Where are old Fang’s family members? Are they in position?”

“Leader...”the deputy leader of the analysis team immediately said, “Old Fang’s children are all overseas and have been notified, but I don’t think we can wait for them to come over...”

Hearing this, the leader lowered his head and made up his mind within a few seconds. “Since his family members aren’t around and old Fang has made up his mind, we’ll do as he says!”

The experts were stunned when they heard this, but they all heaved a sigh of relief. This decision was definitely better than letting them perform the surgery, because no one was confident that they could perform the surgery, if the surgery failed, they would have to bear some responsibility.

Now that this decision was made, this matter had nothing to do with them!

Just like that, after the nurse received the order, she quickly went in to inform the people inside to prepare the medicine...

After about 15 minutes, the nurse walked out and said, “Elder Fang said that he wants to see the chief...”

The chief nodded and did not hesitate any longer. He quickly walked inside. Elder Fang could pass away at any moment. Since he had made up his mind, he could not waste this precious time.

After entering the ICU, the chief saw elder Fang’s flushed face from afar. He knew that this was the effect of the heart-strengthening needle. In the words of the Huazhong ancient times, it was like a flash in the pan.

“You Old Fellow, why are you trying to be so strong at such an age? Don’t you know your own body?”The leader stepped forward and grabbed the other party’s hand as he scolded.

Elder Fang smiled and shook the leader’s hand. He replied, “There’s no time to argue. Let’s get down to business. Lord leader, what are you thinking now?”

When the leader heard this, he sighed. “How can you make a decision so quickly on such a big matter? Moreover, I feel that even if your deduction is correct, a full-scale cooperation is also very risky!”

“Yes...”elder Fang nodded.

“What are you hiding, Old Man?”The leader Glared at him.

“That’s not it...”elder Fang said with a wry smile, “Didn’t we just come to a conclusion and get so excited that we ended up in the hospital?”

“You...”the leader rolled his eyes at him and immediately smiled bitterly. “Tell me, what’s the conclusion?”

“As you think, even if my deduction is correct and we cooperate fully, once the Luofu mystic realm is revealed, there will be a huge risk. No... We can’t say that it’s a huge risk. There will definitely be some negative situations!”

“What is it?”The leader immediately asked.

“If we cooperate fully, it will cause our central China... No, it should be said that the influence of all the governments of the World Federation will become weaker and weaker. It might even completely collapse!”

The Leader:”! ! !”

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