I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 677

Chapter 677


677 Chapter 706: Henry’s Diary -PartpTwo two)

It was a terrible situation. I had never been in such a strange situation since I was born, but I had to calm down.

There were two kinds of situations I was facing. One was that the crew was lying. They had anticipated their eavesdropping and had concocted this lie in order to make me doubt Henry’s greatest strength.

The second scenario was that the crew members were telling the truth. If that was the case, then everything he had seen in the past few days might be wrong. For example, the terrible appearance of the sailors... ...

To be honest, the second scenario was very likely. Normally, a person wouldn’t become like this after eating bad food for a few days, right? If everything was his hallucination, then it seemed to make sense!

But now... ... It didn’t seem like an illusion... ...

Henry looked at the shaking wood shavings on the wooden door and the soft knocking on the door... ...

“Come in!”Henry chose to take the initiative. He had to take the risk to figure this out.

“Captain!”Sean closed the door with a serious face and walked quickly to Henry’s desk.

Henry looked at the closed door and his heart tightened, but he tried his best to remain calm.

“What’s the matter? Why Are You So Nervous?”

As he spoke, Henry carefully observed Sean’s image... ...

Tall and sunny, with a firm and rigid face, a tall skeleton, a strong body, and a pair of eyes as sharp as an eagle. It was exactly the image of a tough soldier!

He could even clearly see the hair on his body and the faint body odor on his body. All of this constantly reminded him that the guy in front of him was a living person, not some bullshit illusion!

“The second mate is missing!”Sean said with a serious face.

“What?”Henry was so shocked that he jumped out of his seat.

“I asked him to check the background of the crew, but I couldn’t find him. I looked everywhere on the ship before I came here...”. Sean said in a serious tone, “I’m now sure that he is no longer on this ship!”


The second mate is missing too?

The senior crew members are missing one after another. What does that mean?

Henry’s heart grew colder and colder, but he still managed to suppress his emotions. He tried his best to remain calm. He looked up and asked, “What do you think we should do now?”

Shawn said, “The two deputies are missing. This is definitely not an accident. There is something wrong with these crew members!”

Henry was silent for a while. Finally, he asked in a low voice, “If there is something wrong with them, can you guarantee that one person will kill them?”

Sean frowned, in the end, he said, “In the past, when they were not problematic, I could guarantee that. But now, they have become like that. It is difficult to guarantee that they are still as strong as before. Haven’t you noticed that the crew members have become very strong recently?”

Henry was stunned. He just remembered that the crew members seemed to be working very efficiently these days. Sometimes, one person could move the heavy objects of several people. Logically speaking, they should not have the strength to move the heavy objects when they were so hungry...

Sean continued, “I heard that the combat strength of cursed creatures usually increases exponentially. It’s not rational to confront them directly.”

“Then what do you think we should do?”Henry asked humbly.

“I propose to divide...”. Sean narrowed his eyes and said, “Divide the team into three to four teams to explore different places, using the excuse of going out to find food or a new way out. We will be responsible for one of the teams. When we are far away, I can try to kill fewer sailors or control them for interrogation!”

“Well...”Henry hesitated for a moment and then asked, “What if... there is no problem with these crew members, and we killed the wrong one?”

“If we killed the wrong one, we will say that we were killed outside!”Sean said in a low voice, “In this situation, we don’t need evidence, we just need to have suspicions!”

Henry was stunned, and after looking at Sean blankly for a while, he nodded. “Let me think about it... well... how about this, you go and gather the other high-level officials who did not mutate into the meeting room and prepare for the meeting!”

“Okay!”Sean didn’t seem to notice the change in Henry’s attitude towards him. He stood up and walked out obediently.

After the other party closed the door, Henry quickly took out his diary and wrote down everything.

He wrote everything down in the diary and finally did some analysis...

If it was the first case, the soldiers had problems. Sean’s suggestion was a very feasible plan, but if it was the second case... ...

If it was the second case, and all of this was my hallucination, then what was Sean? Why did he split up the team? Was it to weaken the team?

But he was a silver knight himself, if he wanted to, he and all of the crew combined could not defeat him...


If my memory was fake, then the other party’s Silver Knight’s information might also be fake, and the other party might not have the strength, so it needed to split us up, and attack when we were few in number...

Which one is it? Who Should I trust?

I know I don’t have a lot of time to think about it. I have to make a choice at the meeting. I have to choose a side to believe in!

———- —

“and then? No?”See here Li Goudan Leng, looked at Lei Xue... . .

“It seems to be...”Lei Xue turned two pages to the back, obviously there was no new diary content, suddenly frowned... ...

Breaking the chapter at the critical moment was really troublesome...

“Hurry up and shake that Henry Up!”Li Goudan said angrily, “Damn it! How dare you break this Goudan’s chapter? The last author who did this was already two meters tall!”

Lei Xue:”...”

Wang Ye looked at the two ship doctors who were in charge of Henry for the past two days and said in a low voice, “Can we try to use drugs to wake him up?”

Apothecary Perkins heard this and said in a low voice, “The patient’s condition is quite bad. If we use stimulant drugs to wake him up at this time, the possibility of failure is very high, and the possibility of brain death is also very high!”

“How high is the probability?”Lei Xue asked.

At this time, there was actually a small chance that they could give it a try. After all, the information that that guy had was very crucial.

“More than 90% ...”Perkins said solemnly.

When Lei Xue heard this, she immediately fell silent. This probability was basically no different from nothing. It meant that convincing the other party to wake up with the stimulant drug depended on a miracle... ...

However, this guy’s life was still a little important. He was the middleman who could lead the western islands. He was not the kind of passerby who could be abandoned at any time. It was not worth it to bet on the probability of a miracle.

Wang ye comforted eggface li, “Captain, at least that diary still has some information. First of all, rotten food must not be used.”

“That may not be true...”Lei Xue shook her head, “Or maybe it is as the other party said, these are all illusions... because logically speaking, our food sealing technology is so good, it is unlikely that there will be a short-term situation of decay.”

“Then... you mean we... eat as usual?”Goudan Li asked in a daze. josei

“The key is how this Henry chose...”Lei Xue looked at the diary and narrowed her eyes, “He was able to successfully walk out of here, so he obviously made the right choice...”

“I think... He didn’t choose to believe the crew...”Ye Wang suddenly said.

“Why?”Everyone looked at him.

Wang Ye pointed to the southwest with a strange expression. Everyone looked in the direction that the other party pointed to, but they found that, at some point in the distance, about a kilometer away, there seemed to be a huge wooden ship standing on the ice!

Those with better vision could clearly see the huge symbol carved on the ship. On it was clearly written: victorious return! !

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