I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 681

Chapter 681


681 Chapter 710: Strange Ability!

Li Goudan immediately felt an inexplicable chill. Ever since she entered the ice domain, she had been corroded by an irresistible chill, but with her strong vitality.., actually, it wasn’t as unbearable as Lei Xue and the others.

But now, the chill had obviously increased a lot after coming up, causing Li Goudan to shiver involuntarily.

However, compared to the physical chill, the chill in her heart was actually even greater, because after she came up, she found that there was no one on the deck...

Thinking of this, she took a breath and prepared to walk into the cabin... ...


Just as she was about to make a move, Johnny’s voice came from behind her, “Why don’t you let me lead the way?”

The dog egg hesitated for a moment, finally nodded, now this is not the time to be a hero, someone to play the vanguard is not a bad thing.

So she let Johnny go to the front, and she followed in a position where she could see all the angles behind him...

The two walked slowly into the cabin...


Outside the ship, first mate Wilson frowned at the snow: “Why don’t we go up and help the Captain?”

“Because we need protection...”replied Lei Xue Blandly.

Wilson was stunned, the first time to hear someone put their own safety so justified, but sugar bean did come before the order, the key time to protect the chief of the engine!

A voice from the side said, “What she said makes sense. Moreover, we have an uncertain factor here...”

Wilson was stunned. He immediately followed the other party’s reminder and looked over. He just happened to see Shawn, who was being controlled behind him. He nodded immediately. This guy had not been cleared of suspicion yet. It was indeed not safe to rush forward and let Lord Snow stay with such a guy.

“You’re right, Johnny...”Wilson said to his partner behind him.


Inside the cabin, Li Goudan slowly followed behind Johnny. At this time, Johnny held the enchanted short sword and walked steadily and carefully in front to lead the way. The temperature in the cabin was even colder than outside. It was really like walking into an ice cellar. But just like the outside, there’s hardly anyone inside...

Li Goudan’s brows were tightly knitted, and a rarely seen serious expression appeared on her heartless face.

There were at least 200 people on the ship, how could they disappear just like that?

Could a bug kick its legs when it fell into the water? They had only gone out for a short while, and the whole ship was gone?

Moreover, the strange thing was, from the situation on the ship, there was no sign of a fight. The cabin seemed very clean, and it did not look like there was a fierce fight at all...

Could it be that there was something powerful that could kill these 200-odd sailors in an instant? And there was no sound at all?

If that was the case, then it would be a little scary, because Goudan Li believed that he could not do it!

Other than the mechanics in the technical department, most of the sailors on the ship were bronze knights who had undergone genetic surgery. Their strength was comparable to silver, and there was even a hidden corner hidden by jellybean...

That was a high-level combat talent hired from Isabelle. A high-level druid who had undergone a second surgery and had practiced the water elemental breathing technique. His results were excellent in all aspects, his overall strength had already surpassed the legendary level here. It was sugar pea who had spent a large sum of money to hire him to infiltrate the grassroots to gather intelligence and deal with unexpected situations.

With people like him and a group of skilled sailors, Li Goudan asked himself, even if he could kill them, it would be impossible for him to leave no traces behind...

Two hundred people, not two hundred chickens. Even if he killed the chickens, he would have to make some noise, right?

Thinking of this, Li Goudan carefully followed behind Johnny, maintaining a buffer space and ensuring that his vision could observe everything around Johnny and Johnny at all times, of course, she also distributed some of her energy behind her.

She put some feathers on the ground along the way. These feathers were covered with threads that were thinner than spider silk. If there was even the slightest movement behind her, she would be able to react immediately, moreover, she could retrieve these feathers to create a certain attack effect. josei

This was a racial technique of her wind demon bloodline, which she had just learned a while ago.

The two of them walked slowly in front. When they suddenly reached a corner, Johnny’s face lit up and he quickened his pace. Seeing this, Li Goudan was about to quickly follow them, but as soon as he stepped out, he suddenly remembered something. It made her stop her actions and retract her steps...

“Captain, sir, come quickly. There’s a situation here!”Johnny’s voice came from inside. He seemed very anxious.

“Oh... is that so...”Li Goudan replied indifferently, but he had no intention of leaning over.

“Captain?”The voice paused for a moment, and then asked with puzzlement, “What’s wrong with you?”

“You want to know what’s wrong with me, can’t you just come back and take a look?”Li Goudan replied with the same cold tone.

“Huh?”Johnny Gasped, and then a cautious figure came out from the corner, “Captain? What are you doing? Come quickly, the chef and the others are here, the situation seems to be very bad!”

“Really? Then you should bring them out...”Li Goudan tilted his head and looked like he was not going to go over... ...

“Uh...”the other side looked strange. “Captain, What’s Wrong?”

“I remember something...”Li Goudan looked at the other side. “When did you get on the ship?”

“Ah?”The other side was stunned. “I. . . I followed you on the ship...”

“Is that so?”Li Goudan said faintly, “Then why don’t I have any impression of it?”

As soon as he said this, the other party’s expression froze...

Seeing the other party’s expression change, Li Goudan took a step back slightly and thought, there is indeed a problem...

She only remembered it when she was about to turn the corner just now. At that time, an instinctive sense of danger rushed into her heart and made her stop. At that moment, she recalled this suspicious point.

Johnny was not a highly sensitive person. Moreover, even if he was, it was impossible for him to say that he appeared behind her without feeling anything.

This was not because she did not realize this at the beginning, but because the memory had inexplicably disappeared. When Johnny suggested him to lead the way, she subconsciously thought that he came up with her, as for how he had come up, he didn’t think about it in detail. It wasn’t until the inexplicable sense of danger surged into his heart that he thought of this!

Ever since he became a wind demon, Li Goudan’s sensitivity had always been very high. Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to not realize such a big suspicious point at all... ...

This was not his problem, but rather, the guy in front of him had used some kind of method to make his consciousness ignore this point!

Thinking of this, Li Goudan felt a cold sweat run down his back. He could not help but think to himself, “What kind of ability is this?”?

After Johnny was seen through, the expression on his face that was pretending to be stunned gradually disappeared and became as cold as a zombie. The pupils in his eyes slowly changed from Johnny’s grayish-brown color to a kind of opal-like emerald...

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