I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 684

Chapter 684


684 Chapter 713: The First Way to survive

On the other side, Lei Xue and the others followed Li Goudan, who jumped off the boat first, and quickly fled. Lei Xue and Wang Ye were both physically exhausted. One was carried by Johnny, and the other was carried by Wilson. In the vast snowy land... The group of people just ran aimlessly... ...

“Captain!”Lei Xue Lay on Johnny’s back and looked at Li Goudan, who was running for his life, and hurriedly asked, “What on Earth is that thing?”

“I don’t know...”Li Goudan, who was panting, replied, “I’ve never seen such a strange thing in my life!”

“Really?”Lei Xue frowned. What kind of thing could scare Li Goudan to this extent? She had heard of Lieutenant General Li’s battle record in Ba tie. The officials had secretly assessed that she should have the strength of an elder of Kunlun.

“Jiayi... your condition isn’t quite right. Why Don’t You Bandage Your Wound First?”Wang Ye couldn’t help but ask.

Li Goudan ran in front and shook his head. “It’s just a small wound. Don’t worry about it. The most important thing now is to avoid that damn thing first...”as she said that, she even looked back, as if she wanted to see if there was anything chasing after her.

Seeing this, everyone tensed up and did not dare to look back. Their running footsteps sped up a little...

However, Lei Xue, who was being carried on her back, looked back again.

There was indeed something chasing after them, but she could not see it clearly. That Thing was a little strange, like a black shadow standing up. No matter how hard she tried, she could not see the full picture of that thing.

What was even stranger was that although that guy seemed to be trying his best to chase them, the distance between them was always maintained within a certain range. One had to know... ! ... The speed of her team was not the same!

From the beginning when they were sprinting wildly to now when most of the team members were physically exhausted, the team’s speed was completely different from before. However, the thing chasing them from behind still did not close the distance between them. It gave people the feeling that it was not chasing them. Instead, it felt like they were chasing them, trying to drive them to a certain place... ...

And she kept feeling that there was something strange about it, but she could not quite put her finger on it... ...

At this thought, she looked at Shawn’s position behind her. From the beginning of their escape, Shawn had no one watching him. He was also running with the team, but he was wandering at the back of the team.

This made snow lei feel a bit strange...

Henry’s diary had introduced Shawn as a silver samurai. She had a slight understanding of the samurai level of this plane. The main training methods were bronze, silver, and gold, it was similar to some of the competitive games in the country, but the difference was clear. As far as she knew, the difference between each level was actually quite big. Most of the crew members were Bronze Samurai, and Shawn was a silver samurai.., his physical strength shouldn’t be worse than these low-level samurai. Why was he running at the back?

Either his kidney was weak, and he had an empty level, but his physical strength was actually not good, or he deliberately ran to the back...

If it was the latter, why did he do that? Wasn’t he worried that he would be attacked at the back of the team?

Not to mention an outsider like him, even the people in the fleet were trying their best to move forward while fleeing. Everyone was trying their best to run faster than their companions so that they wouldn’t be eaten by the bear.

Then why did he deliberately run to the back?

There was obviously a problem!

But under the current situation, she couldn’t stop the team to interrogate this guy...

Lei Xue frowned and quickly analyzed the possibilities. If... ? If that guy named Sean deliberately fell behind, what was his motive?

Either it was as Henry’s diary said, there was something wrong with this Sean, or... There was nothing wrong with Sean himself, but he knew something, which was why he deliberately fell to the back of the team... ...

But why?

Lei Xue racked her brain, but she still couldn’t figure it out. She turned to Sean and said, “Do you know something?”

Sean, who was running at the back, was stunned. He glanced at Lei Xue, looking a little surprised, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he didn’t say anything and continued to follow at the back of the team... ...

“Why are you still hiding at a time like this?”Lei Xue couldn’t help but shout.

This time, Xiao en acted as if he didn’t hear it. He just buried his head and ran... ...

At this time, Johnny couldn’t stand it anymore. He said in a low voice, “Don’t worry about Lord Lei Xue. Anyway, that kid is at the back. If he doesn’t say that he will fall behind, we naturally won’t go and save him...”

As soon as he said that, Lei Xue’s pupils suddenly constricted!

Fall behind! !

That’s right... It’s like this...

Lei Xue Muttered in a daze...

Johnny, who was carrying him, was stunned when he heard Lei Xue’s words. “Sir Lei Xue, what have you discovered?”

As soon as he said that, Wilson and Wang Ye, who were beside him, also looked at her. Li Goudan, who was in front, also turned around and looked over.

Lei Xue looked at Wang Ye. “Lieutenant General Li, you should have guessed what I’ve discovered, right?”

Wang Ye was stunned. He was about to say, why did you ask Goudan Li to look at me?

But what happened next stunned him. Because when Lei Xue looked over, Goudan Li also looked at him curiously. “I’m asking you, Lieutenant General Li. Why are you still keeping me in suspense at this time?”

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. They looked at Goudan Li inexplicably... josei

The armament crew here were all personally trained by Goudan Li. At that time, Lei Xue often came to look for Goudan Li. She would verbally address him as lieutenant general Li. It was only after they boarded the ship that she changed her way of addressing him. Ordinary sailors did not know about this, but the armament crew knew about it...

Then, everyone started to slow down and put some distance between them and Li Goudan...

As everyone slowed down, Li Goudan also slowed down and stood still... ...

Everyone stopped and looked at each other in shock. They didn’t dare to get close to each other. Then, they pulled out their weapons to guard the front and the back.

However, at this moment, everyone was stunned to find that the shadow that was chasing them had stopped in the distance after they stopped. It had no intention of getting close...

“As expected...”Lei Xue narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice.

“When did you find out?”

Behind them, Xiao En, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

“I just figured it out...”Lei Xue looked at him and replied.

From the moment Johnny said that they were left behind, she immediately found the strange thing that she had felt before!

Yes, they were left behind. From the beginning to the end, not a single person in the team showed any signs of being left behind...

It wasn’t that Lei Xue had bad intentions, but that all of this seemed illogical. She had noticed that the team had always maintained a single unit from the start of their escape. This was an escape, not a military drill, and their physiques were different from each other.., how could the entire team have maintained such a single unit?

Logically speaking, if everyone was trying their best to escape, the one with the weakest physique should have long fallen behind. The reason why they didn’t fall behind was because the entire team had maintained a single limit, and everyone had deliberately maintained a single speed! And this speed coincidentally allowed the person with the weakest physique to keep up with the team!

It was obviously impossible to say that this was the tacit understanding of everyone. and the only person who could maintain the speed of the entire team was Li Goudan!

Because she was at the front, and she was the captain, everyone was running with her, so they would subconsciously follow her speed. The speed of her team was the same as the speed of her team!

Under such circumstances, it would actually be understandable if Li Goudan insisted that no one would be left behind. After all, as the captain of the ship, it was not unreasonable for her crew to not want to give up, but there were many suspicious points, the first one was based on Lei Xue’s understanding of Li Goudan. She did not seem like such a delicate person. At such a time, she would be sensitive and considerate to take care of the person with the weakest physical strength. The second one was the monster that followed closely behind. It was too cooperative. If Li Goudan was slowing down to prevent people from being left behind, why would the monster behind also slow down?

If that wasn’t the case, the second reason was that she didn’t want anyone to fall behind for another reason!

Combining the fact that Shawn didn’t seem to be afraid of being caught by the Black Shadow at the end of the line, Lei Xue had a terrifying guess: Goudan Li wasn’t afraid of people dying because of falling behind, he was afraid that if someone fell behind, everyone would know that the black shadow behind didn’t have the ability to kill people!

“You’re very smart!”Xiao en looked at lei xue meaningfully. “Smarter than most of the stupid captains I’ve met. It seems like there’s value in working together...”

Everyone looked at each other in a daze. For a moment, they did not understand what the two of them were saying. Meanwhile, Wang Ye was still in disbelief as he shouted at the shadow in front of him, “Jiayi?”

Goudan Li’s body trembled. He stiffly turned his head around. His head turned at a strange angle. His face was still Goudan Li’s, but his eyes were emitting a green light like cat’s eye stones...

Everyone backed away in fright!

“Jiayi... What happened to Jiayi?”Ye Wang asked in a terrified voice.

“Rookies!”Xiao en stretched his back and slowly walked forward, he said faintly, “The first rule of survival here is never trust someone who has been alone, even if he disappeared in front of you for only a few seconds. Because in a few seconds, you might not see him in person!”

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