I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 693

Chapter 693


693 Chapter 722: three ways of trading!

“Is there really such a thing as offering sacrifices in this world?”Wang ye frowned as he looked at Xiao En. He felt that it was a little metaphysical. He had never believed in such metaphysical things, even the cultivators from the sects in central China felt that this was an evolutionary model that was in line with the laws of nature. It could even be explained by science. As for offering sacrifices, it should be a scam created by those cults, right?

Then, under Shawn’s guidance, Johnny dislocated the limbs of the muscular man who had been beaten into a bloody mess. Then, he dragged him to the crystal and looked at Shawn. “How do I do it?”

“See if you want to use that Method...”as he said that, Shawn pointed at a few large stone slabs under the huge floating crystal.

Lei Xue frowned and looked over. She could clearly see that there were strange words and energy symbols on the stone slabs. She had seen this kind of spell before. On the dog egg’s energy shaping device, there were also some runic alchemy spells used to guide energy.

Although she was developing into a mechanical alchemist, at this stage, she mainly focused on machinery. She only read some of the contents out of curiosity. After all, her original mission was to familiarize herself with the machinery profession as soon as possible, and the person responsible for the connection between the runic warlocks on the ship was the Great Tube Lun Morsenkin!

But the key was that she didn’t know where he was right now...

So she temporarily gave up on cracking the spell on the stone tablet. She looked at him and asked, “What choice do you have?”

Shawn said, “The first stone tablet is a sacrifice in exchange for the things you lost. The things you lost here include the things you mortgaged yourself and anything that has been mortgaged here. Of course, it also includes the people in the square. The second stone tablet is a direct transaction. The crystal will show the same value according to the things you sacrificed. You can choose what you think you need inside. The third one is a transaction with the people inside the door!”

“Oh?”Xue Lei frowned, squinting at him.

This was a lot of information, but at the same time, more questions arose in her mind.

So she slowly asked one by one, “Let’s talk about the first function of the stone tablet. Redemption means that you can exchange the things you once mortgaged. That means these people once mortgaged themselves to become like this, right?”Xue Lei looked at the statue-like people in the square and asked.

Shawn said, “I think so... but I’m not sure about that!”

Lei Xue said, “Really? Then let me ask you, since I can redeem someone, does that mean that someone can redeem me?”

Shawn said, “Yes...”

Lei Xue said, “Then let me ask you again, what if I only mortgaged a few things? For example, an arm. Can someone redeem it for his use without my consent?”

Everyone was stunned. Xiao en narrowed his eyes and thought, this woman is so quick-witted... ...

“Answer me!”Lei Xue said with a dark face, “I don’t mind using you to try!”

Xiao En’s face turned pale, he had to answer, “During the interest period, I will ask you if you are willing to be bought by others, because once you buy it, the interest will stop calculating. But if it is directly bought by the crystal, anyone can take it at a certain price!”

As expected...

Lei Xue nodded, and then she narrowed her eyes at him, thinking to herself, the situation here is too unusual. I have to try my best to find clues from him. I can’t let him deliberately confuse me!

Thinking of this, she continued to ask, “The second stone tablet is a direct transaction, right? What will be in the crystal?”

Shawn said, “Many things, weapons, food, magic items, even powerful magic puppets and some strange summoned creatures!”

Snow said, “Since they are listed separately, these things are naturally not mortgaged here. It means that these things exist in the crystal itself. But how did these things come? It Can’t be that they came out of thin air, right?”

“I don’t know!”Shawn shook his head.

Snow looked at him deeply for a while. From his expression, it didn’t seem like he was lying... ... So she continued to ask, “What are those things in the third stone tablet that you mentioned?”

Shawn said, “What are those things in the door that can’t be said.”

Lei Xue raised her eyebrows. “Can’t say?”

Johnny Laughed Sinisterly and slowly approached Shawn, seeing this, Shawn stepped back. “I really can’t say. This is the rule. If you choose the third trade, you’ll know. You Can’t reveal the other party’s identity when you trade with those things. If you violate it, the consequences will be terrible!”

There was such a thing?

Lei Xue narrowed her eyes. She felt that the existence that the other party mentioned might be the key to leaving this place!

But she was not anxious. She continued to ask, “Then what’s the benefit of trading with them? Since there’s everything in the crystal, why should I trade with them?”

Shawn was silent for a while and then said in a low voice, “There’s a higher return. Moreover, they have more things than the crystal. Not only can they exchange materials, but they can also make an event trade. For example, they can ask the other party for a favor and pay the price.”

Lei Xue asked, “Is there a risk?”

Shawn said, “Yes, and the probability is very high. Those guys’transactions are full of traps. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the rules. Many old people here died in those trading traps...” josei

“I see...”Lei Xue nodded and then said, “I have a rough idea of the situation. Now, we are short of food and water. What do you think is the best trade?”

Shawn looked at Lei Xue’s eyes that seemed to see through him. His heart was slightly beating. He wanted to dig a hole, but he always felt that he would be noticed by the other party, after hesitating for a while, he finally said honestly, “I suggest using the first stone tablet and the second stone tablet. The second stone tablet is the most stable. You can exchange it for Energy Crystals to replenish your physical strength. However, there will be some side effects if you eat too much. If you choose the first stone tablet well, you can exchange it for food to the greatest extent, but you have to rely on your judgment and luck.”

“What do you mean?”Lei Xue blinked her eyelashes and asked softly.

“The first stone tablet can redeem the people here, and after these people are redeemed, their assets will also be redeemed. For example, if you redeem the owner of a restaurant, not only will he come back, his restaurant will also come back, and there will be a large amount of fresh food without side effects. However, you must first guess the occupation of the other party, otherwise, if you change it wrongly, it will be in vain...”. “...”

“I see...”Xue Lei nodded. “Then let’s use the second stone tablet to ensure supplies...”

Shawn nodded and placed the muscular man on the second stone tablet. He thought to himself, ‘he’s a very calm guy. He didn’t choose an unstable method just because he’s smart...’ Although he’s smart, he should be a serious person!

Lei Xue observed Shawn’s actions and pinched the communicator in her pocket...

That thing was given to her by Jellybean. She said that if she encountered a situation that couldn’t be resolved, she would use it to contact the base.

But this thing... ... obviously couldn’t be used here. The signal was cut off... ...

But if the signal was cut off, the base should have noticed it, right. In that case... ? ... would the higher-ups of Luofu come to rescue us?


At this moment, at the location of the main base, the AI reported for the 272nd time, “The new detector has searched 20,000 nautical miles to the south, but there are still no fluctuations. The high-end testing equipment that wine god Lord lent you doesn’t seem to be of much use...”

‘could it be that I’ve been tricked by wine god Lord again, and he gave me a western-style goods?’?

Seer frowned deeply under his helmet. No, if it was in the past, he would have been at a disadvantage. However, now that it was related to that unknown undead, he couldn’t fool around like this.

Thinking of this, he turned to the AI and said, “Help me contact senior wine god in the Federation’s Virtual Network. Remember, use the official channel. Don’t let the other party have the chance to discover our location!”

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