I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 696

Chapter 696


696 Chapter 724: Trading Market (Part Two)

“Here...”Sean pointed to a place in the southeast corner.

Xue Lei and the others walked over carefully and saw some strange potions on it. The words “Energy”were written on them.

Xue Lei looked at the introduction of the words on the board. Each energy sample had a board on which there was an introduction. For example, the yellow liquid bottle at the front introduced: “Carbohydrate energy liquid, easy to absorb, easy to digest,”. Insufficient energy density, not long to maintain the vitality of the body...

Blue liquid: cruise extract, high energy density, easy to absorb, not easy to digest, easy to produce energy block accumulation.

Purple liquid: Ruintes extract, medium energy density, easy to absorb, not easy to digest, easy to produce energy fat.

Red Liquid: Victoria’s secret blood, very high energy, easy to absorb, easy to digest, able to greatly strengthen the physique, incomplete purification, risk of infection...

Looking at the pile of things, Lei Xue had a strange look on her face, because she found that only this pile of things was clearly marked with a price. As soon as she went over, the sign on it showed how many she could exchange for...

And the other items around were hidden with a price...

This made Lei Xue a little curious, why was only this food marked with a price?

After asking Shawn, Shawn also expressed that he did not know, so Lei Xue and the others slowly walked over.

There were more than twenty kinds of liquids on the table. They were all different colors and had different effects. However, Lei Xue was very clear about the last sentence of each brand. She found that the last sentence seemed to represent a side effect.

After looking around, she finally fixed her gaze on cruise extract and ruintes extract. The others were either too expensive or had virus notifications similar to the so-called Victoria’s secret blood. What a joke.., i told you that you might be infected with the virus before you bought it, didn’t I?

She thought about the skeletal monster and the muscular man. Did they become like that because they bought the liquid with the virus?

She looked at the two bottles and then at Sean. “What’s the difference between the accumulation of energy blocks and fat?”

Technically speaking, there should be no difference, because human body fat was the energy stored after digesting food. Why was it listed here?

Sean said, “Energy accumulation is more difficult to recover through exercise. It will form local lumps, which is more harmful to the body...”. After a pause, he continued, “The energy fat mentioned here is actually not easy to digest. If you eat too much of it, your body will bloat, and there will be inexplicable pus in the fat. It will also cause problems over time.”

Hearing this, everyone took a step back. They instantly lost interest in the two bottles... ...

Shawn continued, “The only thing that doesn’t have any side effects is the carbohydrate energy liquid. However, the amount of time you can manage it is too little. A bottle can only manage for a day. If you are at gold-rank, you need two bottles to be able to consume it for a day. This is not the case when you don’t fight and try to maintain your physical strength. Unlike the other two, a bottle can only manage for half a month... “...”

“Which ones do you usually eat?”Xue Lei looked at Shawn. It was obvious that there was nothing wrong with Shawn’s appearance.

“This is what I eat...”Shawn was silent for a while and then said, “I don’t want to become a monster like them...”

“I see...”Xue Lei nodded. She knew that Shawn was probably referring to the monsters that attacked them just now...

Thus, she put down the two liquids and stretched out her hand towards the carbo-water energy liquid. She knew that this thing seemed to be used in the base, but the base had added various trace elements to ensure nutrition, if she ate too much carbo-water energy liquid, her body would also have problems due to insufficient intake of other substances.

However, that would at least take a few months. It was still possible to do energy replenishment in a short period of time, just like instant noodles. Eating for a few months wouldn’t kill anyone, right?

Therefore, she no longer hesitated and directly exchanged for a hundred bottles of carbo-water energy supplies.

Looking at the exchange amount, it indicated that she could exchange for another hundred bottles. Lei Xue did not continue to exchange. There were a total of ten people on her side. Each of them could drink ten bottles sparingly for seven to eight days, at this time, she believed that with Johnny’s strength just now, he should be able to help her and the others find new supplies.

So she wanted to see the effects of other things.

With this thought in mind, she slightly looked to the side and came to a place full of weapons. These weapons were very strange. Not only were the shapes strange, she felt that these weapons... ... Seemed to be alive!

For example, the glove. The glove faintly revealed some bloody meridians, looking very scary.

The introduction card also wrote something strange: it can give you unimaginable power, but it needs your flesh... ...

Snow pointed at the glove and asked, “Do you know what will happen when you put this thing on?”

“Yes...”Sean nodded, he said with some disgust, “There was a captain of the Taniges Kingdom who used it before. This thing can boost your power. The more you use it, the stronger the power will be. When that guy was at his strongest, he could even blow a gold knight of the same level into minced meat with one punch!”

“Oh?”Johnny smiled. “That sounds interesting...”

Sean looked at the muscular man and the corner of his eyes twitched, he then lowered his head and said, “But every time I use that glove, the flesh and blood inside it will spread a little. At first, it will spread to my arms, then it will slowly spread to my chest and even my whole body. In the end, I saw that guy being eaten by the glove!”

Hearing that, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. Looking at the blood, flesh, and meridians that were leaking out of the glove, they could not help but shiver...

Sean said, “These weapons have side effects. They either eat your flesh or suck your blood, or they suck your bone marrow, or something strange that can take away your time and make your body age... “...”. “The more you use them, the harder it is to get rid of them...”. “...”. Often, many people who use these weapons have to come back and buy more strange things to prolong their lives... “...”

“Why would anyone buy such a terrible weapon?”Johnny could not help but ask.

Sean glanced at him, he whispered, “Not all newcomers are as powerful as you. The environment here is destined to kill each other in order to survive. If the newcomers are not strong enough and want to quickly improve their strength, these weapons are the best shortcut. If you use them well, even bronze can kill Gold...”. “...”

“Since you can live for so long, you should have something hidden on you, right?”Lei Xue looked at him and asked.

Shawn lowered his head and didn’t say anything...

Of course he had something hidden. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have taken the initiative to contact Lei Xue and the others. He didn’t expect to encounter titanium alloy steel plates this time. Fortunately, he didn’t have time to kick them...

“Is there anything else that can increase your combat strength besides these strange weapons?”Lei Xue asked.

“Yes...”. Shawn nodded and said, “For example, those energy agents. One of them is a yellow liquid that can directly increase one’s combat strength. However, if you drink too much at once, your meridians will not be able to withstand it and will become deformed and bloated, just like the guy you used to sacrifice just now.” josei

“Does that mean that if you drink it slowly, you can absorb it steadily?”Lei Xue’s eyes flashed as she asked.

“It can be done... but the efficiency is very slow...”Sean said, “Someone has tried it. Half a bottle of energy dosage can only be absorbed after a month of high-intensity training. Moreover, who would dare to consume high-intensity physical strength every day in such a damn place?”

He paused for a moment and then said, “So some people took the risk to use the energy dosage with the virus in order to become stronger...”

“What’s the result?”Asked Lei Xue hurriedly.

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