I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 721

Chapter 721


721 Chapter 759: the last person to hide...

“I’m here to take a look...”Nicholas grinned and slowly approached. His walking posture was extremely calm and elegant, causing Johnny to be completely stunned... ...

He did not have much contact with this old man, but from his previous performance, he should be the type of fanatic who studied magic and magic knowledge. He did not pay attention to appearance, and he was sloppy... He only had a strong interest in things that were within knowledge... ...

However, at this moment, the other party gave people a completely different feeling. Although he was still dressed in the same sloppy manner, his every move was filled with a mysterious charm, giving people the feeling that he was an old aristocrat with an extremely rich accent. He even had the air of an aristocrat compared to those dukes that Johnny had met before... ...

“You... You’re not Sir Nicholas, who are you?”

The one who spoke was one of the Golden Knights left behind by the Dolan forces. After Sir Fordring’s team entered the castle, Sir Nicholas’safety was handed over to the Dolan forces... ...

And just yesterday, he was in charge of protecting this most respected archmage in the city... ...

“Oh... Of course I’m your Lord Nicholas, Little Tony, oh... No... You’re Not Little Tony, Little Tony is no longer here, you’re Little Tony’s brother...”Nicholas slowly approached, his slender fingers pressed on the dagger that the other party was guarding against!

Johnny, who was standing at the side, was stunned. He noticed that the other party’s hands were slender, fair and delicate. They were more beautiful than the hands of many women he had seen. Such a pair of hands definitely did not belong to an 80-90-year-old old mage...

“Tony...”the knight who was held by the sword was stunned. That was his younger brother, the younger brother of his twin. He died a year ago to protect Sir Nicholas. ...

How did this imposter know about the person who died a year ago?

Before he could react, that slender finger suddenly pressed on the major artery at his neck!

He was stunned, and so was Johnny, who was close by. The two of them did not see how the other party came over. It was as if they were stuck on a disk and had skipped time. There was no feeling of the process at all... ...

“The taste of blood is exactly the same...”Nicholas said with a chuckle.

While they were talking and laughing, the slender finger had unknowingly cut open the other party’s artery. It was only a small cut on the fingernail, but thick blood gushed out crazily. The blood seemed to have lost its gravity and floated in the air. It gathered and eventually formed a solid ball of blood. Nicholas gently grabbed it in his hand and put it into his mouth as if he was eating candy. His posture was still as elegant and indifferent as before. It was not as ferocious and terrifying as cannibalistic flesh...

Johnny was stunned at the side. He was so terrified that he wanted to help. However, for some reason, his body was not under his control. He did not have the slightest strength and did not want to resist at all... ...

Johnny was unable to fight back with his strength, and the gold-tier Knight who was being sucked could not do anything either. He could only stare blankly at the other party, sucking blood out of his arteries...

He felt his life draining away and his body turning cold. However, he did not know why, under such circumstances, he still could not muster up any courage to fight back, even if it was for the sake of his own survival... ...

What was even more terrifying was that the other party’s green eyes were as bright as a mirror, clearly reflecting his own condition. Through the other party’s pupils, he could clearly see that his body was like a deflated balloon, constantly shrinking... His entire body was visible to the naked eye, turning into a dried up corpse-like appearance...

It was truly a way of dying that made one shudder...

But it was strange, this appearance was so familiar... ... When had he seen it before?

As the Knight thought of this, he suddenly recalled that a year ago, his younger brother’s corpse seemed to be the mummy-like appearance now... ...

At that time, it was said that his younger brother wanted to protect Sir Nicholas, and fought with the criminals who had come to abduct Sir Nicholas, and was killed by the criminals using magic weapons.

Now, it seemed that the truth was not like this...

The Knight looked at the face that looked exactly like Nicholas. His heart was extremely cold. Perhaps... “...”. At that time, Sir Nicholas was no longer Sir Nicholas, right?

‘damn it...’.

Even though he knew that this was the murderer of his younger brother, he still could not muster up any strength... ...

Why did this happen...

With incomparable unwillingness and resentment, the Knight’s consciousness gradually blurred and finally began to slowly disappear... ...

“Who exactly are you?”Johnny kept struggling by the side. He finally had a trace of strength, but this strength seemed to only be used to speak.

“Artificial Druid Bloodline?”Nicholas looked at Johnny and grinned, “Interesting, it’s quite a waste to just absorb it like this...”

Johnny stared at him blankly. He realized that this guy seemed to have become younger after consuming the knight just now... ...

His appearance had changed from an old man in his eighties or nineties to a middle-aged man...

This discovery made his hair stand on end. He had heard of such a situation in many bards’stories. Hundreds of years ago, there was an evil heretic who mastered this forbidden method of consuming the blood of others.., it was a way to maintain one’s youth.

That person was the blood queen who had terrorized the western islands for nearly a hundred years... ...

But no matter how he looked at it, it was a man...

While Johnny was constantly guessing what the other party was, Nikolay was attracted by another movement. The energy warehouse had already started operating due to the mobilization of snow outside. Nikolay squinted his eyes, he quickly walked into the warehouse.

Johnny tried his best to stop him, but he could not move. He could only watch as the other party entered the energy warehouse.

After Nicholas entered the energy warehouse, he waved his hand gently. The mosaic spell that was hidden inside the body instantly appeared in the air, just like the ancient existence that occupied the body of Bengal Goode in the Crystal Palace, it could directly resemble the mosaic spell in an alchemy object.

His long, white fingers moved quickly, and then changed several of the variables. As the variables changed, the energy gathered in the chamber began to change dramatically! Countless energy molecules began to split, and then gathered, in less than a few seconds, the energy capsule gathered earth-shattering changes!

———— —

Outside the ship, Lei Xue and the others were in a desperate situation. Looking at the huge placenta in the sky, Lei Xue sensed that it should be a creature that could accept energy... . .

She sensed that her group seemed to have met a completely unequal adversary...

How about suicide? ... Lei Xue Thought... After all, she had also seen the way those soldiers died. If she were to die the same way, she would probably have nightmares even if she was resurrected... ...

But just as she was thinking about it...

A dazzling beam of light suddenly shot straight into the sky from behind! !

All the people who were shrouded in fear and despair were instantly attracted by this beam of light, including Lei Xue! josei

They had never seen such a bright light before. It almost lit up the entire night sky!

—— —

“I see...”in the world of the undead, Reme slowly stood up and stared coldly at the dazzling light beam. After a moment of silence, he no longer hesitated and directly tore open two planes... ...

In a corner of the pitch-black city, a shadow appeared. After landing, it flew towards the huge Crystal Palace without hesitation!

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