I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 724

Chapter 724


724 Chapter 762: Surviving a disaster...

For many people in this city, this was definitely a dreamy day. Even after the ship had sailed out of the icy domain for a long time, a group of shabby old warriors were still sitting on the deck, staring blankly at the blue sea and Sky...

Everything had happened too quickly yesterday. Whether it was the disaster or the pleasant surprise after the disaster, many people had actually put off the day they could come out. Even if they still had hope in their hearts, they knew how slim it was... ...

But it seemed that they really came out just like that...

The warm sunshine, the warm sea breeze, that pungent salty and wet feeling, how familiar and distant it was. At this moment, almost everyone returned to their days as a sailor, a captain, or a captain.

Everything they experienced these years was like a nightmare, a long nightmare... josei

Many people even wondered if they were in reality now, maybe the nightmare was not over yet... Oh No, maybe the cruel reality was still there, but they were just having a beautiful dream now. ...

Some people even guessed that a group of evil spirits had sneaked into the ship at that time, deliberately creating an illusion to make them think that they had escaped the nightmare, but in reality, they were still in the nightmare...

However, even though there were people who guessed that, no one was willing to move even now to try to find the so-called evil spirits and Pierce through the current illusion.

No one wanted to move. At this moment, everyone’s guess was not unanimous, but their attitude toward handling things was surprisingly consistent, because they could not bear to part with the warm sea breeze on the deck.

If it was fake, then it was fake. If it was an illusion, then so be it. Even if it was an illusion, why would they expose it at such a beautiful moment?

Thus, whether it was those who believed that they had escaped from the sea of bitterness or those who did not believe that happiness came too quickly, they all stood on the deck, wishing that they could turn into a salted fish...

Of course, not everyone was so salted. At least, the members of the dog egg in the cabin were very busy at this time.

Cleaning the room, re-checking the equipment, maintaining the body, checking the leftovers of food, and so on. They were very busy...

Unlike those people who had been trapped for more than a decade or even a hundred years before they could see the light of day again, the people of the dog egg had been living a horrifying life for the past few days. However, to them, it had only been two or three days. It felt like a roller coaster, although it was thrilling, they did not experience the despair of those people on the deck at all. Some people even felt that it was quite exciting and planned to go back and add some embellishments to this strange experience and write it into a book, if he showed his son or daughter the strange adventures his father had encountered while sailing, he would definitely be able to gain a lot of worship.

He even felt that he could sell it to those bards as a story to spread. However, the story had to be refined. He could not honestly say that he was just a passerby, but he had to play an extraordinary role at the critical moment... ...

Therefore, some of the crew members who had slightly more free time gathered together and began to discuss the story of the storybook.

“I think that should be the case!”One of the bearded crew members suggested. “Alan, you risked your life to kill your way out of the Monster Crystal Palace and reported the whereabouts and news of our captain. Jones, the guests, and Alan were responsible for risking their lives to lure the monsters to the shore. I was the only mechanic who was awake at that time. In the midst of everyone’s despair, I fixed the fault on the ship at the critical moment. In the end, I assisted Lord Snow to shoot down the huge monster with one shot. What do you think?”

“Um... I think you have too many scenes as a mechanic, don’t you?”

“That’s right. And why did Alan come out of the Crystal Palace?”? “You can’t just add scenes for him just because he’s your nephew. Why did he come out alone?”? “I think it should be like this. The few of us desperately wanted to protect the captain, so we gave the task of asking for help to Alan, the smallest one. So, while we bravely blocked the monster’s pursuit, Alan barely escaped from the Crystal Palace to report the news.”

“This... doesn’t it make me look wretched?”Alan protested.

“Alright, Great Heroes! !”The vice-sailor elder, flog, who was in charge of fishing, clapped his hands and walked over. “Let’s pause the discussion of your heroic incident, = Come Over and help!”

Hearing that, their faces immediately fell, and they said weakly, “Didn’t we just finish our work? Our buttocks haven’t even warmed up yet...”

Without even blinking his eyes, flauger lied, “Aren’t you all heroes? Isn’t it only right for you to do a little more than the others?”

“Sir...”everyone suddenly felt weak.

“Alright, I’m not joking anymore. The Hunter team has caught a whale, and the others are too busy. If you want to have fresh fish to eat tonight, quickly come over and help!”

“Oh Oh!”A group of people heard of fresh fish to eat suddenly eyes bright, cowhide this kind of thing after filling the stomach can slowly blow at night... . .


Although the bustle in the cabin was very different from the idleness of the salted fish on the deck, the overall atmosphere was relatively relaxed and harmonious, except for one place, where the atmosphere was extremely tense, that was the meeting room where the high-level personnel were.

At this moment, the leaders of two factions were gathered in the meeting room. The people of the dog egg, led by Li Goudan, followed by the groups of city forces led by Nicholas.

The two leaders looked at each other across a table. The atmosphere of the two groups of people behind them was rather tense.

In fact, those who had just survived the disaster did not want to cause any conflict. They just wanted to return to their hometown as soon as possible. Regardless of whether they were nobles or pirates, they all wanted to return home safely.

However, there seemed to be some problems with the two big shots...

As for taking sides, they had no choice. Strictly speaking, Nicholas was one of them. Moreover, they had heard that he had made great efforts in this situation. The logic was relatively sound. In such an unfamiliar environment.., protecting him was also to protect the interests of his group. After all, no one knew how long they would be floating on the sea.

Nicholas held the wine glass and elegantly shook the sediment in it. The aristocrat emphasized everything. The only thing that caught people’s attention was his youthful appearance.

Lei Xue looked at that guy with extreme vigilance. After returning, she heard Johnny explain the process. At the last moment, it was indeed this guy who had tampered with the Energy Cannon’s power, the man could directly tamper with the energy parameters of the ship. He was definitely not an ordinary Aborigine. She intuitively thought that the man was very dangerous, even more dangerous than the terrifying Crystal Palace Monster!

At this time... Nicholas, who was extremely dangerous in Xue Lei’s eyes, shook his wine glass and looked at Goudan Li. He looked relaxed, but in fact, he had mixed feelings.

The original plan was to control the arcane mechanical boat and head to the western islands to open his second backup plan. Then, he would find a way to contact Kersu and the others... ...

In this plan, Goudan Li’s perfect elf body was also a part of it. He needed a stronger body now, and not this old man who relied on blood magic to maintain his function.

And the one who caused the key part of his plan to be missing was this uninvited guest in front of him!

“Do you want to consider cooperating?”After a long time, Nikola finally opened his mouth and asked. His tone was gentle, but there was an inexplicable faint smell of blood... ...

Hearing this, snow looked at her captain nervously. If it was before, she would have warned him about the danger level of Goudan Li, but now she didn’t know what to do.

Because the current Li Goudan... ... Didn’t seem to be her... ...

“Not cooperating...”Li Goudan replied coldly.

The pupils of both parties contracted. They immediately knew that there might be some trouble!

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