I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 756

Chapter 756


756 Chapter 794: Breaking News!

Player: Mike. Hello, Davis. You have excavated 71 energy ores today. There are 31 grade a ores without obvious faults and cracks. There are 35 grade B ores with cracks and damage, and 5 grade D ores with serious damage:. ... Congratulations on being nominated for the best absenteeism of the day again. The bonus points are 50... ...

“Wow, Mike, you have an additional reward? How did you do it?”David could not help but ask enviously.

“Hehe...”Mike happily received the points. Looking at the increasing amount of points saved, his face revealed an old cow-like smile.

“That’s right, Mike!”A companion named Sam saw that Mike had been giggling foolishly, and asked impatiently, “You have to pass on some experience, or else we’ll have to mine here for the rest of our lives...”

Ever since the base had explicitly stated that it was not allowed to target newbies who were absent from work, the lives of overseas players had been slightly better. At least they did not have to worry about the ores being deliberately damaged. Or maybe the ores from the past were quietly moved back...

However, life was still not very good. Mining did not seem to be a job that only relied on brute force. It was very demanding on skills. First, the use of the pickaxe. The material and shape of the pickaxe were specially made, so it was very easy to be damaged. If it was accidentally broken, they would have to pay compensation. The price was also very expensive. Usually, a pickaxe compensation cost would require them to work hard for three days...

Then, there was the mining skill of the ore. This type of energy ore was embedded in hard rocks. In order to completely remove the energy ore from the rocks, it required meticulous operations, if one was not careful, it might cause damage to the ore, and the quality of the damaged ore would be lowered. The exchange points would also be much less. This was still good. If you accidentally touched the ore’s energy core while retrieving the ore, it might even explode, directly killing you and making you start all over again...

This was also the reason why the base had so many people, so far, players were still needed to play truant.

Orcs with great strength usually had average control skills. If they did not operate it carefully, it was very easy to cause damage to the pickaxe or the energy ore, especially the ogres and Minotaurs. Most of them only played the role of transporting, and those who could play truant were engineers with less strength. This caused the efficiency to be extremely low. After a Green Titan player became proficient in mining skills, their efficiency could be at least comparable to fifty engineers. In addition to the volume ratio of the ore pits,. The Green Titan Player’s cost-effectiveness ratio as a truant was indeed much higher...

However, it took a certain amount of time for a player to turn from a newbie to an old truant. Even with the guidance of intelligence, many new overseas players had yet to reach a profitable state. Most of them were hovering between damaged pickaxes and damaged ore. It was absolutely rare for someone like Mike to be rated as an excellent truant in less than a few days... ...

“Tell me, Mike, how did you do it?”A player beside him asked curiously.

“Uh...”hearing this, Mike scratched his head in embarrassment. “I... I’m not too sure. I just followed the way the system demonstrated. After doing it a few times, I felt that I was familiar with it...”

“That’s weird...”Big Wei frowned. “I followed the instructions too. Why Can’t I?”

The people around quickly nodded. Some of them had already been blown up for the third time...

“Are you hiding something?”David’s face darkened.

“I really didn’t...”Mike quickly shook his head. “I did that... maybe... it’s because I have this talent?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard that. David looked at him strangely. “Mining talent? The Hidden Talent of your character?”

“No...”. Mike shook his head. “I’m saying that I have this talent. My grandfather was a diamond absentee. I heard from my grandmother that he was the best diamond absentee in the mcgill factory. I think I inherited my grandfather’s genes. HMM.” “...”. “Yes, that must be it. I’ll go back and tell my father that your son is more suitable to be a absentee than a lawyer. He doesn’t need to put in the effort to make me go to law school...”. “...”


“I think... If you say that, your father might break your legs and throw away your virtual machine...”David laughed.

In the current intelligent society, mining was done with robots, so there was no need for absenteeism?

“So your dream is actually to become a absentee worker like your grandfather?”Sam asked curiously.

“That’s not it...”. “Actually, my dream is to become a sword master, like the Han sword in central China, the tachi in Red Sun, and the cross sword in Western Europe. I’ve always wanted to be a craftsman in the cold weapons industry, but it’s a pity “...”. There were fewer and fewer people who knew how to do this now. Many of the works sold online were made by artificial intelligence. Although they were neatly made, they didn’t have a soul... “... “...”

As he said that, he touched the a-rank ore in the ore machine and continued, “This game is very realistic. A simple mining detail is done very well. I believe that its forging system is also very realistic, so I want to save enough points to learn the blacksmith skill...”. “...”

“Oh?”The people around were stunned, sam also said, “I didn’t know that you liked this kind of thing. No wonder you earned so many points and didn’t apply for a combat class. But Mike, if you don’t train to Level 2 early, you won’t be able to go to the New World...”

“Actually, I think it’s better to learn the life skills first...”. Mike said seriously, “Yesterday, I went over the wall to the Huazhong Forum and read a guide by a player called Grandpa Lu. It has an analysis in this aspect. The cost of venturing into the new world is very high. On the way, food consumption and weapons and equipment cost a lot of points. In addition to the money for early training, we probably need more than a year to go to the new world just by mining and moving bricks . Even if they went to the new territories, they might be forced to come back often due to insufficient supplies. It would be better to learn a life skill early on. This way, even if they went to the new territories, they could still make a living there and not be short of supplies ... ..

“We would like to learn...”. “...”David grumbled with a straight face, “But those Chinese guys ostracized us. They were only willing to provide training discounts to the Chinese. We could only pay for it ourselves. That’s too expensive. I might not even be able to pay for half a year’s worth of mining!”

“That’s right...”the group of overseas players were filled with righteous indignation, this bunch of Chinese bullies are too ungentlemanly, using their high levels to push us aside and give preferential treatment to our own people, this makes the game environment too unfair!

“Then there’s no other way...”. “...”mike sighed too, “Who asked them to come first “? But the more it is like this, the more we need to be united, right now we have too few American players, not even as many as the universe countries, if this goes on, we might not only be pushed aside by the Chinese players ...”

“Mike is right...”. ...”David slapped his thigh, “There are too few American players, we can’t go on like this. We have to go to the forums to promote it and get more people to line up. If this goes on, we’ll really end up at the bottom!”

“It’s not easy to handle...”. ...”a player beside him added, “Right now, many people on the internet are saying that this game is fake. When I post pictures, many people say that I’m a troll army, it’s really difficult to handle...”. “...”. You guys don’t know, some time ago, the famous gaming media released an interview. A few top designers all agreed that this game couldn’t be real. Now, not to mention on the Internet, even my friends and I didn’t believe me when we talked about this game...”. “...” josei

“Then why are there so many players from the universe country and Red Sun?”David was confused.

“This... maybe it’s because they are so close?”Sam said uncertainly.

Actually, if one understood the history of the various countries, they would definitely be able to explain this problem. The western countries had always been rather arrogant towards central China, with all sorts of media slandering and distorting the truth, this caused many of the basic people to disdain to understand the true situation over there. However, Red Sun and the universe country, these two neighboring countries, were different, they preferred to keep the things in central China for themselves. Hence, they didn’t resist to understand the new things over here...

“No... We have to organize the players here and make a big announcement, we can’t go on like this... I think we should do this...”just as Sam was about to set up his own announcement plan, suddenly.. ... A clear mechanical voice announcement interrupted everyone’s train of thought.

“Attention all players, attention all players!”! Just now, the Reis family and the Huo family of America had officially announced that they would be the operators of Galaxy in America. From now on, Huazhong and America would launch open beta at the same time!”

“Open Beta?”

All the players were shocked. Before they could react, a second piece of even more shocking news came.

“The first city of star ocean game is about to be completed in 30 days on the first planet. After discussion by the company’s higher-ups, we have decided to hire a player from all the participating countries to become the mayor of the city. Attention, the mayor will have legislative power, administrative power, and construction rights over the city. The mayoral election will determine the final candidate through election. After that, we will announce the nominees and election rules. Please pay more attention to it. As players, each of you will have a precious vote to decide the mayoral candidate. Please vote carefully when the time comes...”. ”

Players:”! ! !”

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