I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 765

Chapter 765


765 Chapter 803: Old Fang’s conjecture!

After regaining his composure, the leader sat on the sofa sullenly. Elder Li’s words were right. Now that the situation was set, it was meaningless to talk about the previous topic... ...

Seeing that the leader had calmed down.., only then did elder Fang take a deep breath and take out a blueprint that he had drawn and placed it on the table. “According to my observations over the past few months, the New World in the Luofu mystical realm and the main base are two completely different places. I even suspect that they are two different planets!”

The other three people’s hearts skipped a beat when they heard this.

Elder Fang continued, “On the side of the main base, other than the cities that are under construction, a large area of land outside is desolate. The radiation is heavy and the foreign air is thin. It’s very similar to the lifeless planets around our planet d. on the contrary, the New World is completely different. There are rich resources, people, and water sources. It’s a life star system that’s much bigger than planet D. high-level players’main activities are in the New World. There, players can abduct people, build bases, and develop their own private forces. But on the side of the main base, it’s more like a place to build a foundation. Players have to work here to accumulate original capital...”. “...”

“Why?”Fang Jianming was puzzled. “Since the new territories are rich in resources and have so many people, why is the main base located in a desolate place?”

Elder Fang looked at his son with satisfaction. Although this kid’s EQ was a little low, his reaction speed in serious matters still inherited his good genes...

“At first, I was also wondering about this. First of all, it was indeed surprising that Luo Fu had the ability to build a city out of thin air in a desolate area. But even if he had the ability, he shouldn’t have wasted so much manpower and material resources in such a place. But they still did it. So I guessed that the place where the main base is located has a value that the new world doesn’t have!”

Fang Jianming paused for a moment, then suddenly realized something. “Those ores?”

Elder Fang smiled and nodded to himself. This brat didn’t waste his years of teaching.

“Ores?”Elder Li and the leader were confused.

“Leader, do you still remember that all the players recommended mining in the game?”Elder Fang smiled and said, “Many players in the guide mocked themselves for living in luxury but coming to the game to carry bricks...”

Elder Li and the leader nodded. They had learned a lot about the game through the analysis team’s report.

“As far as I know, the mining work in the mine is not simple, and the ores inside are very special and contain amazing energy. Therefore, I thought that this might be the reason why Luofu built the main base here. The ores might be comparable to oil... “No, it might be an energy resource that is even more precious than oil!”

“Energy Resource?”The eyes of the leader and elder Li lit up, and they immediately understood what the other party was talking about.

Elder Fang continued, “I hypothesize that the new world doesn’t have these things, but the main base does. Then, the city where the main base is located has extraordinary significance. In a short period of time, at least until the energy is fully extracted, the new attributes of this city might not change. Because according to my observation, the new players are the important manpower to collect these energy resources. To control this city is to control the new forces. I boldly hypothesize that according to Luofu’s layout, this desolate place will be the real administrative center of the New World in the future!”

“Oh?”The leader’s heart immediately warmed up. If that was the case... ... josei

Elder Fang: “The new player’s attributes do not change. Before new players enter the new territories, they must be affected by the new cities. Then, the new cities will have a significant political influence. After all, the accumulation of raw capital represents the progress of the players. Once we take control of the city, we can treat our citizens according to the law. This way, the citizens will have better evolutionary conditions, and we will also have a certain degree of political influence...”. “...”

“US?”The leader and elder Li were stunned. Then, their hearts skipped a beat. “Why us?”

In their hearts, didn’t the new city lord choose one of the players? Would Luo fu be willing to choose an old politician from the D Ball?

Old Fang seemed to have seen through their thoughts. He lowered his voice and said, “This is also the reason why I took the initiative to come back this time. I personally feel that this election is likely to choose either ordinary players or professional political figures...”

“How can that be?”Fang Jianming subconsciously retorted, while elder Li was stunned. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not sure...”elder Fang shook his head and said, “I just guessed this result based on the available information and data...”

Elder Li was about to ask the leader next to him again, but he stopped him and said to elder fang, “Go On...”

Elder Fang said, “First of all, from that announcement, it is clear that the upper echelons of luofu are not planning to use the player level as a condition to conduct the election. Otherwise, they wouldn’t say that they are choosing from the players from 40 countries. However, not everyone can participate in this election. Look at the last sentence of the announcement. The game’s official announcement will announce the nominees in a few days. This means that only a minority of the game’s official nominees will participate in the election. Then, the question is, if the player level and individual strength are not the criteria, then what criteria would the upper echelons of luofu use to select these so-called nominees?”

After pausing for a moment, old fang continued, “So I was thinking, could it be... that the election will be based on their administrative ability?”

As soon as he said this, the two old men’s hearts pounded even faster!

Old Fang: “Then the question arises again. If my hypothesis is correct, who will be the other party’s candidate? “After all, administrative ability is something that is relatively difficult to identify. It is not as solid as individual strength. Whoever wins will be stronger. And if we really want to talk about criteria, then the political achievements of the politicians around the world are a very good criterion to consider!”

Elder Li:”! ! !”

The leader took a deep breath. “You... you mean, the top management of Luofu will choose people from among the world’s politicians in the end?”

“How is this possible?”Elder Li said in disbelief.

“The possibility is actually very high...”. Elder Fang sighed. “After all, Luofu has this tradition. Didn’t they also select people from the world’s outstanding scientists to join the Luofu Research Group in the past?” “? Moreover, by doing so, it can also reduce the psychological disparity of the current politicians to the greatest extent, allowing them to see a new path, thus allowing the entire political world to rebound less violently “...”. “...”

The leader instantly fell silent. Elder Fang’s idea was indeed correct. If the world’s politicians could enter the political field of the new luofu world and continue to display their political ideals and aspirations.., the possibility of the entire federal government rebelling against luofu would be even lower!

The meeting room fell silent. After a long while, elder Li spoke up. “If... if it really is as you say, I... What should we do?”

“Make sufficient preparations!”Elder Fang said seriously, “Since it’s a fair election, there will definitely be a speech. Whoever’s policy is approved by the players will become the castellan. First of all, we don’t know who Luo Fu’s higher-ups will nominate, but if Huazhong is among them, he will definitely be a politician with outstanding political achievements. Now, other than waiting, what we can do is to plan the backup team first, carry out behind-the-scenes analysis and administrative planning, and plan out the policy that will be the easiest to win. This way, no matter who Luo Fu’s candidate is, we can pool our resources and support them wholeheartedly!”! “!”

“Good, good, good!”! “!”The leader slammed the table. “Old Fang, this information of yours is very valuable... “... if Huazhong wins, you will be credited with a great merit!”Then, he immediately said to elder Li, “Old Li, make a trip and call those old fellows from Jade Spring Mountain to the main hall. Time waits for no man. We must start preparing now. This time, we must reach an agreement. When the time comes, no matter who we choose, we must put aside our usual stance and focus our resources to support them. We must face the outside world together!”

“Alright! !”Elder Li was also a resolute and decisive soldier. Hearing this, he responded and walked out in a hurry.

“Old Fang...”the leader turned around and said, “Since you’ve come here personally to talk about this matter, you must have done an investigation on the basic situation of the city, right? How is the situation? Tell me in detail...”

“Okay...”old fang nodded. Then, he unfolded his blueprint and began to explain in detail.

However, when he was explaining, a trace of doubt still rose in Old Fang’s heart. This was because in the current game, three-quarters of the players in Huazhong were players. According to the rule of one vote per person, wouldn’t our Huazhong have too much of an advantage?”

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