I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 806

Chapter 806


806 Chapter 844: Zhang Minjun’s family history!

That’s right, Zhang Minjun had a spot on her own!

When her daughter brought her into galaxy, she was also very confused when she first came to the new world. Her daughter had once wanted her to start a new life. After a period of consideration and understanding of the situation in that world, she decided to return to her old profession and become a fashion designer. With the help of her daughter’s funding, she opened the first tailor shop in the New World.

However, at that time, she only wanted to live a new life and do what she wanted to do. She did not expect her career to be so big in such a short period of time.

Due to her original design talent, the blessing of the Elven bloodline, and the cultural accumulation of the elven race in design, she instantly had countless inspirations. It also made her tailor shop business almost unrivaled in the new world.

After all, at that time, no player had considered starting from a lifestyle class. Everyone wanted to be a single adventurer or a lord who owned his own land.

In this almost non-competitive environment, Zhang Minjun consolidated her foundation and opened her first clothing shop in the Gondolin City of Pu Yunchuan, earning herself a lot of early-stage points.

Later on, as her business was getting better and better, she began to recruit apprentices to share her workload. However, the natives of the New Territories were far inferior to the Orthodox players in terms of learning ability. This made many high-end designs, especially in the area of enchantment.., no one had been able to share it with her.

Of course, this also caused the cloth armor and clothes that were used for the early-stage enchantment to become extremely expensive. It also allowed her to earn a lot of early-stage funds.

In the middle stages, Zhang Minjun, who had the idea of opening a chain store, finally turned her attention to the players. Hence, she posted notices in the main base to recruit clothing designers, enchanted apprentices, and so on.

In the notice, she proposed that players who were willing to sign a contract could receive her free nurturing. She would spend her own funds to train players to go to the main base’s master tailors to learn the basic tailoring and enchantment skills, then, she would provide the materials to train their skills, and all of this would be provided free of charge.

However, the prerequisite was to sign a labor contract that was as long as a hundred years. She had to work regularly for the tailoring chain store that she had set up. There were mainly two types of people, the Enchanter and the designer. The Enchanter would work for her three days a week, she was responsible for enchanting the designer’s products. She had to complete a certain amount of work. Of course, these work were also paid, and the pay she gave was very reasonable.

The second was the designer. The designer had to take on some specific orders for her every month to meet the design requirements of some clients, and a certain amount of design orders had to be received every month, only in her spare time could she do other things like take risks.

And the treaty was flexible. For example, if you wanted to make more money in this field, you could apply to get more design orders, and the Enchanter could apply to do more enchanting work in the shop for a week.

Of course, if you were keen on taking risks or becoming a Lord, you could also spend money to regain your freedom later on. The initial price was set at three times the training fee! josei

Did It sound familiar? It was a bit like the current Huaxia City’s Lifestyle Profession Training System? That’s right, this system was started by Zhang Minjun.

Even she herself did not know that this system would directly become popular in the headquarters later on. Moreover, it was used by little cabbage and others to suppress overseas players!

With this system, she allowed the majority of the elven players to break away from the difficult period of not being able to move bricks and earn points. She opened up a part-time job for lifestyle players, allowing her to have a large number of tailor designers and enchanters, this also allowed her business to rapidly expand throughout the new world. It also allowed her tailor shop to spread throughout the various lords. Almost now, when one mentioned the tailor shop, the first thing everyone thought of was the Dogball tailor shop.

Now, in a certain information that exposed the big shots in the New World, Zhang Minjun, as the big boss of the tailor world, her evaluation would definitely not be inferior to those great lord players. She was considered a rising capitalist.

According to the data provided by the developer of the main base, Zhang Minjun’s existence not only allowed the players to increase their production efficiency, but it also solved the employment of many women in the New World, moreover, the tax she provided was only below that of the five Lord ranked players.

When Zhang Minjun personally applied for the quota, seer happily gave her special privileges. Now, like the other lords, she had ten invitation slots.

With the quota, she naturally had to take care of her family. Hence, she immediately contacted her parents and brother in the distance. She did not expect that the Li family would stop her and question her?

Zhang Minjun immediately sneered in her heart.

Back then, after she married into a wealthy family, because she was not welcomed, it was difficult for her to even move forward. Not to mention using the resources of a wealthy wife to take care of her family. Her parents also understood her very well, all these years, she had never asked her to do anything for her family.

Even when her younger brother went abroad to study and was forced to mortgage his house to get a loan due to lack of money, he did not call her to ask for help. If it was not for her younger brother whispering to her during the new year.., she did not know that her family had reached such a stage.

But at that time, she still could not help her family because the family’s economic privileges were not in her hands. And even if it was in her hands, using her husband’s money to subsidize her family was always a little unjustifiable, especially when she was not favored.

The price of marrying into a wealthy family made her lose the opportunity to be filial. This was also something that she had regretted for many years. Now that she finally had some achievements of her own.., when she could finally stiffen her back and take care of her family members, this group of Li family members became enthusiastic.

Looking at this group of Li family members who were questioning her righteously.., zhang Minjun sneered at old master Li and said, “It’s rare that old master is so concerned about me. You even know the movements of my family members clearly. TSK TSK, why didn’t I know that Old Master was so considerate in the past?”

Old Master Li choked when he heard that. How would he care about the situation of the poor in-laws in the past?

“Sister-in-law, let’s get down to business...”old third Li quickly said.

“Ha...”Zhang Minjun nodded. “Well, let’s get down to business. You guys guessed right. I do have a spot!”

As soon as these words were said, the Li family members immediately burst into an uproar. A sharp female voice of the Li family immediately rose. “Thank goodness Old Master is wise. Otherwise, I would really let you take the spot to your mother’s house!”

Zhang Minjun looked at the girl who spoke with amusement. That person was the daughter of the third brother of the old master, Li Caixia. Looking at the other party’s confident words, she could not help but laugh out loud.

“What are you laughing at?”Li Caixia said angrily.

“I’m laughing at you for being Shameless!”Zhang Minjun faced the Li family and straightened her back for the first time, she said with a smile, “My quota, I, Zhang Minjun, earned a quota in that world! Is there anything wrong with me taking it to give to my parents? How did it become something that you said would benefit my parents? Does this quota have anything to do with your Li Family?”

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