I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 809

Chapter 809


809 Chapter 847: Grandpa Lu’s Guide to the top players (Part 2)

At this moment, Feng Doudou, who was holding a large bucket of octopus balls in his arms, was walking back with a satisfied look on his face.

Many passers-by looked at her. It was not because they were attracted to her, but because she was not using her DNA. Instead, they were attracted to the fish balls in her hands.

The aroma of the fish ball was very attractive. Many high-end people could not help but drool. They thought, where did you buy the fish ball? It smelled so good?

The fish ball was not bought around, but a new product from Gouda seafood restaurant. As soon as it was launched, she bought two buckets. Considering the huge consumption of the elf body, she decided to eat it in her original body, a bucket of fish balls could last for a day. This way, she wouldn’t be tempted to spend her half-month’s income on Gouda’s food.

Carrying the fish balls, Feng Doudou strolled into an old courtyard in the suburbs. In the courtyard, a stiff-faced middle-aged man was seriously educating a group of juniors. At this moment, Feng Doudou walked in, the group of youngsters was immediately attracted over and looked at him with a complicated expression.

The middle-aged man, who was originally reprimanding the juniors, turned around when he saw this and immediately relaxed. He smiled and said, “Doudou, you’re back?”

After taking a closer look, one would realize that this middle-aged man looked very similar to the leader. Even his stern and stiff aura was exactly the same.

“Yes, I’m back, Hubby!”Feng Doudou’s eyes narrowed into a line as he smiled.

“Cough...”the middle-aged man’s face turned slightly red when he heard Feng Doudou call him that. He coughed lightly and said, “Where’s Dad?”

“I had something to discuss with elder lei, so he told me to come back first...”Feng Doudou smiled and waved the fish ball bucket in his hand. “Hubby, the new fish ball from dog egg restaurant. I waited in line for a long time to buy it. Do you want to try it?”

The juniors immediately lowered their heads to hold back their laughter. The middle-aged man coughed awkwardly and said, “There are so many children here. What does it look like?”

Feng Doudou didn’t care. “They aren’t my children!”

The juniors’expressions became even more conflicted. Only one of the girls didn’t hold back her laughter. She looked at Feng Doudou and bit her lips tightly.

“Xin ‘er, what are you doing? Can’t you call for help?”The middle-aged man said with a straight face.

The girl who was called Xin ‘er struggled for a long time before she finally called out softly like a mosquito, “Mom...”

“Hey!”Feng Doudou immediately replied with a smile.

The girl immediately puffed up her face and looked at this woman who was about her age. She felt a wave of bitterness in her heart.

“Come, give me a string of fish balls to eat!”Feng Doudou said with a smile as he handed over a bunch of fish balls.

Hearing this, the girl became even angrier. Do you think I, a three-year-old puppy, AM using snacks to tease you? You even gave me a string of fish balls?

However, the fragrance was too tempting. Although she was extremely reluctant, her body took it very obediently...

She bit down hard and said in her heart, I don’t want to embarrass my father in public!

MMM... it’s so delicious! ! ! !

“Doudou... .”The middle-aged man suddenly spoke: “You see the latest Grandpa Lu Post, your information has been published.”

“Oh?”Feng Dou Dou immediately smiled and narrowed his eyes. “Really, let me see!”

————– josei

At this time, Lu’s guide was updating the information of the Big Melon:

Feng Doudou, Yanjing native, 21 years old, graduated from Huazhong First Academy of Fine Arts. The original name of the game was shadow, one of the most mysterious players before the open beta, whose identity had never been known before, but the professional BUG had forced him to transform into a ghost, her fighting style was extremely strange. Even Cold Star, who was known for his skills, had lost to her several times. She was widely recognized as the number one battle player.

She was also the representative of the current adventurer Lone Wolf player.

Wasn’t everyone curious about why such a character would take the initiative to join our leader? Was she willing to be a personal bodyguard?

Haha, this had to start from her real identity. She was the eldest daughter-in-law of the current leader!

Perhaps many people will ask, isn’t the eldest son of the great chief almost 50 years old? Feng Doudou just announced that he was only 21 years old.

HMM... ... You didn’t see wrongly, but have you forgotten that long Huasheng is a university teacher of the first Academy of Fine Arts, so... That’s right, this is a teacher-student relationship between an old cow and a young grass...

As far as I know, even long Huasheng’s daughter is one year older than Feng Doudou. I really don’t know how that young lady will feel when she calls her stepmother...

However, don’t think that Long Huasheng is an old shameless person. On the contrary, as far as I know, this lord is an extremely serious person. After his wife passed away in the early years, he has never married and has a clean conscience, he was a big shot with excellent moral character in the academic world.

As for why he crashed his car in his later years, it was because Feng Doudou was too intrepid. It was said that she directly drugged professor long, causing others to lose their virginity in their later years. However, that Lord was an extremely orthodox person. Our Doudou had agreed to take responsibility for him as soon as she cried and made a scene... ...

Wasn’t that too melodramatic? But that was the truth. Therefore, a man should know how to take care of himself, see? Even in their old age, there were still young girls crying and making a scene, and even trying to marry you. Now that this young wife was the number one player on the star ocean battle rankings, were the singles in front of the screen angry?

Alright, let’s get back to the main topic. Everyone, don’t be in a hurry to close the screen. Cough, cough... I said that this matter wasn’t just to provoke you. Provoking you was just one of the purposes, but the main purpose was to point out a clear path for everyone.

As the daughter-in-law of the great leader, Feng Doudou would definitely be his father-in-law. If the great leader was elected as the city lord of Huaxia City, with Feng Doudou as the number one battle player.., then, the political situation of Huaxia City might be more stable than expected, because the city’s official resources might be biased towards Feng Doudou.

Her battle class was already very special. Now, without any resources, she would definitely be able to take the number one position on the player battle rankings. If she had the support of the official city, it would probably be a very long time.., she would definitely become the number one expert.

Moreover, with the deterrence of a high-level combat player, a Huaxia City Lord could establish an armed force. Let Me Make a bold prediction. If a great leader was elected.., huaxia city’s official force would probably be the highest among the six major cities, and it would also have the greatest influence on players. It wouldn’t be much worse than the current situation in central China.

However, there were some benefits to this. After all, a powerful official power was definitely more useful than a casual official power. As for the atmosphere that was slightly more relaxed and freer, everyone could consider the other five major cities.

Alright, that’s all for today’s introduction of the player leaderboards. Tomorrow, I’ll update the detailed analysis of the Lord ranked and giant crocodile leaderboards. Compared to the purely combat leaderboards, the formation of lord ranked and capital giant crocodile forces would be more technical, there will also be a textbook-level demonstration for your future entry into the galaxy.

So Grandpa I will be very careful for you to analyze their willingness to succeed and the right place at the right time, so today, please like, monthly tickets, subscription support!


[ F * * k, this melon... I never thought... Feng Dou dou, the fierce man who killed Enzos is actually an uncle lover, terrible, I’ve decided to grow a beard from today on! ]

[ hehe, the one above, what does this have to do with a beard? It depends on the face! ]

[ F * ck, why can’t I do such a good thing? I’m also a university teacher, why can’t I encounter such a scene? I don’t need to drug you, as long as you take the Initiative! ]

[ F * ck, the one above, a scum. I’m Done! ]

[ speaking of which, I’m very interested in the Lord’s chapter. Right now, everyone is bragging about how the Lord’s players are doing. What exactly do they know? What advantages do they have? I really want to know. ]

[ that’s right, that’s right. This dog Grandpa is broken and soft. Can he finish it all in one go? ]

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