I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 827

Chapter 827


827 Chapter 865: Negotiations (middle)

The five old men took a deep look at the first person who objected to their suggestion. They had not been idle during this period of time, while they understood galaxy’s world view, they had also gotten the professional analysis team from the research department to collect information on these lord-tier players.

And this ice crown player was the one who had hired the girl from the Lei family. He was a Lord with great potential.

According to the Intel, the New World players were only allowed to explore a continent called the steel weapon empire. They had not started to explore the overseas maps yet. In the future, the overseas maps would become a market that the other five major cities would encourage players to go to, after all, the steel weapon continent had been mostly occupied by Chinese players.

This guy occupied the eastern seaboard. It was a development point for China’s overseas strategy in the future. It was of great significance!

To those with strength, words always carried weight. The leader looked at him warmly, “I’m only putting forward a plan. As for how to implement it, aren’t we still discussing it? If you feel that it’s inappropriate, you can tell us your opinion.”

“You’re doing this first so that we don’t have any guarantee. After all, the science and Technology Library is the foundation for the development of a force. The city already has the power to manage the science and Technology Library. If we manage the human rights, the official authority will be too big...”. Bing Guan voiced out his concerns without hesitation, he continued, “The most important thing is that you’re doing this. By publicly nationalizing the developer player’s salary, it will cause a downturn in the developer player market, greatly affecting the enthusiasm for creation...”

“A researcher with a stable environment, a perfect training system, and a city’s welfare base as a guarantee, isn’t it better than joining a private force with an unknown future?”Elder lei frowned. “Why would you say that it will cause a downturn in the market? “Although we said that we will make developers public, we are not going to deduct their treatment. On the contrary, we will protect their interests to the greatest extent.”

“How much can we protect?”icecrown sighed and said, “As long as it is public wages, there is bound to be a ceiling. It is already a publicly acknowledged fact that fixed wages can not cultivate competitiveness. Who would want to work hard if they can just muddle along? “Especially in this environment, which belongs to an era of rapid technological change. You should understand the consequences of developers not being able to compete, right?”

“I also agree with Icecrown’s words...”. Pu Yunchuan continued, “Why is galaxy so popular with so many people “The most attractive part of this place is the opportunity. Everyone comes here with a dream, not to work. The treatment that we, the private lords, offer to the developers is not bad. As long as they can adapt to the developer’s bloodline, there will be Lord players willing to use high-priced shares to rope them in. There are almost no developers above level two in the base that are left out. Compared to players from other races, the developer player market is almost in short supply. But even so, there are still very few new players who choose the developer’s DNA. Why?” ? Because everyone here wants to be a boss. No matter how much competition there is, they all want to have their own career.”

“Even the stock system is unable to make the developer career hot. If you use the civil service system, there are even fewer people who are willing to take this path. Everyone has desires. Other cities strongly encourage developers, but you use this system to limit the number of developers and players. In the future, there is no need to say where the ambitious and capable people will go? And those who were willing to stay were those who weren’t capable or those who were just messing around... “...”

“Young man, isn’t that a little too arbitrary?”Elder lei frowned.

Ice Cap looked at elder lei. “Your granddaughter, Lei Xue, is extremely talented in scientific research. She was ranked first among the many technical officers in the previous Test. After coming to my place, she has also displayed her amazing value. But what if this incident didn’t happen? “Does your granddaughter have the chance to become a top scientist in the public ownership system? “Why hasn’t her amazing talent been discovered after so many years?”

“This...”elder Lei suddenly choked. The main reason was that the other party’s example was too typical, yet it was his own granddaughter... ...

Hearing this, the leader frowned. He used his finger to habitually knock on the table and said, “You can set up a reward mechanism... a high reward for those who have outstanding scientific research progress...”

“It’s not too good either...”. Bing Guan shook his head and said, “If your city is under unified management, the number of people will be too large, and it’s easy to breed a senior class. Just like the current internal situation in our country, senior people will easily squeeze the newcomers. When that time comes, it’s hard to say who will get the research results.” ...”

The leader frowned even more when he heard this. This girl was obviously saying that their current system was flawed, but she did not refute it. Because although the other party said it a little one-sidedly, it was reasonable, especially in this kind of platform where the competitiveness of scientific research exploded, if the stagnant scientific research atmosphere in the country was created, it would indeed be very easy to suffer a loss. After all, in this world, there were only a few people who used love to generate electricity.

“But how can you guarantee that you won’t squeeze the scientific researchers?”The leader retorted. “Now, you’re using a large number of shares to rope in the scientific researchers. That’s because the number is small enough. But once the number increases, will it still be like this?”

Ice Crown fell silent. The capital market was naturally not that benevolent. This could be seen from the large number of copyright infringement incidents that had occurred abroad. It was also a fact that the benefits of creators would become increasingly difficult to guarantee as the capital became more powerful...

“Why don’t we take a step back?”A cold female voice sounded. Everyone looked over. It was Alice from the cabbage faction who spoke.

She was the only Aborigine invited, but because of her outstanding ability, all the Lords present had no objections to her arrival.

The leader looked at this Aborigine woman and narrowed his eyes slightly. In the information, she was the person behind the scenes who had single-handedly developed the little cabbage faction to this day, by relying on a series of operations, the little cabbage civilization, which actually did not have an advantage, firmly occupied the first place of the current Lord faction!

He was a genius!

“Lady Alice, Right?”The leader smiled gently. “You Said...”

“There are two points in your argument just now. One is the issue of power monopoly. It is easy to form a monopoly regardless of whether the city controls the developer resources or if the Lord controls the developer resources. The second is the issue of talent education. Although the unified distribution of educational resources and talent recommendation by the city ensures basic education, it is easy to breed an internal class of developers. Managers with operating space can easily reduce the number of truly talented people. For example, if a manager recommends talents, it is hard to say whether it is based on real talent or relationship recommendation. If managers overly interfere in the scientific research field, it is easy to humanize this simple environment. When the time comes, those who are easy to stand out might not be those who are truly capable in scientific research, but those who know how to behave. This is something that the leader does not deny, right?”

In the face of Alice’s question, the leader was stunned for a moment. His face turned a little ugly, but he didn’t refute it. Alice’s words were indeed an indisputable fact. josei

“Since Lady Alice has raised the contradictory points, she obviously has a strategy to deal with it, right?”Elder Bai asked with a smile.

Alice wasn’t modest. She said straightforwardly, “I do have some humble opinions about these two points.”

“Please go ahead...”the leader said humbly.

“First, there’s the second issue of education...”. Alice said seriously, “I think it’s a good idea to provide public education resources. It can give developers who can’t work as hard as the Green Titan at the beginning a certain level of guarantee. It can also speed up the development speed of developers at the beginning. However, if we want to create enough competitiveness, I suggest letting the Lord players participate in it.”

“A lord-class player? How?”Old Thunder asked curiously.

“Investment!”Alice said, “The first stage of the developer-class player education will be provided by the city, and then the lord-class player will check and accept it. The lord-class player will judge the qualifications of the developer-class player based on their own vision, and then make a classified investment. For example, if the developer-class player needs a mechanic or an arcane mage, or if the developer-class player needs to invest in a more expensive mech pilot, then the developer-class player can sign a contract as long as he or she is selected. The lord-class Player Force will pay for the in-depth training, and the developer-class player will work for the lord-class player force after the completion of the training. This will greatly increase the competitiveness between the early-stage developer-class players, directly eliminating the middle recommendation environment, and reducing the space for managers to operate.”

The leader frowned. “But isn’t this just transferring the right to education to a different place? What’s the difference between using pre-education resources to buy up all the players’future and some of their current capital?”

“You can refine it...”Alice smiled.

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