I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 843

Chapter 843


843 Chapter 881: Interview (1)

The open beta was vast and mighty, but after a few days, it gave people a feeling of emptiness. Of course, those who had this feeling were those who could not enter. The players who entered were still immersed in novelty every day, how could there be a feeling of emptiness?

After the great event that swept the world, there was no follow-up. This made many people who temporarily had no goals after the climax even seem a little lost.

In the next few days, many people finally began to have a new direction. They were eager to know how the first batch of Lucky people who entered the open beta were doing. were there new opportunities everywhere, just like the rumors?

However, the environments of the two worlds were too isolated. Everyone was busy. Without people like Grandpa Lu to expose the news, they could only rely on guesses for a time. In front of such public demand, the major media outlets keenly smelled an opportunity to divert people, therefore, they all applied to the candidates from the major cities to enter Galaxy for an interview.

This application received a unanimous response from many people. They all asked the candidates to accept an interview, so that those outsiders who could not enter galaxy could also see the specific situation inside.

Therefore, the candidates from the major cities who set up their stations in D Ball quickly released their responses and decided to invite a few famous media outlets in the world to conduct an internal interview.

In order to show fairness, the interview invited four of the world’s top media outlets, although these four media outlets actually gave preferential treatment in terms of word of mouth and news authenticity. But it had to be said that in terms of media influence, these four media outlets were still the world’s top... ...

And in order to ensure their own impartiality, the reporters used this time, in addition to a few editors-in-chief reporters with extremely high traffic, also invited some reporters who enjoyed a very high reputation in the world.

Cindy was one of them. As a young reporter who had just graduated and ran to the chaotic lands to report on the war-torn countries’news, her style of daring to expose the ugliness of the war was quite well-received by the people.

After receiving the invitation, Cindy was overjoyed. She had long wanted to go to galaxy. Other than the fact that she really wanted to see the new world in person, the main reason was that she wanted to use this opportunity to realize a dream in her heart!

That was to change the tragic situation in all the war-torn places in the current world.

Her final wish was to hope that the new world, which was rumored to be bigger than sphere D, could have a place to accept refugees, so that the civilians who suffered from the war would have a place to shelter them... ...

Of course, this process might be a little difficult, but she was not afraid. After making sure that the new world was really a good place, she would try her best to fight for it...

Therefore, on the appointed day of the invitation letter, she arrived at the gathering point on time. The closest station to her was in central China and Red Sun. After some consideration, she chose to book a ticket to Central China.

The reason why she chose Central China was because of her past. Many years ago, when she was still an intern in university, she had come to this place that was demonized by the western news. That internship had almost overturned her understanding of the industry, it was also after that time that Cindy understood the falsehood of world news. She also understood that most of the time, the news was for ZZ.

It had been seven years since she last came to Shanghai in central China, but she did not expect that in just seven years, this place... Seemed to be very different from what she remembered... ...

Cindy could not help but smile. The Western media had exaggerated and fabricated many of the news here, but the infrastructure freak was not framed at all. A change in a few years was only possible in this country...

“Miss Cindy, I’m sorry. There have been too many visitors recently. The embassy is already full. Please wait a moment. I’ve already asked someone to prepare a place for you to stay...”. A middle-aged receptionist in a suit said with a polite smile.

“It’s okay...”Cindy smiled. “Actually, you don’t have to care about me. I’ll just find a hotel. You’re very safe here. It’s safer than any country I’ve ever been to...”

“Oh, really?”In the face of the praise of international friends, the staff did not have any happy expression, but simply replied: “I hope you can go back to their own compatriots to say the same...”



From the station in central China, the first place to go was naturally huaxia city. At the gathering point the next morning, Cindy saw many seniors in the industry. Most of these reporters were well-known big shots in the industry, they were very well-known.

There were not many small reporters like Cindy. It could be seen that the number of people invited to interview this time was still on the high side of the mainstream media. Cindy could almost imagine that most of the voices after the interview would also be controlled by the mainstream media... This would be another battle of public opinion with unequal information... josei

Cindy sighed slightly and organized her tools. She was not interested in participating in the games of the various countries. She came this time to bring some hope to the people in the war-torn areas and give them the most authentic information, so that they could have a choice that they would not regret in the future.

Because the candidates from the six major cities had also promised that they would not give up on their fellow countrymen who had suffered in the D sphere after their scale expanded in the future.

“Everyone, please get ready. The teleportation device will be activated in five minutes...”the one who led the way was a beautiful woman in military uniform, cindy raised her head and glanced at the other party. She was slightly surprised. She recognized this person. When Galaxy’s intelligence was first exposed, this person was very popular. After all, he was someone who had personally killed a British knight.

Feng Doudou was one of the members of the Dragon Group and the leader’s personal guard. According to the information from Grandpa Lu’s strategy, the most capable fighter in Huaxia City was said to be the daughter-in-law of the Huaxia City Lord, she was now officially a supporter of the government.

“Before we leave, let me explain the rules...”Feng Doudou had his hands behind his back and a cold expression on his face. Although she was a woman, her straight posture gave off an astonishing pressure. The moment she opened her mouth, the entire venue quieted down.

“In order to let everyone experience the journey to the new world the most clearly, Huaxia city has opened a separate force field for everyone. Regardless of gravity or air, the force field is similar to the D sphere, allowing everyone to feel everything there without wearing heavy protective clothing...”. “...”

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of many reporters lit up. Before coming here, many reporters had been told to wear special protective clothing in the New World. The protective clothing was similar to a spacesuit, and it looked so thick.., what was the difference between wearing such a thick cover and seeing the world on the screen?

“But first, let me explain!”Feng Doudou smiled. “Without a cover... “...”. “Bah! Without a protective suit, you have to listen to all the instructions. Don’t fall behind or move around on your own. If you accidentally walk into an area that isn’t covered by the force field, it won’t be a joke!”

“Second, don’t try to take anything inside, especially plants and the like. The plants planted in Huaxia city are all Level 1 and above, and there are many varieties to try. Those things don’t pose much of a threat to players with genetic bodies, but not to you guys. I’ll only say this once. If your hands turn into flowers and become fat, our Huaxia City will not be responsible...”. “...”


“The third and most important thing is the interviewer. Please note that many players in Huaxia city are highly skilled players. If you want to interview someone, you must communicate with us and do so under our protection. Don’t do it on your own to influence others. Especially don’t use your western reporters’nonsense to provoke them into arguing. Because it’s very dangerous, you’re more vulnerable than an egg in front of them!”

“Can you understand that you’re threatening us?”One of the senior reporters couldn’t help but protest. “It’s our freedom of speech to ask questions. You used such words to warn us. I have reason to suspect that your Huaxia City is trying to hide the truth!”

“You See, your conspiracy theory clearly has no evidence, but you can openly say such words like there’s a reason...”Feng Doudou smiled. “If we were in a place with no one around, I might not be able to resist beating you to death...”

The Reporter:”...”

“Don’t be nervous, because at least I’m a civil servant now. At least I wouldn’t do such an extreme thing in an open and aboveboard situation...”. Feng Doudou said with a smile, “But the players in that place aren’t. And I’m sorry to tell you that Huaxia city has yet to introduce the law of responsibility for harming ordinary people!”


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