I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 884

Chapter 884


884 Chapter 922: Shocking Aptitude (Part One)

“Yo, Darius, you’re pretty lucky...”

Seer and the others followed the Golden Titan into the academy. They had only taken a few steps when they saw a burly man who was not any smaller than the Golden Titan walking towards them.

It was a huge man with a greenish-black body and a metal shell. Seer took a glance at him and his eyes turned slightly cold. This was a Dylan Demon, one of the high-level abyssal seeds. It was extremely rare. Anyone who could climb out of the Abyss had the strength of a dragon-level or above. It was rare for a university to hire a demon as a teacher in a more traditional star field like the east star field... ...

“HMM... It’s alright...”the Golden Titan replied softly with an expressionless face. It was obvious that it was rejecting people from thousands of miles away.

The other party looked as if he was used to it, however, he did not intend to give way. “It’s normal for teacher Durance to be under a lot of pressure this year. After all, it’s related to the grading. However, the school’s performance does not only depend on the employment, it also depends on the quality of the job and the feedback of the income...”. As he spoke, the demon glanced at seer, the meaning was quite obvious.

“Every deity overlord who comes here is a VIP. This is the principal’s aim. Sam, please take note of your attitude!”A cold light flashed in the Golden Titan’s eyes.

“Heh... whatever you say...”the other party sneered and did not say anything more as he walked straight out.

“Idiot...”the Golden Titan muttered in a low voice.

The demons that ran out of the Abyss were indeed uncivilized. They did not have any brains at all. For a school of our level, a low-level overlord naturally had the capital to dare to come. Do you think that the deity did not know his own limits?

“Don’t Mind the man, you know, few of them have brains...”Terence Smiled.

Seer nodded slightly and did not reply. He had been prepared for the slight he might encounter. After all, such a high school was not something a low-level lord like him could attend.

His main hesitation was the feeling that the demon had given him when he had passed by. He did not know whether it was an illusion or not, but the feeling that this fellow gave him was very familiar... . .


“Long time no see, my dear brother!”The demon who met seer just now walked up to him, and the other side was a very handsome god.

The God was tall and lanky, but for some reason, they seemed to hug in perfect harmony. ...

And if Xi Ye had entered the academy a little later at night, she would definitely have recognized this fellow. It was the demon lord she had met at the Heavenly God Academy back then. It was also her eldest cousin Ryan’s current superior, Lord Bolton!

“Oh, my dear younger brother, how are you doing here?”Bolton smiled slightly. His temperament was elegant and mysterious, and his pair of supreme purple eyes faintly carried a demonic aura that made people feel cold!

“Not bad, right...”Sam smiled and said, “This feeling of cultivating seedlings is quite novel, just a little idle... I definitely won’t be able to stand it after a long time.”

“It won’t be too long...”. Burton patted the other party’s thick shoulders. “Soon, it will be time to use your true strength...”. “...”. Right... ... Let me introduce you “...”Burton pointed to a blue thunder warrior behind him and said, “This is Rennes, one of my most trusted subordinates!”

“Oh?”Hearing that, Sam looked at the Thunder warrior behind him. “You’re Rennes? Big Brother often talks about you...” josei

“Greetings, my Lord!”Rennes quickly went forward and bowed, his attitude was very respectful.

“HMM... you’ve trained your skeleton well, and your bloodline is very pure. Not bad, not bad...”Sam pinched Rennes’shoulder and smiled.

“Milord, you flatter me...”Rennes replied humbly, but there was a hint of joy in his heart.

From his tone, the liege often mentioned him in front of his younger brother. It seemed like he really valued him!

Ryan was excited, but at the same time, he felt a bit of pressure. He couldn’t help but think to himself, ‘it seems that my family has to speed up the process of integrating my family into the Lord’s influence. I don’t know why that Old Man...’ ‘He just won’t let go. I really don’t know what he’s thinking. Is it really good to be a great lord of such a level?’?

“Oh right, speaking of which, there are a few juniors in the Ryan family who have just entered this academy. Have you seen them?”

“Those thunder-blooded kids, right?”Sam grinned and said, “I’ve seen them all. Their foundations are pretty good. The fact that the Aldia family has a good reputation all these years makes sense. I’ll train them well.”

“Then I’ll have to trouble you, my Lord!”Raine immediately showed gratitude.

“Big Brother, are you here to recruit people?”Sam looked at Bolton and asked.

“HMM... we just discovered an overlapping planet. There are four competitors inside, including wine god. Each of them has put in a lot of combat power. It’s a rare training ground, and it can train a batch of new people...”

“Overlapping planets? Something to do with the Abyss?”


“I see...”Sam nodded, and without further ado, said, “Well, brother, let’s go inside...”

———- —

“Wow, this school... it’s really... B-box...”one of the developers couldn’t help but exclaim.

Base in the Huaxia City architectural style originally in their thought is already heaven-like style, but compared with here, but suddenly dropped a lot of grade.

It can only be said that knowledge limits their imagination. This top academy, which has been established for an unknown number of eras, invites top-notch designers every time it is updated, in terms of architectural style, it was naturally not comparable to the public building templates of the seer force.

“Boss, can we come here to study?”Someone asked with an expectant look.

Seer had not answered yet, beside him, derrens quickly added, “Of course. Although our school attaches the most importance to the martial arts, it is also first-class in the Arcana and conventional sciences. Especially in recent years, the school has spent a lot of money to find many top instructors in the field of machinery, including the former head of the Machinery Department of Lannister College, Lord Konistan. Moreover, he has just arrived, and he needs to focus on training a group of students to prove the teaching ability of his team!”

As he spoke, the burly man glanced at the group of developers. The hint was obvious.

“Lanslingster Academy?”Seer’s eyes lit up, and a hint of interest flashed across his eyes.

Seeing that the other party was interested, Durance was excited as well. He quickly began to introduce the members of the other party’s team, appearing very enthusiastic!

There was naturally a reason why he was so enthusiastic. Along the way, he had been carefully observing these ten or so juniors. These juniors would often use their mental energy to observe the situation around them. Their control was exquisite.., it was even more impressive than the few starlight elves that the academy had attracted with a high scholarship.

One had to know that those starlight elves were all born into the royal family. Although they were not direct descendants, their pure bloodlines were far from what commoners could compare with. However, in terms of spiritual energy control, they were far from being as exquisite and proficient as these few children.

Moreover, the most important thing was that these few children were only level four, and they already had such control at level four. What did this mean?

They were extremely talented, and their families were well-educated. Unless they were from a top-tier family, they would definitely not be able to nurture such a talent. If they were to meet such a good talent, they could not let the school miss it.

He had already secretly sent a long-distance message to the instructor of the Mechanical Department!

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