I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 894

Chapter 894


894 Chapter 932: interview for the children of Eldia (Part One)

Most schools would have a very long time for the double selection. A good school would need at least three months because in the federation, a first-rate school would be open to the entire universe federation!

There was a huge number of graduates. There were also a huge number of deity overlords and various official organizations that had been born in countless eras. Every time, the school would receive over ten million deity overlords. The school’s space was limited. In order to respect the deity overlords.., the school normally would not use the folded space, so they had to receive them in batches.

Therefore, regardless of whether it was the students choosing a faction or a faction choosing a student, they all had a relatively ample amount of time, especially for the first batch of Lords who came.

Under such circumstances, those who could be invited for an interview on the second day were considered relatively outstanding talents. This was because on the first day, many students had not had the time to send in their resumes. Those who had the ability to choose could actually be slowly selected, unless they were very eye-catching, they would not be too quick to make a decision during the interview.

At this moment, TIA and Emma stood in the middle of the interview crowd. They were slightly embarrassed... ...

Tia and Emma were considered very ordinary students in the academy. They were not even considered to be above average. After all, this was one of the top martial arts schools in the entire Eastern Star region, without top-notch talent and a large amount of family resources, it would be very difficult for them to stand out here.

And the people around them were all influential figures in the campus. Occasionally, they would see a few big shots who had been in the limelight during the interstellar training. Not to mention other things, just in terms of level, most of these top students were level eight lifeforms, some of them were even at the threshold of level nine.

After graduating, they were already level nine. In many factions, the high-ranking military officers were only at this level. It could be seen how terrifying the talent of the top students in the university was... ...

Sandwiched in the middle of such a group of people, the two girls who were paddling felt uncomfortable all over. They consciously tried their best to move to a corner to avoid attracting attention... ...

However, sometimes, the more you did not want something, the more likely it was to happen...

“Yo... isn’t this Ardia’s genius sisters?”An extremely sarcastic voice sounded. “This is the interview hall. Are you sure you didn’t go to the wrong place?”

Tia’s face immediately darkened. She knew who it was before she even turned around.

This person was called Cool Lulu. She was from the Qiboya family and also belonged to the big family of the Thunderbolt clan. It was said that she had some blood ties with her family’s ancestors. It seemed that they had some conflict and split up, for countless years, the younger generation of the two families had been at loggerheads with each other.

Over the years, the two TIA sisters had been targeted by the other party many times. However, there was nothing they could do about it. After all, the other party was able to get along well... ...

Emma transmitted her voice in a low voice, “It’s that annoying fellow again. I wonder what’s the point of a direct descendant like her targeting outer court disciples like us?”

“Who else can she target as a direct descendant who cultivates in the auxiliary line?”Tia sneered.

The current generation of direct descendants of the Qiboya family was flourishing. The wife of this generation’s patriarch had given birth to five sons and two daughters. As a result, even if she was a direct descendant, Cool Lulu wasn’t able to get too many good resources. Moreover, her aptitude wasn’t considered top-notch, in the end, she walked on the path of support.

“I’m talking about the two of you... What are you mumbling about?”Ku Lulu slowly walked over, her tall figure was graceful. Every inch of her joints gave off a feeling of perfection. In addition, her body carried a charming aura. Many of the Warriors’disciples’eyes turned green from looking at her.

Tia and Emma were also slightly envious. It had to be said that a direct descendant was still a direct descendant. Even if they were squeezed out of resources, they still had many more things than those of the other branches. For example, the genes on her body.., it was obvious that they had bought it at a high price. Other than the pure-blooded thunder bloodline, it also carried the optimized genes of a high-level succubus. This was not a small advantage in shaping.

Therefore, there were both advantages and disadvantages to being in the federation. The federation was supported by all the races in the universe. It was rich in resources. The technology and public resources enjoyed by the federation were far from what ordinary natives could compare to. However, the class level was even harder to surpass, accumulation often required dozens of generations to have some achievements. The bigger the civilization, the deeper the gap between the classes.

“What has it got to do with you?”Emma was an impatient person, so she retorted without flinching.

“Ha...”Cool Lulu smiled coldly. “I really suspect that you guys have not been invited to sneak in. It’s fine if you don’t know the rules normally, but to come here at this time, are you trying to make the Lords of the outside world look down on our academy?”

“How can we be looked down on?”Emma could not help but say, “We were invited, we did not sneak in!”

“Emma!”Tia hurriedly stopped her.

“Oh?”Cool Lulu refused to let it go. “I really don’t believe it. Which Lord is so blind to think highly of you on the first day?”

“You!”Emma glared at her. Before she could retort, a deep voice sounded. “You’d better shut your damn mouth, or you won’t be able to shut it later!”

Emma turned around and saw that the voice belonged to a tall thunder warrior. It was one of her cousins who had been training in the Berserker Academy, bailence.

“Bailence, you still want to fight in this situation?”Cool Lulu sneered. “I really don’t believe it. Why Don’t you try to touch me?”

“Cousin bailence... Don’t...”Tia quickly stepped forward and grabbed bailence’s broad arm.

Bailence glared fiercely at the other party. However, under Tia’s pacification, he did not erupt in the end. He also knew that if he dared to make a move in this situation, the consequences would not be something he could afford.

Cool Lulu sneered. Just as she was about to continue mocking him, the voice of the intelligent machine suddenly came from the hall: “The deity overlords for the interview are about to arrive. All students, please show your interview invitations. We will scan them all together!”!

The three Ardia siblings looked at each other when they heard that. Under Cool Lulu’s watchful eyes, they braced themselves and showed seer’s interview invitation.

There really is? Cool Lulu was stunned. Forget about Bertrand. As a student of the Berserker Department, although his results were not considered top-notch, they were still not bad. Over the years, there had been many new battlefields opened up. There was already a huge demand for such students, furthermore, it was said that Rennes had used Bolton’s connections, and he would most likely recruit them internally.

However, it was not very scientific for the two TIA sisters to be valued on the first day.


After the AI scan released the information, Cool Lulu frowned. Why did this name sound so familiar?

“Lords, please enter the arena in an orderly manner. Next, we will announce the entry list...” josei

“Welcome to the Prussia Galaxy: Lord Durlang, Welcome to the Jeep Galaxy, Lord Decarlos, Welcome to the Yasha Galaxy, Lord Bolton...”

All of the introductions included the main galaxy where the deity Overlord was located. The students were all listening attentively. The more famous the Overlord was, the more well-known the main galaxy was. This was because the power of the Overlord had reached a certain level, they would eventually start to publicize it to the outside world.

Of course, there were also some small lords who had yet to develop to that stage. No one had heard of the publicly announced galaxy. No one knew its location, but others still had the right to name the galaxy.

“Welcome, Milky Way Overlord: Lord Xi Ye!”

Milky Way?

The surrounding people were stunned. This name was a little arrogant...

However, they didn’t seem to have any impression of it...

The group of top students looked over curiously and saw a lord wearing an exaggerated outfit and a mighty armor slowly enter the arena. Everyone was stunned.

This wasn’t a battle, was there a need for this outfit?

As for Cool Lulu, when she saw this outfit, she instantly remembered who this lord was. She couldn’t help but burst into laughter... . .

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