I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 920

Chapter 920


920 Chapter 959: Shameless Old Thief!

“Flaws?”Angor frowned.

“Everything in this world has two sides. It’s an unchanging rule...”. The principal smiled. “Traditional civilization is built on the foundation of inborn defects. Although the efficiency of creating shared platforms is very high, it also causes the people of traditional civilization to rely too much on platforms. Many advanced lifeforms of traditional mechanical civilization relied on artificial intelligence to calculate modules even though their spiritual power was improved through life science. As time went by, many knowledge reserves were more dependent on platforms. Without platforms, it would be difficult for them to achieve anything “... “...”

“On the contrary, advanced arcanists do not rely on platforms, because they are used to relying on their own calculations for the most basic things. Although the process of accumulation is very long, the upper limit of an individual’s ability is very strong, and the inheritance is not easy to break. As long as a senior Arcanist’s inheritance is complete, he or she represents his or her entire civilization.”


Angor did not know if this was true, but the man’s words were quite harsh.

If the man told Angor in private, Angor would definitely encourage the citizens to follow the traditional path. After all, it was a good thing for the ruler to emphasize the collective rather than the platform to weaken the role of the individual.

However, it was not the case for the individual. ... for the individual, heroism and individualism were what many people pursued.

“Then, headmaster, is our school focused on Arcana or tradition?”One of the citizens asked quickly.

Nie xiaoying, who was watching the show, rolled her eyes. Our School? Who said that these Germanic people were old-fashioned?

“All of them!”The principal said with a smile, “What I just said doesn’t mean that arcanists are better. On the contrary, for most of you, the traditional route is better.”

“Um... Why?”Everyone was surprised. josei

“Of course it’s because of the employment problem...”. The principal smiled and said, “Nowadays, civilizations pay attention to integration and learn from each other’s strengths. There are many combinations of arcana civilization and traditional civilization, but in the employment problem, the demand rate for traditional engineers is even higher. The products made by Arcanists are all high-quality products, and using the combination of refining arrays to operate them from the bottom is equivalent to personal handmade products. Take Mechas as an example. In actual combat, arcana mechas made by Arcanists can often defeat hundreds of mechas made by ordinary engineers of the same level, but the problem is that ordinary engineers can rely on the assembly line to build tens of thousands of mechas in the same time. Which one do you think ordinary civilizations need more?”


The principal said, “Under normal circumstances, when an ordinary engineer debuts, he or she will refine it according to the platform of the civilization, create higher-end industrial software and artificial intelligence, and distribute it to the lower-level engineers in the assembly line mode. The efficiency is more than ten thousand times that of an arcanist of the same level. When a civilization absorbs a population, the first thing they need to improve is productivity. This is why ordinary engineers are more useful to most lords, and that is why ordinary engineers are more employable.”

“Well...”everyone looked at each other. Nie xiaoying asked curiously, “Can we learn both sides?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. They thought to themselves, “Yeah. If we can learn both sides, can we solve the problem of employment and personal improvement?”?

The principal smiled. “Theoretically, yes, but it’s hard for people to do that. For arcanists, using an array is a habit. When you’re used to using software and Ai, you won’t want to use an array. It’s human nature to be lazy. Very few people can still use an array after using AI, but it’s not impossible, because most of the teachers in our school go in two directions...”. “...”

“Oh...”everyone nodded. Angor also felt relieved. If she could have both, she would not completely oppose the People’s pursuit of personal improvement... ... After all, she was not the kind of ruler who pursued imperialism...

“But first... “... “...”the principal smiled. “The threshold of Arcana is very high. Whether or not you’re suitable to be an alchemist requires a teacher’s careful judgment. So please take this seriously when the teachers come to teach you. The teachers will judge whether or not you’re suitable to be an alchemist based on your ability to learn... “...”

Everyone was filled with anticipation and nervousness. They were all waiting for the instructors to come over and teach them. They were all wondering if they were qualified to become the alchemists that the other party was talking about... ...

“Let me introduce...”. The principal pointed at Jimmy and said, “This is the head of our school’s Space Department, teacher Jimmy. The space department is one of the nine branches of our school’s transformation department. It is a very difficult subject. Space Warlocks have always been a relatively unpopular but very popular profession in the universe. Those who are interested can register with teacher Jimmy to learn the basic subjects ... ..

Jimmy’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that, but his face was extremely serious, he walked up to Jimmy and said coldly, “Space alchemy is the most difficult subject in the Arcana Transformation Department. If you want to take this path, you have to be careful and check if you have enough excellent learning ability. Otherwise, if you can’t keep up, you might be judged by me to only be able to take ordinary subjects, or even be persuaded to quit!”

Everyone had different expressions on their faces. Some were full of confidence and eager to try, while others were hesitant. Jimmy quickly memorized everyone’s expressions and locked onto those confident players. This was his first time...

He and the principal sneaked here first. They could not lure everyone into the space department, but that did not stop them from getting the better ones first.

Angor saw through Jimmy’s plan almost instantly. He frowned and looked at the principal. “Principal, the teachers from other departments are not here. Isn’t it a bad idea to let Jimmy do the promotion first?”

She did not want the best citizens to study the space department. It was obvious that it would not help her mainstream civilization much.

“No problem...”the principal seemed to see through Angor’s plan, “Space science is also an indispensable subject in the mechanical civilization. For example, the space transfer station between your cities is a product of space science. In the future, large space stations will need a lot of space engineers...”

“Don’t bully me, Principal,”Angor said. “I don’t know much about space science. It sounds like a less popular subject, right?”

However, the principal acted as if he did not hear Angor’s words, he turned around and smiled at the players. “By the way, I’m also a space sorcerer. If you have any outstanding students, you can come under my tutelage. I’ll teach them myself!”

Everyone had different expressions. Most of the players were excited, while Jimmy and Angor froze.

Angor: I see...

She finally understood why the principal only brought a space professor.

Jimmy: Shameless Bastard! ! !

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