I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 954

Chapter 954

954 Chapter 993: Arrival (Part Two)

“Lord Swein?”

The few remaining generals on the city walls were all shocked when they saw who had arrived!

Those who were promoted to generals were all high-ranking officials of the empire. They were either the trump cards of their families or new nobles who had started new families. Naturally, they would recognize the old man below the city walls.

Empire Ghost Fox: Marshal Swein!

A legendary figure whose reputation was not lower than Marshal Rox’s.

The old man was actually still alive?

The few of them looked at each other. An inexplicable feeling welled up in their hearts. Theoretically speaking, the mutation had already happened for more than a year. The families who had successfully escaped the mutation zone had long escaped, what kind of person was old man Sweyne, who had just come out of the mutation zone at this time?

The old general in the lead looked at the great mage in Red who had climbed up the city wall together with him. The mage nodded knowingly and raised a pitch-black maxim in his hand slightly, muttering to himself, then, a spark-like light gathered on the staff.

Although the flame was small, the light that was born was extremely bright. Almost instantly, it lit up the surrounding darkness as if it was daytime. In an instant, the darkness behind Swain was also lit up.

At this time, everyone saw clearly that behind Sweyne stood a group of soldiers in black armor. Each and every one of them had the same figure as an ordinary human, except that their faces were a little pale.

This made everyone suspicious again.

Could it be that in a corner that they did not know about, Marshal Sweyne had been leading a force to fight against the mutation?

“Luke, what do you think?”

A rude general behind him asked the old general in a muffled voice. If Isabelle were here, she would definitely recognize this person. It was General Sam, who she had a good relationship with!

“We can’t let him in...”Luke shook his head. “There’s something wrong with Swain and those people behind him. Although they don’t look like they’ve mutated, they look really scary...”

The generals beside him also nodded. Those soldiers stood behind Sweyne like statues, but they all gave them an inexplicable sense of terror.

“The city gate is closed. I’ll go down and talk...”said Luke.

“You can’t go!”Sam quickly shook his head. “You’re the best at fighting. Who will defend the city if you die? Let me do it. I’ve dealt with that old man Sweyne before, so I can still talk to him.”

“Sam...”Luke glanced at the Fat Man with a complicated look.

To be honest, these old noble knights actually looked down on new nobles like Sam, who had started out in the wild. They thought that they were rude and rude, like a small person who had gained power and become rich. They didn’t have any noble temperament at all.

But this year, he had come into contact with them and found that the wild knight he used to despise was actually a pretty good person. He took the lead in battle, fought bravely, and never complained about the gains and losses of resources and benefits, he was much easier to cooperate with than those noble knights who liked to be petty.

Just like at this moment, the other party’s first thought was that he was willing to take risks because of his importance as a commander. On the other hand, the few old friends around him who were shouting the spirit of chivalry had no intention of moving at all.

Sometimes, Luke even thought that a person like Sam actually fit the image of a knight, right?

“Be careful, Sam...”Luke gave a sincere knight’s salute to Sam.

He also understood the importance of his current position. As the only capable commander, if he died, it would be even more disadvantageous to the defense.

Sam grinned, but he did not return the salute because he had never been able to learn this formal Knight’s salute, he just hammered his own chest and said, “You’re not bad. Besides Isabelle, you’re the second person I’ve seen who can fight, but you’re still not as good as her...”

Looking at the other person, Luke smiled sincerely.

If possible, he hoped that he would have a chance to have a good drink with this honest man in the future.


Sam jumped down from the arcane city wall, which was more than twenty meters high, like a meat bomb, and smashed a deep pit on the ground with a bang, sam was carrying two huge hammers and laughing as he shouted to swain, “Old Man, long time no see. Do you remember me?”

Swain slowly raised his head and looked at Sam with a pair of green eyes that looked like opals. Sam, who was like a mountain of meat, was staring at him with goosebumps all over his body. He held the huge hammer in his hand vigilantly.

“Old Man, where have you been this year?”Sam continued to try to talk.

Swain still did not speak. Instead, he slowly pulled out the sword at his waist. In the darkness, the sword that was as thin as ice was slowly pulled out. It was extraordinarily beautiful, but this kind of weapon was more like an ornament than a sword that could be used in battle.

However, this seemingly harmless sword made Sam’s heart grow wary. His instincts told him that the sword... ... Was very dangerous!

Sam slowly took the giant hammer off his shoulder and parried it. Although the two of them were hundreds of meters apart, for a general, this distance would only take a few steps for him to pounce over.

However, the other party did not do so. Instead, he slowly raised his sword and made a chopping motion.

“What is he doing?”

The generals on the city gate were puzzled. It did not seem like he was going to use the sword to command the general. This was because the other party was clearly holding the sword with both hands. This was a standard chopping motion, although it looked a little stiff.

“Sam!”Ruda suddenly shouted. He had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Sam also narrowed his eyes. From the moment the other party raised his sword, he had a terrifying feeling that his hair stood on end. Although he was hundreds of meters away, he had the illusion that the other party could cut him.

Bang! !

In the next second, the other party moved. The standard slashing action was very similar to the basic movement of a Knight’s two-handed sword. The movement wasn’t fast, and it didn’t seem to have any lethality.

However, everyone felt that something extraordinary had happened.

“Sam?”Luke was the first to notice Sam’s stiff body. Facing Luke’s call, Sam did not move at all. It was obvious that Swain’s movement was not meaningless. josei

Luke was about to shout again, but in the next second, everyone saw Sam, who was like a mountain of meat, split into two and slowly fall to the ground!

“Sam! ! !”Luke immediately cried out in surprise.

The faces of the surrounding generals turned pale. Swain actually had the ability to kill a general with a sword from a few hundred steps away?

“Master Durin! !”

Just as everyone was still in shock, the cry of a soldier came from behind them.

Everyone quickly turned their heads back, and immediately discovered that the red-robed great mage behind them had also split into two, as if he had been sliced flat by something sharp.

“What’s going on?”

Luke turned around and stared at Swain. He was sure that Swain had not used his second sword strike just now, but why was even durin... ! Wait a minute!

Luke suddenly realized something, something that he did not want to believe. Durin was standing at the same angle as Sam standing at the city gate!


Could it be...

But How was this possible?

Durin was at the city gate, which was 20 meters high. Even if Swain had used sword energy or something like that, it would be at least 20 meters long if he wanted to value Durin’s sword energy as well?

Why didn’t the city wall react at all?

Wait... What was that?

Suddenly, Luke realized something terrifying. On the ground where Durin had fallen, there was clearly a flat cut line... ...

“Look behind you! !”

The general beside him suddenly pointed to the back. Luke followed the general’s exclamation and saw... In the city, the iconic building representing Blue Dragon City, the Blue Dragon Tower, which was as tall as the city gate, was opening up to both sides. ...

It looked as if the entire tower had been cut open.

Luke’s face instantly turned extremely pale. He followed the cut line and saw that it was the same... ...

Such a ridiculous thing actually existed in this world...


Luke trembled as he slowly turned his head to look at Swain. At this moment, he discovered that Swain had already slowly straightened his body. He pointed the sword in his hand forward, and the sculpture-like army behind him began to march forward in unison!

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

The sound of the orderly footsteps of the soldiers was like the beating of a drum, causing one’s heart to tremble. As the strange soldier advanced, at the dividing line, the entire city wall began to split open on both sides!

It was only then that Luke was truly certain that the enemy’s sword had severed the entire city! !

“Sir... sir... What should we do?”The generals behind him were all dumbfounded.

“What should we do?”Luke smiled bitterly. Facing such power, how would he know what to do?

He only knew that the end of the world... ... This time... . It’s really coming!

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